Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Ramayan Week & Sri Ram Navami 2017

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Sri Rama Navami Message by Sri Swami Sivananda 

Blessed Immortal Self,

It gives me great pleasure to send you this short message on the celebration of the Ramanavami day.

Deep and unfathomable like the ocean, firm and steadfast like the Himalayas, valiant like Vishnu, he was the joy of Kaushalya. Though fierce like fire on the battle-field, he was calm like the cool breeze of the Mandara Hills, patient- like Mother Earth, bounteous like Kubera the God of Wealth, and righteous like Dharma, the Lord of Justice himself. In pain or grief of his people, his heart swiftly sympathised with the sufferer. In the festive scenes which held them in joy, he, like a father shared their joy. By his honour and heroism, as well as by his gentleness and love for his subjects, he endeared himself to the heart of his people.

Think of Lord Rama, and your entire being is pervaded by a thrill of joy and peace—the joy and peace that belongs to Rama Rajya. Forget not that Lord Rama who took the human form out of mere play and in order to place before man an ideal of human perfection, was in reality the Supreme Brahman Himself.

Whatever be your attitude towards the Lord, if you think of Him and Him alone intensely, Moksha is certain. Narada states this fact very clearly in his Bhakti Sutras. Even Vaira-Bhakti, where intense hatred for the Lord is produced, leads one to His lotus-feet. In this kind of Bhakti, the mind is pervaded by the thought of the Lord so fully that the one who hates the Lord sees Him alone everywhere. What then to say of those who have intense loving devotion to His feet! No doubt about it; it leads one to eternal bliss and supreme peace.

Establish the Rama Rajya in yourself; when each individual thus converts himself into a walking, talking and moving Ram Rajya, then the entire world will be converted into one huge Rama Rajya.

The essentials of Rama Rajya have been wonderfully laid before you in the Ramayana. Truth, purity, an indomitable will to conquer evil, an unshakable faith in and adherence to Dharma, obedience, forbearance, sympathy and love—these constitute Lord Rama. With the birth of these in you, be sure that Lord Rama has enthroned Himself in your heart. Ramayana is replete with lessons which every aspirant should learn and assimilate.

Who can gauge even by thought Bharata's devotion to the Lord's lotus-feet and Lakshmana's vigilant service? Hanuman and Lakshmana should be your ideals of service. Utter selflessness and total dedication to the Lord and thenceforward carrying out His will as an instrument in His hands—that is the secret of success through work. Body, mind and soul, are all laid at His feet; friends, family, nay, the entire world dwindles into an airy nothing before Him. It is then that you enjoy supreme felicity. You become an Aptakama; you have obtained whatever there is to be obtained. No more are you assailed by wants and desires. Fear, cowardice and other evils which have their root in greed disappear. You can work wonders.

Every woman should get before herself the ideal of Sita to perfection. Pativrata Dharma is the only Dharma for a woman. She need not perform austerities or observe other Vratas. She need not practise Yoga or engage herself in worship of the Lord. If a woman sticks to this one Pativrata Dharma she gets Mukti easily. Her might then becomes unchallengeable. Even gods will bow to her, and the elements will obey her commands. O fashionable woman, O immodest lady, turn away from the path which leads to ruin; follow Sita's example. You will be ever remembered, even as Sita is.

Rama Rajya was based on truth. Dharma was its foundation. Shastras were the guiding principles. Rishis, Yogis, Munis and Brahma Jnanis were the guiding lights. The Vedas were always respected and followed. Therefore, Rama Rajya endured and prospered. And, it is even now spoken of as the most perfect form of government. Here is a lesson for all the rulers of the world. If you base your government on true religion, on Dharma and on eternal verities, the government will be an ideal one, and all your subjects will enjoy peace and prosperity; if you build it on shifting sands of materialism, then the structure will collapse, destroying the inhabitants. Learn a good lesson from the Ramayana. Abandon the path that your perverted intellect impels you to tread. May the blessings of Lord Rama be upon you all!

Last modified on Friday, 24 March 2017 08:26
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