Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Published in Spiritual
Read 6705 times
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Tribute from Mrs Christine Pillay:

"Greetings, Swamiji!"

"I am humbled to be writing to such an awesome person as yourself. I am a Christian since birth and so is my family. When my brother recently spoke of the Ghat and explained its amazing wonder, I never fully understood its beauty and serenity until I visited it and had a life-changing experience."

"I am certain every person who has the gift of visiting the Ghat will appreciate and bless you for having the foresight to give the departed the highest form of respect and dignity after all the turmoil and sadness that we so often face in life. I was blessed not only to have had my son with me, but my family sharing this wonderful experience. The peace and tranquillity we encountered when entering the Ghat left us feeling so serene and humble, and left each one of us in perfect peace."

"You, Swamiji, are an extraordinary being, and may God richly bless you and keep you strong to continue all your wondrous deeds. I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, nevertheless I am a better person for having heard and seen your great dedication to mankind."


Recent Tributes

"A divine place to face all trials and troubles with courage and calmness."

"A beautiful way to leave the world. God bless you."

"Very peaceful and pleasant place. Well maintained. Good communication between devotees in charge and the public. It feels like 'heaven'."

"Absolutely brilliant. Shining example of what humanity can achieve and of the potential we possess."

"Inspiring and informative for all seekers of God."

"This is a divine magnet that pulls me closer and closer to the merciful divine lotus feet of Pujya Swamiji Maharaj. Thank you all."

"This place is heaven, Swamiji. You have always given me faith and courage in all that I do and I want to thank you for everything."

"I am a Christian and I believe in my Saviour, Jesus Christ and I respect every religion. This is an excellent set-up. We should have more "set-up" like this."

"Seeing this beautiful ending to one life has assured me that death takes us all to a beautiful place."

"A calm and inspirational place that gives one a soothing sensation in the mind and soul at this trying time. Thanks for making this possible."

"At the Lotus Feet of God Almighty—this vibration is an experience."

“I think that this place is amazing. Only God can do this. I think that this spiritual need is God Himself."

"There is a lot of cheer and light surrounding this place."

"Brings peace of mind and soothes away pain and grief."

Last modified on Monday, 15 June 2015 16:34
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Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Gurudev Centenary 2025

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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