Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: Pujya Swami Sahajananda's 17th Mahasamadhi Anniversary (Sanskrit Calendar)

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The 17th Mahasamadhi Anniversary (as per the Sanskrit Calendar) of Pujya Swami Sahajananda, was held on Monday, 2 December 2024 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. Ganga Arati commenced at 5.30pm followed by Satsang. The Satsang programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s audio message and readings of two letters from Sri Swami Sivananda to Pujya Swami Sahajananda.  

The esteem that Sri Swami Sivananda held Pujya Swamiji in, is evident in the letters read at the Satsang. Excerpts from the two letters are reproduced below. The following are excerpts from the letter dated 13th August 1956: 
“I am reproducing a few lines from a letter received from Sri Albrecht Lewald of Pretoria:

‘The last few weeks were impressive with Sri Srinivasan’s presence and delivering his unique experiences from India. Sitting and listening to his stories of our spiritual abode and its ‘princeps maximus’ has given us a tremendous zeal. Our young Saint has been so kind in letting me question him on many points, especially meditation and Guru’s importance for the aspirant….Our Pretoria Group was present at the opening of the Hillbrow Branch. Swami Srinivasan spoke with convincing dignity and sincerity. Am admiring and loving my young Gurubhai who strikes me as the saintliest person I have ever met in my life’.

“This is not the first letter. All the letters I get from South Africa, Mombasa, Nairobi, contain pages on your glory and the great impression you have created among the devotees. It is all due to the Grace of the Lord and the purity you have attained through Para Bhakti. When you advance in Sadhana, there is a marvellous, mysterious POWER coming from every bit of your action and word. May you gloriously prosper.

“Kindly help the Johannesburg Branch. Sri Gita Obel and Sri Lorna Retief need your support and help and encouragement. You may send them the surplus books if you have from your stock for the Library. Take great care of your health. Be in close touch with your Divine Father, Sri S.R. Padayachie. May God bless you all.

With Prem and OM,
Thy Own Self,

Be bold and cheerful always!”

In the letter dated 27th August 1958, the Master wrote:
“In this formidable ocean of Samsara you have only one boat to voyage to the other shore of Immortality, the Company of Sages.

Strengthen your resolves. Regularity, tenacity and fixity in Sadhana are essential. Record Sadhana in a Spiritual Diary daily. Renew it every moment and correct your failures.

This ego is your terrible enemy. It wages guerrilla warfare with you. Beware. Beware.

Take delight in the joys of other people, in making them happy.

Intense and concentrated effort is demanded in the self-discipline towards righteousness, and Self-realisation.

Take care of your health, Sahaja. Have abundant rest. Do not overwork. You are an asset for D.L.S. South Africa and the whole world”.

Pujya Swamiji’s audio message was deeply relevant to ardent devotees and to serious aspirants. He urged us to practise Sadhana in earnest. He said, “So you too can utilise every minute in the bus, while you are driving the car, a pause in the work, you repeat the Mantra. Every time you repeat it, an impression is formed in the mind”. Gradually the Mantra will begin repeating itself in one’s mind, indicative that spiritual progress is taking place. Pujya Swamiji emphasised the importance of correct posture in Sadhana. “Initially, pain will be magnified. However, one should try and fix the mind on God, so as to quell the mind. Gradually the body, its aches and pains will be forgotten, that is, a move from the gross to the mental”. Pujya Swamiji was emphatic that repetition of God’s Name is of paramount importance. He said, “No one can stop you from repeating God’s Name”. 

Although no longer in their physical presence, Sri Gurudev’s and Pujya Swamiji’s omnipresence and omnipotence guide the work of the Society and all devotees. 

We pray that our Divine Master’s, Sri Swami Sivananda’s and Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s Grace, guidance and protection are forever upon us, for our spiritual growth and development.


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