Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: 75th Anniversary Satsang (11 November 2024)

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Our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, sent three letters to Sri V Srinivasan (later Sri Swami Sahajananda) to start a branch of Divine Life Society in this country. These were sent on 18 October 1949, 11 November 1949 and 5 June 1951. Therefore, one of the 75th Anniversaries of Divine Life Society of South Africa was celebrated on Monday, 11 November 2024 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. The programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, an extract from a DVD entitled Wisdom of Sivananda, an audio message by Pujya Swami Sahajananda, Spiritual Head of the Society, and the reading of two letters relevant to the occasion, sent by Sri Swami Sivananda to Pujya Swamiji (Pujya Swami Sahajananda). 

The Divine Master’s letters containing direct instructions to Pujya Swami Sahajananda were meticulously preserved by Pujya Swamiji. These letters have now, post Pujya Swamiji’s Mahasamadhi in December 2007, been published by the Society in a series entitled Priceless Jewels. Excerpts of the two letters read at the Satsang, are reproduced below. The first reading bears Sri Gurudev’s instruction to Pujya Swamiji to open a branch of Divine Life Society in South Africa.


“11th November, 1949

Sri V. Srinivasan



Beloved Atman.


    Salutations and adorations. Om Namo Narayana.

    Thy kind letter of 13 October.

    Lust and pride are the root of all human ills. They are the enemies of peace and are the parents of all the host of evils. Get up in the morning and meditate on the havoc that these bring about in man’s life. These two alone cause man’s subjections to the wheel of            Samsara.

    If you bring yourself up to feeling that they drain out your vitality – physical and mental – and that for your own good, you should eradicate them, then conquest of these two foes will be an easy affair. Resort to His Lotus Feet. He will help you. 

    May God help you!


Thy Own Self,



Kindly open the branch of Divine Life Society at once.

Do some silent work.



Excerpts of the letter dated 21 September 1955 appear below:


“Kindly take great care of all the workers of the Durban Centre. They are all Dynamic Yogis, who have lost their body-consciousness. I wish all glory, Divine Wisdom, Good health and long life to all of them. One day I will be able to meet them all….

Your visit to Ananda Kutir in January 1st week is the happiest news to me and all the inmates of the Ashram. Cordial greetings. You have selected the finest period - winter - very pleasant for silent Sadhana. This will be a wonderful period in your life - all Bliss and Inspiration….

Yes, when you return to South Africa, you may take Swami Chidanandaji. I will give you some Movie films of the Ashram activities and songs and messages to the people of Africa through recording Tapes. That will be a great help to you for future work”.

Pujya Swami Sahajananda, in his audio message on the centenary birthday celebrations of Sri Swami Sivananda, paid glowing tributes to the Master’s compassion, benevolence and all-pervading presence in all aspects of the Society’s operations. Addressing the Master in the first person, Pujya Swamiji alluded to the Master’s complete control of Pujya Swamiji’s life, work and spiritual journey. He said that he had no intention to begin an Ashram, handle money and be a Spiritual Head. However, the Master willed otherwise, as is evident in his profound words to Pujya Swamiji, “Don’t reject and don’t long for anything”, and that if you take care of his Mission, then he will take care of you. Referring to the Master’s all-pervading nature, Pujya Swamiji said, “who can resist your will, none can! created the Ashram….all praise and all blame should go to him”. In respect of starting an Ashram, Pujya Swamiji said that Sri Gurudev realised God and then began an Ashram. However, in Pujya Swamiji’s case, the Master willed that Pujya Swamiji begins an Ashram and then aspire for God-realisation. The talk was pregnant with Pujya Swamiji’s unconditional loyalty to the master, as his spiritual aspirations were willed by Gurudev. 

Sri Swami Sivananda’s message on the glory of Karma Yoga, played on the DVD entitled, Wisdom of Sivananda Volume 2, brought forth the profound message of unconditional service in the form of Karma Yoga. This message was apt, for Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s entire life was devoted to Karma Yoga, as encapsulated in the Master’s cryptic instruction to him, “Learn to type and to make tea”. One of the cornerstones and hallmarks of Divine Life Society of South Africa during its existence over the 75 years, is unconditional service, irrespective of religion – one of Sri Swami Sivananda’s cardinal doctrines.

Divine Life Society of South Africa celebrated its 75th Anniversary in 2024. What do the next 75 years bode for the Society? If we follow the instructions and guidance of Pujya Swamiji, the Society is sure to rise to greater heights. The tenacity, resilience, unconditional Guru Bhakti of Pujya Swami Sahajananda, his leonine and iron courage, his grit, steadfast will, and his sheer passion and determination to spread the Master’s teachings in South Africa and beyond, will see the Society on its continued trajectory – to serve, love, give, purify, meditate and realise. 


As the 75th year draws to a close, may we all resolve to continue Pujya Swamiji’s legacies in South Africa and beyond, with the teachings of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda as the compass.

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Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

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Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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