Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: Pujya Swami Sahajananda's 61st Sannyas Anniversary

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“A real Sannyasin is the only mighty potentate on this earth. He never takes anything, always giving. It was Sannyasins only who did glorious, sublime work in the past. It is Sannyasins only who can work wonders in the present and in the future also. One real Sannyasin can change the destiny of the whole world!” These are the profound words of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, extracted from an article in the book, Bliss Divine on the auspicious occasion of Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s 61st Sannyas Anniversary. The event was celebrated on Monday, 10 April 2017 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. 

Once again, it was pleasing to see a large turnout in Reservoir Hills at 6am, paying homage to Pujya Swamiji.  Ganga Arati, a short invocation, chanting and circumambulation at Sahaja Kutir where Pujya Swamiji meditated for many years, Darshan in Pujya Swamiji’s room and visit to Sahajananda Diamond Jubilee Centre, were part of the morning programme.  

The programme in the evening commenced at 5.30pm with Ganga Arati. In welcoming devotees, our Programme Director aptly stated, “..had it not been for this event (Sannyas initiation on 10 April, 1956), none of us would have been here.”

In the same reading, our Master continued, giving us a recipe to enjoy unbroken peace of mind, “True renunciation is the renunciation of all passions, desires and egoism. If you have a stainless mind, a mind free from attachment, egoism and passion, you are a Sannyasin−no matter whether you live in a forest or in the bustle of a city, whether you wear white cloth or an orange-coloured robe, whether you shave your head or keep a long tuft of hair.”  Pujya Swami Sahajananda was that ideal disciple and Sannyasin, who obeyed the Master to the letter, engaging in arduous spiritual practices for many than 40 years, culminating in the stupendous experience of unbroken peace of mind on 1 March, 2007. 

In Pujya Swamiji’s audio message, Pujya Swamiji revealed that our Master enjoyed the grand vision where he saw God in all forms, animate and inanimate, exhorting us to strive for this ideal. Pujya Swamiji continued, “If we could see God then we won’t leave a place and run away from one place to the other. There will be harmony in the house, between husband and wife and there will be harmony in the Ashrams also. However much we pray, however much we do Sadhana, but, if we still have a little hatred in our hearts, a little ill-feeling, animosity for someone, it clearly indicates that there is something wrong with our Sadhana. If we take the person that we like the least, that is the amount of love that we really have for God.” Such thought-provoking words!

Pujya Swamiji concluded, “Let us not have any bitterness. You must outgrow and strengthen your nerves. I’ve learnt one thing from running this Ashram for so many years, that the only person I can change in this world is myself, at least I have some control over myself.” 

In celebrating this auspicious occasion, we pray for our Divine Master’s and Pujya Swamiji’s Grace to help us all to try to live in the spirit of their divine, sublime and powerful messages. 

Last modified on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 12:32
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