Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

News & Reports

News & Reports (329)

  1. "How can I avoid being outraged by men?"
  2. "Why is suicide not an option?"
  3. "How to cope with stress while preparing for the Grade 12 examination?"
  4. "What is the importance of forgiveness in our lives?"

These are a few searching questions raised by learners from the schools in Ladysmith at a special follow-up workshop held on Friday, 9 March at the Agra Crescent Hall. Eighty-one learners from the following schools participated in a workshop to help them overcome drug addiction and other social ills: Ladysmith Secondary, Windsor Secondary and Acaciavale Primary. Our presenters, who are volunteers, are drawn from the medical, social science, academic and business spheres with vast experience. They answered these questions with great sympathy and understanding. Due to time constraints we were not able to answer all the questions.

"In 2018, the world's most religiously and culturally diverse interfaith event will be meeting in the world's most diverse city! More than 10,000 people of faith and conscience will come together in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the 7th convening of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Together, they will bring the wisdom of more than 80 nations and 200 unique spiritual traditions to share, learn, network, and celebrate. They will explore what "The Promise of Inclusion" and "The Power of Love" means in the pursuit of a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world. The 2018 Parliament will build upon our legacy of initiating dialogue and facilitating positive relationships among people of vast spiritual, ethnic, and national identities, providing a framework for expressing many visions of a just, peaceful and sustainable future. We meet at a time of promise for the world's people to be motivated to tackle the most pressing dangers of our times together. In this moment, the powers of the world are bringing civic and religious spheres into one to make a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world. This is our reason for meeting. Our future generations and planet need us now." (Parliament of the World's Religions 70 E. Lake St., Ste. 205, Chicago)

This auspicious event on the calendar of Divine Life Society of S.A. commemorates the day when a unusual spiritual power descended into Pujya Swami Sahajananda on 1 March 2007. Regarding the significance of this auspicious day we read the following excepts at our Satsang:

"In November 2007, Pujya Swamiji made the following utterance: "Since the 1 March I am enjoying 24 hours unbroken peace of mind. Previously there used to be a sharp pain inside, but now there is nothing."

Mahasivaratri which means "the great Night of Siva" was observed at all Ashrams and branches of Divine Life Society of S.A on Tuesday 13 February 2018. It was pleasing to see that devotees gathered in large numbers to fervently worship Lord Siva.

Drug addiction is destroying the lives of thousands of individuals in this country and it is for this reason, out of deep concern for the lives of these victims, that Sri Swami Sahajananda designed the Sunlit Path Programme in 2006 to assist them to overcome this disease. In striving to offer this valuable service, especially to children and youth, Swami Sahajananda laid great emphasis on aspiration for the Divine and for the enjoyment of inner peace. This inner peace programme incorporates prayer and introspection as key elements in the programme. To date, Divine Life Society of S.A. has reached almost 70 schools in KZN, in an effort to prevent this scourge from spreading and to rehabilitate afflicted learners.


Divine Life Society of S. A. will be supporting the drought relief programme in the Cape Province, through the following initiatives:

  1. An initial donation of R50 000 towards purchase and distribution of 25 000 litres of bottled water through a legitimate distribution organisation in the Cape. Devotees who wish to make cash donations towards this project, may do so through our fundraisers or at the Ashram office.
  2. Daily, morning and evening Agnihotra, and/or chanting between 5 and 7am daily.
  3. A special programme at the February Yoga Camp Satsang, on the theme, "Water for Life", to create awareness of the value of water and the conservation of water.

Mahasivaratri 2018


(Taken from Lord Siva and His Worship (Page 239) by Sri Swami Sivananda)

'Sivaratri' means 'night of Lord Siva'. The important features of this religiousfunction are rigid fasting for twenty-four hours and sleepless vigil during the night. Every true devotee of Lord Siva spends the night of Sivaratri in deep meditation, keepsvigil and observes fast. The worship of Lord Siva consists in offering flowers, Bilva leaves and other gifts on the Linga which is a symbol of Lord Siva, and bathing it withmilk, honey, butter, ghee, rose- water, etc.

Make a Beginning- Start from Today
Sri Swami Sivananda

All over the world the old year has just now passed out and a New Year has commenced. Through the agelong association of ideas time has come to have a peculiar efficacy for all beginnings, fresh endeavours, new resolves and turning over a new leaf. It is the most propitious time. Make full use of this psychological moment. Do not lose this opportunity.

To the Glory of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, we offer this Online Webshop at our Master's Lotus Feet, on this auspicious day of 8th December 2017. To visit our Online Webshop please click on the following link: 

Click here to access the Satsang video

Images taken at the function can be viewed below this report

It was indeed very pleasing to see that more than a thousand devotees, donors and well-wishers attended the 10th Mahasamadhi Anniversary of Pujya Swami Sahajananda on Sunday, 10 December 2017 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. The large turnout from various parts of KZN is a testimony of the deep and abiding loyalty of all devotees and the reverence of members of sister organisations. Even in Pujya Swamiji's physical absence, devotees did not waver in their Guru Bhakti for the Master and love for the mission. Firsttime visitors and representatives of various organisations had high praise for the sense of cleanliness, meticulous organisation, hospitality and the high standard of the "Children's Hour" in which cultural items were presented by the Stanger, Shallcross and Pietermaritzburg Branches and the Reservoir Hills Sunday School.

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Gurudev Centenary 2024

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

Forthcoming Functions


"Sure Ways for Success in Life and God Realisation"

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"Path of Divine Grace, Volume 2"

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"Path of Divine Grace, Volume 1"

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"Practice of Karma Yoga"

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