Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Since 2006, when Sri Swami Sahajananda initiated the Sunlit Path Programme, the Society has reached out to more than 70 schools in KwaZulu-Natal in an attempt to eradicate the scourge of drug addiction, and other social ills, using in the main, a spiritual solution.

On Thursday, 17 May 2018, the Society engaged the attention of 144 learners in a workshop on this same theme. The following secondary schools participated: Earlington, Westham, Phoenix, Northmead and Rydal Park. After completing a three-hour workshop, learners were given the opportunity to peruse and sign a pledge form, to try to take a stand against the scourge of these social ills. We are delighted to report that 112 learners voluntarily resolved to abstain from alcohol, smoking, gambling, drugs and intoxicants. They will also try to avoid viewing undesirable scenes on TV and other social media. Adopting a wholesome diet and a healthy lifestyle is a part of this resolve. Furthermore, they will try to maintain celibacy until marriage and avoid keeping evil company. Maintaining a positive attitude at all times, especially in difficult situations and to conduct daily prayer forms the last part of this pledge. A brave stand indeed! All the topics contained in the pledge form mentioned above were discussed in detail at this workshop. This was the primary purpose of the workshop.

The annual, special All Souls' Day Satsang was successfully held at the Sivananda Ghat in Clare Estate on Tuesday, 1 May, 2018 attracting about 600 devotees of which 350 participated in the Havan.

Our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda stated, "Departed souls remain in a state of unconsciousness or swoon immediately after death. They cannot feel that they are detached from their previous gross material bodies. Prayers, Kirtan and good thoughts from relatives and friends can give real solace to the departed souls. They create a potent vibration and awakening in their stupefied condition of mind and restore their consciousness that has been veiled. They then begin to realise that they are not really in their gross material bodies.

Pujya Swami Sahajananda's 62nd Sannyas Anniversary was observed on Tuesday, 10 April at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. Devotees assembled at 6am to pay homage to one of the greatest sons of South Africa.

We are pleased to report that the Hindu Dharma Campaign in Tongaat on 15 April was well received. The event which took place at the Trubel Primary School in Tongaat, commenced at 6am and concluded at 1pm. The following organisations participated: Sathya Sai Organisation of SA; Vedanta Gurukula; Maidstone Youth; Art of Living; Tongaat Hindu Unity Forum; Shree Bhagavada Vedanta Gurukula; Belvedere Sai Centre; Vishwaroop Dharmshala; Chinna Thirupathi Temple and Satya Seva Sancarana. Divine Life Society of S.A. was delighted to share this platform with our sister organisations. Their keen participation is indicative of their deep and abiding love for Hindu Dharma, and the preservation thereof.

Divine Life Society of S.A. celebrated the auspicious event of Ram Naumi on Sunday, 25 March. Our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda wrote, "Sri Rama was the best of men. He had a sterling character. He was the very image of love, He led the ideal life of a householder to teach the tenets of righteousness to humanity. None but the righteous can be truly happy".

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Gurudev Centenary 2024

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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