Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: Verulam Branch - 70th Anniversary Satsang of Divine Life Society of SA.

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At a well-attended function, the fourth in the series of the Platinum Celebrations of Divine Life Society of South Africa was hosted by our Verulam Branch on Sunday, 30 June at the Kraydeb Conference Centre in Everest Heights, Verulam.

As this event was hosted by our Verulam Branch, the Board of Management, in a special message addressed the residents of Verulam and all present as follows: "Our saints and scriptures tell us that it is a rare privilege to attend Satsang. We invite all residents of Verulam and surrounding areas to make the most of our Ashrams and Branch facilities, and to invite as many as possible to attend our Satsangs and Ganga Aratis as often as possible. We urge all devotees to turn seriously to prayer in this Kali Yuga when calamities and disasters are so prevalent. In highlighting the power of prayer, Sri Swami Sivananda says, 'Prayer cleanses the dross and steadies the mind. It washes off the impurities of the heart with the pure waters of spiritual emotions, corrects the defects and shortcomings, and prepares the mind for the reception of Self-knowledge. In times of danger and calamity, mass prayer works wonders. Prayer for the departed souls bestows peace on them. Prayer is as real as the force of gravity. It can reach a realm where reason is too feeble to enter. It can work miracles. Its magnanimous efficacy is indescribable. Its potency can be hardly comprehended without actual experience'."

The message from our Divine Master on the "Glory of Hinduism" also reinforced the importance of Prayer. Herewith an excerpt from this message, "Chant the Divine Name in the temple, at home, at your workplace, while driving and at all times. O man, take refuge in the Divine Name. God and His Name are inseparable. Sing the Lord's Name incessantly. Remember the Name of the Lord with every incoming and outgoing breath. In this age, repetition of the Divine Name is the easiest, quickest, safest and surest way to reach God and attain immortality and perennial joy. Glory to the Lord! Glory to His Name! Glory to Hinduism!"

Once again, our Spiritual Darlings thrilled the hearts of listeners in their presentation on the inspiring sayings from Pujya Swami Sahajananda. These little ones will one day take up responsible positions in the Society to carry the mission of our Master into the next generation. It is therefore our foremost duty to groom them and give them the correct exposure to the best influences of the Society.

A well-written play written, produced and enacted by the ladies of the Verulam Branch portrayed the growth and development of the Society and the pivotal role played by Pujya Swamiji as Spiritual Head of the Society. The play was further enhanced by the use of a parallel power-point presentation. The impact that the books have on readers was also highlighted.

Just before he withdrew from his physical body in 2007, Pujya Swami Sahajananda emphasised the importance of performing the Agnihotra ceremony regularly. Heeding this advice, the Verulam Branch included this important item at the Satsang. A demonstration of Agnihotra, an explanation of the ingredients, and the benefits of Agnihotra was done. Agnihotra is a healing fire that has its roots in the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process whereby the atmosphere is purified through an especially prepared fire performed exactly at sunrise and sunset. For best results it should be performed daily, twice a day. But it should be performed at least once a day by all. Whenever there are problems at home, when there is discord and strife, do daily Agnihotra. This was Swamiji's advice to all. Thousands of people all over the world have experienced that Agnihotra reduces stress, leads to greater clarity of thought, improves overall health, gives one increased energy, and makes the mind full of love. Agnihotra also nourishes plant life. Dying trees at the Ashram at La Mercy were brought back to life after Agnihotra ash was offered to them.

As we reflect on the 70 years the Society's existence in the country, we are beholden to Pujya Swami Sahajananda for his unflagging faith in the Master. It is this faith that has sustained the Society, it is this faith that prompted our Divine Master to write to Pujya Swamiji, giving assurance about the work of the Society in South Africa:

God will look after the divine work,
Lord will look after everything.

Last modified on Monday, 08 July 2019 13:19
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