Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: Launch of 41 Day Sri Hanuman Chalisa Recital 2019

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The commencement of the 41-day chanting of the Sri Hanuman Chalisa, 11 times daily was on Tuesday, 30 July. The Sri Hanuman Chalisa is very powerful and very effective for the removal of all mental problems. It brings good health, success and prosperity. It cures diseases, counteracts evil forces and the effects of "black magic", which are so prevalent today. It was recommended to us by Pujya Mother Krishnabai of Anandashram, one of the greatest of living saints.

Pujya Swami Sahajananda provides the following guideline in the Divine Life Society of S.A. Prayer Book:

Those who wish to recite it for the purposes stated above, must follow these instructions for the performance of the 41-day Puja:

1. The Sri Hanuman Chalisa should be repeated 11 times regularly for 41 days, either in the morning or in the evening.
2. Have a bath and wear clean clothes.
3. Sit in any comfortable posture in front of a picture of Sri Hanuman.
4. Keep some fruit as Prasad in a little tray.
5. Keep 11 flowers in another small tray.
6. First commence repeating some Guru Mantras.
7. After the repetition of the Guru Mantras, commence the Sri Hanuman Chalisa from "Sri Guru Charana Sarojaraja..."
8. Complete the repetition till the end, until "Hridaya Basahu Sura Bhoop Sita Ram". This is one repetition.
9. On completion of the repetition once, offer one flower to Sri Hanuman.
10. Do the repetition 11 times at each sitting. Each time a repetition is completed, offer one flower. In this way offer all the 11 flowers.
11. After the completion 11 times at one sitting, repeat some Shanti Mantras, prostrate and get up.
12. The fruit can be distributed to all as Prasad.
13. While sitting in the posture, do not change it or look around. Keep the eyes closed and concentrate on the picture of Sri Hanuman, or concentrate on his picture with eyes open.
14. On completion of the Mantra 11 times for 41 days, perform Havan with the help of a qualified pundit, and do some Puja in a Hanuman temple with the guidance of a priest.
15. You can also do poor feeding or some charity on completion of the Yajna.
16. Women undergoing the monthly cleansing process can repeat the Mantra during the period but should not do any offering on the shrine.

Daily recitals of the Sri Hanuman Chalisa for 11 times will be done at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills and at the Sivananda International Cultural Centre, La Mercy from 5 to 6am. Devotees may join in at our Ashrams or recite the Sri Hanuman Chalisa at their homes. The final recital will take place on Sunday, 8 September, at SICC, coinciding with our Master's Birth Anniversary celebrations and the Sivananda Conference. Chanting will commence at 6am in the Main Prayer Hall, followed by Havan. Breakfast will be served thereafter. All devotees are welcome to join in the chanting.

Last modified on Friday, 02 August 2019 14:50
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