Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: 75th Anniversary Satsang

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Divine Life Society of South Africa celebrated its 75th Anniversary on Friday, 18 October 2024 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. Sri Swami Sivananda, founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India, sent three letters to Sri V Srinivasan (later Sri Swami Sahajananda) to establish a Branch in South Africa. The first letter was sent on 18 October 1949, the second on 11 November 1949, and the third on 5 June 1951Divine Life Society of South Africa thus celebrates its anniversary on 3 days. 

The Anniversary Satsang programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s audio message, a message from the Society and the reading of 2 letters by Sri Swami Sivananda to Pujya Swami Sahajananda. 


In the letter dated 17 October 1948, Sri Gurudev complimented Pujya Swamiji on a well-kept diary, and advised him to reduce his sleep gradually and get up at 4am daily. He said, “Observance of Mowna will give you abundant strength and energy. Fasting once a fortnight will keep you in good health, and there are many spiritual benefits also”. 


All the letters from Sri Gurudev to Pujya Swamiji were meticulously kept by Pujya Swamiji. These letters now appear in the Divine Life Society of South Africa series entitled Priceless Jewels. The letter below from Priceless Jewels, Vol 1, instructing Pujya Swamiji to open a Branch, was read at the Satsang.  


“18 October 1949

Sri Srinivasan



Beloved Immortal Self,


   Salutations and adorations. Thy kind letter of the 30th September.

   Thank you for the kind donation by the postal order.

   I am glad that you are regular in sadhan. Your pamphlet for free distribution (Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions) is very attractively printed. Print such pamphlets as often as circumstances permit and distribute them among aspirants hungering for God. It is the greatest service and will hasten your progress. I have sent you the Divine Life magazine for September and October. Hope you will be benefited by them. 

   May God bless you. 


Thy Own Self 




Kindly start a branch of Divine Life Society there. 

I recognise you as the Secretary.



In Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s audio message, he recounted the Master’s role in establishing the Society in South Africa. Referring to the Master’s instruction to open a Branch in South Africa, and addressing the Master in the first person, he said, “If it succeeds, it’s your doing; if it fails, it’s all your doing”, indicative of Pujya Swamiji’s total obedience to the will of the Master. This is again evinced in, “Whatever we see here today, it is all your creation”. Pujya Swamiji narrated how Sri Gurudev asked him to purchase printing machinery and an additional 3 acres of land in addition to the 2 acres initially acquired at the present Sivanandashram site in Reservoir Hills, Durban. Pujya Swamiji’s total obedience, reliance upon and submission to Sri Gurudev’s will are again evident in, “How fortunate that I was, that I obeyed you. I would have had a downfall, because when you run away, you don’t know how you are going to fare. So, you kept on listening to me.  All compassionate and merciful that you are, you listened and listened, and at the end you admonished me and said, ‘don’t be rebellious’. This is the first time you got cross and you said that God has put you in the situation that is good for you”.


The message from the Society traced the history of the Society and its impact on countless lives. Excerpts are reproduced below. 


“Our Divine Life Society is unique in spiritual history, because it was founded by a spiritual Master who forced his disciple – in this case Swami Sahajananda, to obey Him and carry out His commands. We are not tired of reiterating that the formation, growth and present status of Divine life Society of South Africa are due entirely to the grace of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. Since its inception in 1949, Divine Life Society of South Africa has been a beacon of hope and spiritual guidance to countless devotees and under-privileged in this country. Under the leadership of Pujya Swami Sahajananda, the Society has flourished from humble beginnings into a vibrant community dedicated to the principles of Hindu Dharma. The teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda - centered upon love, compassion, discipline, and selfless service, have inspired us to uplift humanity through various initiatives, embodying the Society’s 6 canons of:  Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate and Realise”.


In respect of the Society’s Centenary Celebrations, the message focused upon the Sivananda Conference in June 2024, our Master’s Birth Anniversary celebrations in September 2024, and celebrations around the country. The message further acknowledged the enormous work of Pujya Swami Sahajananda in promoting spirituality, Hinduism, poverty-alleviation, our Yoga Camps, Satsangs, and in establishing the Sivananda Ghat, amongst other sterling contributions. The outstanding work done by our pioneers, devotees, well-wishers and donors was also acknowledged.  The congregation was advised as follows, “As we celebrate this 75-year journey, let us remember that our work is far from complete. Each one of us carries the torch of service that Swami Sivananda ignited. We are called to continue this legacy with renewed vigour and dedication. We have all received the good fortune of being born as children of our Divine Master and members of this great organisation. He placed us here in this country for reasons unknown to us. In Gurudev’s words, ‘God knows what is best for each individual. He has placed you in conditions and environments that are suitable for your evolution. Do not revolt. Do not rebel. Overcome difficulties one by one, through surrender to the Lord. All will disappear through His Grace. The mind tempts and deceives through imagination. Beware! Be cautious!’”.


The foundations built by Pujya Swami Sahajananda 75 years ago, still stand strong. All devotees revere this great, spiritual son of South Africa, who has made indelible impressions upon us all, and has impacted on countless individuals.  How can we repay Sri Gurudev and Pujya Swamiji? The answer lies in the advice of the Master and Pujya Swamiji, urging us to increase our Sadhana. Further, the Master says, “All your efforts should be to further the cause, to find out ways and means of utilising the resources of the Ashram in the best possible manner so that the maximum good can be done to the world. You should identify yourself fully with the cause, then and then alone will you understand what Karma Yoga means.” 

We pray that all re-affirm their commitment and loyalty to Sri Gurudev and Pujya Swamiji and this glorious institution on this auspicious occasion of the Society’s 75th Anniversary. Let us all work together in the same harmonious and focused way to ensure that Divine Life Society of South Africa, which has the best facilities in the world for our spiritual growth, continues to be a sanctuary for spiritual seekers, and a force for good in the world.

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 October 2024 06:30
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