Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report" Sri Hanuman Jayanti 2022

Published in News & Reports
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Sri Hanuman Jayanti (the birthday of Sri Hanuman), was celebrated on Saturday, 16 April 2022, at DLS Ashrams and branches. Satsang was also conducted online. This auspicious day also saw the culmination of the 41-day recital of the Sri Hanuman Chalisa, 11 times daily which commenced on 7 March 2022. On 16 April, the Sri Hanuman Chalisa was recited 108 times at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills, commencing at 5am as well as at a few branches. Chanting of this sacred Mantra was also done online for 108 times.

Pujya Swami Sahajananda recommended that, on the completion of the 41-day recital, a Havan should be performed. Accordingly, the Society live-streamed the Havan ceremony at 3pm.

In the book, Hindu Fasts & Festivals, our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda states, "Hanuman was the living embodiment of the power of Ram-Nam. He was an ideal selfless worker, a true Karma Yogi who worked desirelessly. He was a great devotee and an exceptional Brahmachari or celibate. He served Sri Rama with pure love and devotion, without expecting any fruit in return. He lived only to serve Sri Rama. He was humble, brave and wise. He never boasted of his bravery and intelligence. He said to Ravana, 'I am a humble messenger of Sri Rama. I have come here to serve Sri Rama, to do His work. By the command of Sri Rama, I have come here. I am fearless by the Grace of Sri Rama. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it if it comes while serving Sri Rama.'

"See how humble Hanuman was! How deep was his devotion to Sri Rama! He never said, 'I am the brave Hanuman. I can do anything and everything.'

"Sri Rama asked him, 'O mighty hero, how did you cross the ocean?'
Hanuman humbly replied, 'By the power and glory of Thy Name, my Lord.'

Our Master states, "There are many who want wealth in return for their services. Some do not want wealth, but they cannot resist name & fame. Others do not want any of these, but they want approbation. Still others want nothing, but they boast of their deeds. That is why he is recognised as an ideal Karma Yogi and an unsurpassed adept in Bhakti. His life is full of object lessons. Everyone should try his best to follow the noble example of Sri Hanuman".

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