"All those who murder, rob, hijack, who resort to falsehood in business affairs, those who encourage theft by receiving stolen goods, boys and girls who break the vow of celibacy before marriage, those who break their marriage vows, those who resort to divorce without valid reason, those who indulge in immoral acts, those who view undesirable scenes on TV, those who indulge in gambling, in consuming liquor and drugs, those who kill animals, those who hoard wealth and are extremely miserly‒will suffer terribly in hell after death, and also in many future births. Some will suffer in hell for ages, as stated by Mother Krishnabai and Sri Aurobindo, two of our great modern saints".
After reading the above message, there may be "a doom and gloom" response on the part of some readers. But, do not despair! In the same message Pujya Swamiji states, "Constant repetition of Ram-Nam or any other Mantra, in the morning and throughout the day is a must for all. It is the only way to get peace of mind and strength to face the trials, problems and difficulties. Accidents can be averted by the repetition of Ram-Nam."
This message also contained three precious thoughts to assist us to tread the pathway to peace and happiness:
- Only when one gives happiness to others, can one expect happiness in return.
- Attending regular Satsangs at Ashrams and at temples, will give one peace of mind.
- If one learns to forgive and forget quickly, it will bring one peace of mind and help to win the hearts of others.
In a message from the Board of Management we heard, "As part of the 70th Anniversary Celebrations, Divine Life Society branches are hosting Satsangs which encourage Hindus to practise Sadhana and conduct prayer on a regular basis. The programmes are designed to awaken faith, devotion and loyalty in the hearts of participants in our glorious Hindu Dharma and equip Hindus with coping skills to meet the challenges of life. The inestimable role of the Guru is also highlighted.
Youth involvement and participation are encouraged, as youth are the future custodians of the Society and our Hindu Dharma. Our branches will take our Master's writings and teachings to all parts of the country so that the lives of readers and participants will be enriched. We urge all to take our Master's spiritual literature which is available at the bookstall. There have been numerous instances when a phrase or a sentence from the Master's books mysteriously helped readers when they were most in need".
In an audio message recorded on 26 July 1991, on Guru Purnima Day, Pujya Swami Sahajananda speaks at length about the sacred relationship between Guru and disciple. He paid homage to the great Brahma Vidya Gurus and prayed for their blessings and also invoked the Grace and blessings of our own Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. "So, this great relationship has kept our knowledge and spirituality alive. We have different Gurus and we follow our Gurus with great faith and devotion. It is something that is unique. It cannot be explained. The relationship between Guru and disciple is more sacred and intimate than between master and servant, the husband and the wife, than even between God and the devotee."
A thought-provoking story, entitled "An Obedient Wife", written by our Divine Master, was beautifully enacted by the mothers of our Richards Bay branch. In order to convert your own home into heaven, Guru Kabir explains to his disciple, "You must read her heart, understand her temperament, behave nicely with affection towards her and win her love. This will induce your wife to obey you implicitly and without the necessity of having to apply any force. A house in which the husband and wife lead such a life, is without doubt, heaven itself."
Our final message to all devotees on the occasion of our 70th Anniversary, is to have faith in the Guru, to be loyal to him and to follow his teachings to the letter. Permit us to conclude with the words of Pujya Swamiji, "Many want a miracle from their Guru, from a Swami or from their Deity only for fulfilment of their desires and freedom from problems. They also go to temples for the same purpose. They must ask themselves what they are giving for the happiness and welfare of others."