Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Ram Naumi & Hanuman Jayanti

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The most auspicious Ram Naumi Celebration, being the sacred Birthday of Lord Rama was held at all Divine Life Society Ashram and Branches. A large congregation was present at the headquarters of the Society in Reservoir Hills. Apart from the melodious Bhajans & Kirtans in praise of Lord Rama, as well as the chanting of the Ramayana Slokas, which inspired the congregation, a powerful message from our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda was read. It urged listeners to follow the path of righteousness.

For the benefit of all our readers, we reproduce the entire article which was written in 1955 and is very much applicable to this day and age:
"The noblest lesson in the Ramayana is the supreme importance of righteousness in the life of every human being. Righteousness is the spiritual spark of life. Cultivation of righteousness is the process of the unfoldment of the latent divinity in man. The glorious incarnation of the supreme Truth, Sri Ramachandra, has exemplified through His own life how to follow the path of righteousness.

"Let mankind follow in His footsteps and practise the ideals cherished by Him, for it is only thus can there be everlasting peace, prosperity and welfare in this world. No one but the righteous can be truly happy. No one but he who has the correct sense of duty and the will for its implementation can be said to live worthily. One must be imbued with a definite conviction about the supremacy of moral principles, ethical values and spiritual ideals, which should guide one's day-to-day actions and serve as powerful means for the culture of the human personality. That is the purpose of life. That is the way to Self-realisation.

"Do that which promotes harmony, goodwill and peace, and do not do that which inspires a contrary effect. Do that which is universally considered to be good, just and proper, that which is bound to produce positive effects, and do not do that which will bring negative results. This is the yard-stick of judgment. This is how you could decide between right and wrong. Blessed aspirants Swerve not from the path of truth. Do not be negligent in following the path of Dharma. Let not material consideration outweigh spiritual values. Let not personal gains overstep general good. Allow not selfishness to rule your conduct. Permit not the dictates of the senses to over-rule the judgment of reason and wisdom.

"First consider the welfare of others, and last of all your own. Look into your own character and conduct. Read your own heart. Find out whether your thought, speech and action are in accordance with the principles of Dharma. Discipline the body, mind and senses. Enlighten yourself with useful, spiritual knowledge. Eradicate slowly all evil thoughts, evil speech and evil habits and cultivate pure thoughts, correct speech and good habits.

"Eliminate that which produces a negative reaction in others and strengthen that which is quick to generate a sense of well-being within you and others too. But do not be carried away by the exhilaration of doing good and being good. It is nothing special that is expected of you. It is your duty.

"The only way you can make tomorrow a better day is to think and do today that what would be conducive to make a better tomorrow. Have an open heart and mind, but accept only that which is good, proper and worthy of remembrance. At least one good action every day; let this be your motto.

"What you dislike in others, take care to correct in yourself first. Accept only what is good in others and ignore the rest. Your own happiness depends on how you conduct yourself. Do not complain about circumstances. Try to make the best of everything.
"Spiritual Seekers! Reflect, cogitate, analyse and ratiocinate what should be aspired for and what should not be, what ought to be done and what to be abstained from.

Meditate on the Lord. Pray to Him for light and guidance. Sing His holy Name. Think rightly. Speak gently, truthfully and act honestly, justly and selflessly. Thus grow and evolve and improve yourself every day, every moment. May the Grace of Sri Ramachandra be upon all!"


Sri Hanuman Jayanti was observed on Thursday, 21 April at all Divine Life Society Ashrams. This auspicious event attracted a large gathering at the headquarters of the Society in Reservoir Hills. An inspiring reading was taken from the Shree Ramacharitamanasa entitled "Sri Hanuman Meets His Divine Master". In this extract, the very first meeting between Lord Rama and Sri Hanuman is described, revealing the depth of Sri Hanuman's Bhakti for the Lord.

Lord Rama said to Sri Hanuman, "We are the sons of King Dasaratha, the lord of Kosala, and have come to the forest in obedience to our father's command. We two brothers are called by the names of Rama and Lakshmana. We had with us a pretty and delicate girl, the daughter of King Videha, who has been carried away by some demon here. It is in quest of her, that we are moving about."

Now Sri Hanuman recognised his Lord and prostrating, clasped His Feet. That joy was more than can be described. A thrill ran through his body and no words came to his lips as he gazed on the lovely style of their dress. This first meeting was electric.

Kamban, the Tamil poet describes this meeting as follows: "At the very first sight of Lord Rama and Lakshmana, his hearts melts with love for them." Kamban describes Sri Hanuman's innermost thoughts, "My very bones melt, the flood gates of love are opened within my heart, and I see no limit or end to the affection that surges within me towards them." Elsewhere in the same chapter Kamban males the following significant statement, "Sri Hanuman was born to save Dharma from her loneliness."

The video screening captured one of the most touching scenes in the Ramayana. Sri Hanuman goes to Lanka in search of Mother Sita. He entered the Ashoka Grove where Mother Sita was imprisoned. He concealed himself among the leaves of a tree and waited for the opportune moment to approach Mother Sita. The moment seemed like an age to Sri Hanuman as he beheld Mother Sita extremely distressed due to her separation from Lord Rama. From the tree, Sri Hanuman spoke in sweet accents and sang the praises of the Lord. Sri Hanuman then dropped down the signet ring. Mother Sita recognised the ring instantly and her heart was filled with joy. Sri Hanuman then revealed himself and said, "I am Sri Rama's messenger. Sri Rama gave me this ring as a token to offer to Thee, O Mother." Sri Hanuman then explained the circumstances in which a union was brought about between men and monkeys. As she heard Sri Hanuman's affectionate words, her soul trusted him and she recognised him to be a servant of Lord Rama.

Kamban concludes, "Sri Hanuman's attraction to Lord Rama finally becomes as inevitable as the attraction of iron to the magnet. His whole heart fills itself quickly with the image of Lord Rama to the exclusion of almost any other."

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 08:55
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Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

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Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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