Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

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Glory of Hindu Dharma Campaigns

Pujya Swami Sahajananda launched the Hindu Dharma Campaign 23 years ago, with the following broad aims:

1. To spread the glory of Hindu Dharma as per our scriptures and the teachings of our various saints and sages.
2. To curb conversion.
3. To collaborate with various Hindu organisations, to plan, organise, and encourage participation in the programme, to promote Hindu unity.
4. To equip Hindus with knowledge of basic Hindu concepts and beliefs through messages, plays, literature, and cultural items.
5. To promote daily prayer through Satsang and chanting of the Divine Name.

Against this background, Divine life Society of S.A., in collaboration with other Hindu organisations, held four successful Hindu Dharma Campaigns in 2015, as follows:

a) The Midlands—Sunday, 28 June, Truro Hall, Pietermaritzburg, Northdale.
b) The South Coast—Sunday, 16 August, Sivanandashram, Chatsworth.
c) Gauteng—Sunday, 30 August, Marlboro Temple Grounds, Sandton.
d) The North Coast—Sunday, 11 October, Kraydeb Conference Centre, Verulam.

The programmes included messages on Hinduism, Bhajans and Kirtans, plays, dance renditions, items by Spiritual Darlings (children), and scriptural recitations.

First Guru Bhakti Workshop for 2016

On Saturday, 23 January we had our first Guru Bhakti Yoga Workshop for 2016 at the Reservoir Hills Ashram. The theme of the workshop was Japa Yoga. Many devotees attended from our various branches and were inspired to start repeating the Divine Name with more earnestness and regularity.

Both Sri Gurudev's and Pujya Swamiji's audio messages were full of practical advice and conveyed the glory of God's Divine Name. There was a very fruitful group discussion session where devotees shared their views and thoughts about the challenges and successful techniques with Nama Japa. This was followed by a practical session of Ram-Nam chanting, where all devotees walked and clapped hands.

Two senior devotees then shared their experiences of Sri Gurudev's Grace in their lives. One of them travelled all the way from Gauteng just to participate in the workshop. He shared how Sri Gurudev had protected his home from a raging fire that consumed twenty two neighbouring homes near the Vaal river. He concluded by saying that Sri Gurudev can control the Sun, moon and elements.

A very inspiring article was read on how Nama Japa heals diseases. In conclusion, many devotees signed a pledge form to chant the Divine Name for 15 minutes every day.

Shallcross Branch Shrine Consecration

On Saturday, 30 January 2016, the Shallcross branch of Divine Life Society of S.A. held a special Satsang. This was to emphasise the wonderful benefits of Satsang.

Havan was conducted before the commencement of Satsang. In Sri Gurudev's inspiring message we heard, "There is nothing so inspiring, elevating, solacing and delightful as Satsang." In Pujya Swamiji's audio message devotees were exhorted to start attending Satsang regularly and to bring others to join in as well. The crowd enthusiastically joined in the melodious Bhajans which were sung.

A delightful story from our Master's book, Inspiring Stories, was enacted by the Spiritual Darlings.

Last modified on Wednesday, 09 March 2016 15:10
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Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

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Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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