Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya
Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda
To the Glory of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, we offer this Online Webshop at our Master's Lotus Feet, on this auspicious day of 8th December 2017. To visit our Online Webshop please click on the following link:
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Images taken at the function can be viewed below this report
It was indeed very pleasing to see that more than a thousand devotees, donors and well-wishers attended the 10th Mahasamadhi Anniversary of Pujya Swami Sahajananda on Sunday, 10 December 2017 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. The large turnout from various parts of KZN is a testimony of the deep and abiding loyalty of all devotees and the reverence of members of sister organisations. Even in Pujya Swamiji's physical absence, devotees did not waver in their Guru Bhakti for the Master and love for the mission. Firsttime visitors and representatives of various organisations had high praise for the sense of cleanliness, meticulous organisation, hospitality and the high standard of the "Children's Hour" in which cultural items were presented by the Stanger, Shallcross and Pietermaritzburg Branches and the Reservoir Hills Sunday School.
By Sri Swami Sivananda
DEEPAVALI or Diwali means "a row of lights". It falls on the last two days of the dark half of Kartik (October-November). For some it is a three-day festival. It commences with the Dhan-Teras, on the 13th day of the dark half of Kartik, followed the next day by the Narak Chaudas, the 14th day, and by Deepavali proper on the 15th day.
Navaratri, the nine-day worship of the Divine Mother, was observed at all Divine Life Society of S.A. Ashrams, commencing on 21 September and culminating with Vijaya Dasami on 30 September.