Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Ganga Saptami & Ganga Dussehra

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Ganga Saptami and Ganga Dussehra were observed on Saturday, 25 April and on the Thursday, 28 May, respectively.

Ganga Saptami commenced with Havan at Sivananda International Cultural Centre at 2pm, followed by a Yatra to the four sacred pools at SICC. The large gathering of devotees was given the opportunity to offer Ganga Jal in each of the four pools, paying homage and seeking Mother Ganga's blessings. The waters of Mother Ganga bless, purify and heal. Ganga Jal was also offered for those who are ill and for the peace of the souls who have departed. Our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda wrote about the healing powers of Mother Ganga. It is possessed of mysterious powers which are not found in any other river in the world.

King Bhagiratha did rigorous penance for a full hundred years to propitiate Lord Siva to check the flow of Mother Ganga on descent from the celestial regions. Lord Siva was immensely pleased with the penance undertaken by Bhagiratha and readily accepted to check and control Ganga through His matted locks. Our Master states, "With surge, fury and foam, Ganga began to descend from the celestial regions. Flashes of lightning, thunders from the clouds, and the uncontrollable flow seemed as if a deluge was about to devour the whole world. But Lord Siva coolly received Her in His matted locks and let Her drip over Him. This is known as Ganga Saptami Day."

At the Satsang which commenced at 4.30pm, Pujya Swami Sahajananda extolled the divine qualities of the Master, in an audio message. Even when he was practising as a doctor, Swami Sivananda felt that real happiness could not be obtained from the things of the world. True, unbroken happiness is within. In order to experience this happiness, Pujya Swamiji continued, "We must all have a Master (Guru) if we want to learn the techniques of meditation and how to conquer the mind." 

Last modified on Tuesday, 14 July 2015 07:29
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Sri Swami Sivananda

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