Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: All Souls Day Maha Satsang

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Our Annual All Souls' Day Maha Satsang was held on Sunday, 1 May at the Sivananda Ghat. Our programme consisted of various messages from our Divine Master, Pujya Swami Sahajananda and our Guest Speaker, Sri Rayan Gangaram, an official at the Clare Estate Hindu Crematorium. About 400 devotees participated in the Havan.

The purpose of the All Souls Day was lucidly explained by our Divine Master as follows, "From now onward the first of every month will be observed at the Ashram (Rishikesh) as 'All Souls Day'. We should offer special prayers for the peace of departed souls. In this modernized materialistic world, Dharma has long ago been lost. Many religions have come into being in India itself that vehemently condemn the practice of ancestor-worship, Tarpana and Shraddha. The departed souls are in great grief. They naturally look to us to help them. We must do this." Since 2005, Divine Life Society of South Africa has adopted this procedure.

In the book, What Becomes of the Soul After Death, our Master explained further, "Prayer or Kirtan is a mighty force which helps departed souls in their progress towards heaven, and their quiet passage through the intermediate state. Prayer, Kirtan and good thoughts from relatives and friends can give real solace to the departed souls."

Pujya Swami Sahajananda wrote, "The large amount of spiritual literature taken (at Sivananda Ghat) clearly indicates that today, many who are confronted with serious problems, are looking for spiritual guidance. Our Master's book, What Becomes of the Soul After Death, answers many queries about the soul after it leaves the body. It contains valuable information on reincarnation, etc."

Sri Rayan Gangaram, spoke eloquently on role of Sivananda Ghat and the Clare Estate Umgeni Crematorium. Herewith, excerpts from his speech:
"We would like to congratulate Pujya Swamiji and Divine Life Society of South Africa for promoting the sanctity and dignity of death and its rituals as per our ancient Hindu scriptures. The Sivananda Ghat is perhaps one of the greatest gifts that Swamiji has given to this country as it serves the community on a daily basis in a most loving and caring manner. It has been running for the past 11 years and we are proud to say as neighbours, that it is achieving its primary function of serving as a dignified ash disposal facility.

"It is the duty of every householder to teach their children that Death is not to be looked at in a negative way but to understand that it is a part of life and that we cannot distance ourselves from it. Everything that takes birth will have to come to an end one day. It is important to know that the Soul of Atma never dies. This cycle of birth and death is governed by our good and bad Karmas and desires. We are the architects of our lives. So, let us live a life of love and truth".

"The Clare Estate Hindu Cemetery and Crematorium Committee was founded in 1930 and since then significant improvements have taken place. We have moved from open-air funeral pyre cremations to the use of 5 gas fired cremators with 3 Halls which help contribute towards the dignified last rites for the dear departed".

"CEUHCS and Divine Life Society of South Africa have enjoyed a wonderful relationship as both have the same aim—to improve our facilities and serve the community in every possible way in their time of bereavement, and to this end, Divine Life Society has very kindly assisted a few years ago with a donation of R400 000.00 for the repair and maintenance of the furnaces. We place on record on sincere gratitude to the Society".

In closing this report, we express our thanks to all donors, well-wishers and patrons for their kind support and assistance. In particular, we thank donors who come regularly to Sivananda Ghat to service the pumps and ensure that there is no blockage at the point where the ashes are deposited in the Umgeni River.

Last modified on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 07:30
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