We welcomed the learners and gave them a brief outline of the programmes aims and objectives. This was followed by the reading of a message written by Swami Sahajananda, Spiritual Head of Divine Life Society of S.A, and founder of the Sunlit Path Programme, advising pupils to lead a pure and disciplined life, focusing on God and prayer to guide us. The Principal of Isipingo Secondary, Dr V. Naidoo, thanked the Society for the work they have done, and reminded learners that the Sunlit Path Programme does not advise learners to deviate from their faiths and beliefs, but inspires them to become better practitioners of their own religion.
Sri Niranjan Bridglall, Director of Education, Psychological Services, in his well-received motivational talk, related a story of a girl who managed to break out of poverty and make a success of her life at the highest level. He exhorted the learners to work hard to become successful and fulfil their potential.
Instructive play readings on “Depression and Suicide”, “The Value of Prayer” and “TV, Alcohol, Gambling”, were read by pupils of the three participating schools, and the discussions that followed, allowed the learners to assimilate the ideas, and present them before the audience in the “report back session”. These were very encouraging as it showed that the learners were receptive to the guidelines and advice offered to them. It was during one of these sessions that one of the learners related a first hand experience of how prayer had worked a miracle, and saved someone’s life.
Ms Phumzile Mthiyane, an educator from Sivananda Technical College, gave us a simple yet instructive address, advising us not to fight with pain and suffering, but to use them to help us to become better and stronger.
In his address to the learners, one of the Society’s officials highlighted the power of prayer and gave an example of how prayer helped a pupil to improve her university results, and took her life from failure and negativity to a resounding success. He also reminded the learners to be punctual in all their work, as this was a hallmark of success.
Finally, an official from the Sunlit Path Programme described the Sunlit Path Pledge Form in detail, showed slides of the Sunlit Path Centre and the facilities available there, and gave important guidelines on how to complete the Sunlit Path Checklist/Diary.
The Society expresses its sincere thanks to the principals, educators, officials and learners of the three schools that participated in the programme, for their interest, support and commitment shown to this unique programme. Our gratitude also goes out to the management of Isipingo Secondary School for graciously allowing us the use of their school hall, for their hospitality,and for assisting in various ways to make the function a success. Once again, our deep thanks to the Department of Education for their kind permission to arrange this workshop during school hours.