Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

The Sunlit Path maintenance programme that was held on Thursday, 21 February 2019, at the Sivananda Sunlit Path Centre in Chatsworth, was attended by 53 learners from the following schools: Meadowlands Technical High School, Crossmoor Secondary and Woodhurst Secondary. In the welcome address, we informed learners that this programme will not only assist them to overcome drug addiction and other social ills, but will also contribute to academic success and enable them to enjoy a well-balanced life.

This most auspicious event was observed at the Sivananda International Cultural Centre, La Mercy, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa on Sunday, 3 March 2019. The function commenced with a Ganga Havan at 7am at the Bhagirathi Hall which has three Ganga fountains with water cascading from one fountain to the other. It is extremely beautiful. The sound of cascading water has a soothing effect on the mind.

The honour of unveiling the 2019 Centenary Picture of the Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, which took place at the first Sivananda Day Satsang for 2019 at SICC on Sunday, 5 January, was accorded to Sri Rabichand Deonarain, a senior devotee who was associated with Pujya Swamiji since 1950. We reproduce herewith the speech delivered by Sri Deonarain before the unveiling:

“The dates 1 June 2024 and 10 July 2025, mark the centenary of two important events in the calendar of Divine Life Society of South Africa: the Sannyas Anniversary of Sri Swami Sivananda and the Birth Anniversary of Sri Swami Sahajananda, respectively. The Society will be releasing a number of publications as part of the centenary celebrations.

Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Revered Donors,

Om Sri Ram. Salutations and loving adorations.

Pujya Swamiji's 11th Mahasamadhi Anniversary was observed on 8 December (according to the Sanskrit Calendar) and on 10 December (according to the English Calendar). Pujya Swamiji, who was the torch-bearer of the Divine Master's teachings in the country and also abroad, withdrew from his physical body on 10 December 2007. At the time of his passing, scores of tributes were paid to this godlike disciple of the Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, but perhaps none more significant than the one paid by the Divine Master himself on 10 April 1956, when Pujya Swami was initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas. The Master said: "So we rejoice today heartily, because we have amidst us a noble personality, a spiritual personality, a Bala Yogi, a Bala Swami, Sri Swami Sahajananda. Whenever a noble function takes place, the Devas are pleased. So, we had a very good shower today, and now we have a cool atmosphere. So, we are able to celebrate the function joyously. You may ask, "Why there is no rain of flowers?" That also there is. The Devas rain flowers. Swami Sahajananda is styled as the spiritual king of South Africa, Durban. He is also called the African Chota Guru. He does not want anything. He is a silent worker. He is a man of renunciation, Vairagya and meditation. He is a very good organizer. He has organized some 20 branches of the Divine Life Society in South Africa".

Forthcoming Functions


"Sure Ways for Success in Life and God Realisation"

"Sure Ways for Success in…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.8cm x 20cm Soft Cover: Pages: 320 Pages Donation (SA): R50 Foreign: $15 Sure Ways for Success In ...

"Path of Divine Grace, Volume 2"

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"Path of Divine Grace, Volume 1"

"Path of Divine Grace, Vo…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.5cm x 20.5cm Soft Cover: Pages: 244 Pages Donation (SA): R25 Foreign: $10 The first of 4 Volume...

"Practice of Karma Yoga"

"Practice of Karma Yoga…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.8cm x 21.2cm Soft Cover: 233 pages Donation (SA): R30 Foreign: $12 The nectar-like teachings of...