Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

The Society urges all devotees, well-wishers and patrons to participate in our online Satsang programmes during this most auspicious Guru Purnima period. Please find below, a schedule of special Satsangs in July (Table A), as well as a Suggested Home Satsang Programme (Table B) which can be used by devotees for home Satsangs.


Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya! Our Youth Day was celebrated online on Tuesday, 16 June 2020. The Programme was compiled and directed by our youth with the view to giving them the opportunity to develop and share ideas. As future leaders of our Society and the community at large, investing in the moral and spiritual education and training of the youth to enable them to assume responsible positions to lead the nation in a spirit of selflessness is imperative. There are right now 1.8 billion youngsters between the ages of 10 and 24 on the planet. This is the biggest youth populace ever. Youth symbolises high vitality and energy and if guided properly, they will offer much to the world. The youth at Divine Life Society of S.A. have shown that they are capable of selfless and silent leadership, which is one of the core teachings of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda.

The 71st Anniversary of Divine Life Society of S.A. and the 15th Anniversary of Sivananda Ghat was celebrated via our online Satsang programmes on Friday, 5 June 2020. It must be reiterated, wrote Pujya Swami Sahajananda, that the growth and development of the Society is due entirely to the Grace of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. We are deeply indebted to our Divine Master and Pujya Swamiji for their much-needed guidance these past 71 years.

A very appropriate article (Blessings in Disguise) was selected from the booklet, Solving the Problems of Kali Yuga, which was edited and adapted by Sri Swami Sahajananda. It goes as follows, "Adversities, trials, difficulties, calamities, diseases, afflictions, pains and sufferings are all blessings in disguise. They strengthen the will and increase the power of endurance. They turn the mind more and more towards God. They instil in us discrimination and dispassion. They draw out our latent faculties. They force us to perform even beyond our ability. They develop all the talents and capacities lying dormant within us.

On Monday, 1 June 2020. these two auspicious events were observed via online Satsang, being our Divine Master's 96th Sannyas Anniversary and Ganga Dussehra. Today we offer gratitude to our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda for the immense Tapas that he did. Through his tremendous Tapas he was able to get all his knowledge and he passed it on to us, says Pujya Swami Sahajananda. It also paved the way for the redemption of and blossoming of countless seekers the world over.

In his pre-recorded audio message Pujya Swamiji said, "One of the tasks that was set forth by Gurudev for the Divine Life Society was the publication of literature. It could not have been an accident because that was the task that was set by him and from the very beginning of the inauguration of Divine Life Society, printing became the most important item of its work. Gurudev has said in the Gospel that the most important thing for him is the dissemination of knowledge by means of literature. You can do it by touring and you can do it by literature also. But Gurudev felt that the literature was more important because the written word was always left behind. He would say 'If I visited people's homes and went on tours, they would say 'Aye Maharaj, Aye Maharaj' and give me a cup of tea. But if I remain in my Kutir and do some writing, then that written word would go to the homes and remain there.'

Click on the link below to read our Divine Life Magazine No.123, released on the auspicious occasion of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda's 96th Sannyas Anniversary.

Divine Life Magazine No.123

Forthcoming Functions


"Sure Ways for Success in Life and God Realisation"

"Sure Ways for Success in…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.8cm x 20cm Soft Cover: Pages: 320 Pages Donation (SA): R50 Foreign: $15 Sure Ways for Success In ...

"Path of Divine Grace, Volume 2"

"Path of Divine Grace, Vo…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.5cm x 20.5cm Soft Cover: Pages: 244 Pages Donation (SA): R25 Foreign: $10 The eagerly awaited s...

"Path of Divine Grace, Volume 1"

"Path of Divine Grace, Vo…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.5cm x 20.5cm Soft Cover: Pages: 244 Pages Donation (SA): R25 Foreign: $10 The first of 4 Volume...

"Practice of Karma Yoga"

"Practice of Karma Yoga…

April 30, 2015

Size: 14.8cm x 21.2cm Soft Cover: 233 pages Donation (SA): R30 Foreign: $12 The nectar-like teachings of...