Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Headquarters of Divine Life Society of South Africa is located on a 2.5 hectare site at Reservoir Hills, Durban, which is a fifteen minute drive from the centre of the city of Durban. The magnificent Sivananda International Cultural Centre is located at Sivananda Nagar, La Mercy, which is about a half an hour drive from Durban. Ashrams have also been established at Chatsworth (Durban), Northdale (Pietermaritzburg), Stanger, Richards Bay and Zakariyya Park in Gauteng. The Society has no other registered branches but there are several prayer groups all over the country.



The most beautiful Sivananda International Cultural Centre at La Mercy, situated on a site almost 20 hectares in extent, amidst rolling hills and green canefields, has developed into a substantial complex.

1. Sivananda Prayer Hall consists of two spacious wings providing seating accommodation for approximately 1 800 males and females. The Cry Room adjacent to the prayer hall is used by mothers to take care of babies who become restless. A most beautiful illuminated shrine with duratrans of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, Maha Guru Swami Vishwananda (Guru of our Divine Master), Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Siva, Mother Saraswati and Lord Ganesha captivates the hearts of all those attending Satsang in the hall.

2. Foyer

3. Darshan Hall is used as a classroom during the one-day monthly Yoga Camps.

4. Kitchen & Dining Hall are opposite Darshan Hall. As these were found inadequate to cater for increased number of devotees attending Satsangs, a new dining hall and kitchen complex has been set up (see 17 further on).

5. Sivananda Guha is used for Yoga Camps.

6. Workshop is used by our carpenters to produce various items for the SICC complex, like burglar guards, balustrades, etc.

7. Vishwananda Hall is used for Yoga Camps and overflow of Sivananda Prayer Hall. It has a beautiful shrine like that in Sivananda Prayer Hall.

8. Atmananda Hall is used for Yoga Camps and overflow from Sivananda Prayer Hall. It has a beautiful shrine similar to that in Sivananda Prayer Hall.

9. Sewing Centre produces garments for the poor and needy Africans in the area.

10. Ganga Darshan, 25-roomed living quarters for the rishikumars (male renunciants).

11. Toilets & Bathrooms

12. Children's Auditorium consists of two halls, one of which is terraced. They are used for the monthly Yoga Camps and also for overflow of Sivananda Prayer Hall. The terraced hall has a lovely shrine like the one in Sivananda Prayer Hall.

13. Ganga Rani has a half Olympic size covered swimming pool for children (our Spiritual Darlings), attending the one day monthly Yoga Camps. The beautiful shrine of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, is illuminated with a garland of colourful duratrans. Ganga Mata's lovely shrine is situated near the pool where devotees prostrate. There are carpeted seats for males and females for silent meditation. Except when children swim, complete silence is observed in Ganga Rani. It is sanctified with holy Ganges water on auspicious days. A small circular paddling pool for the little ones is on one side of the large pool.

The rishikumars conduct Satsang daily with Ganga Arati being relayed over the sound system. On important Satsang days devotees offer flowers to the holy Padukas of our Divine Master at his shrine. They then prostrate to Ganga Mata at Her shrine, and take some water from Ganga Rani. Most of the devotees attend functions at the SICC mainly because of the attraction of Ganga Arati. A similar Ganga shrine is also in Bhagirathi.

On entering Ganga Rani many remark on the beauty and serenity that pervades it. Even a Christian and Muslim gave it high praise. With green fibregrass all around the pool, and light from the transparent roof sheeting, Ganga Rani looks quite spectacular. The girls who perform Ganga Arati dress in saris and observe strict rules of cleanliness.

14. Guru Kripa captivates the hearts of all those who enter it. The remark often made by devotees and visitors is that it is "heaven on earth". Illuminated duratran shrines of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, Maha Guru Sri Swami Vishwananda, Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Siva, Mother Saraswati, Sri Hanuman and Lord Ganesha are enchantingly beautiful. The green wallpaper gives added serenity and beauty to the shrine.

There are also many display cabinets with stunningly beautiful multi-colour pictures of exotic birds, flowers, animals, scenic wonders, etc. A large section contains lovely photos of animals, scenic wonders, birds, etc. mounted on boards. Guru Kripa is not only a place pervaded with serenity but is also highly educational, for it contains inspiring sayings of our Divine Master that are simple to understand, universal in outlook and practical in application. Guru Kripa certainly gives peace and solace to all those who visit it. Pencils and pads are kept on the display cabinets for visitors to take notes of the sayings.

15. Sivananda Nature Reserve occupies the area next to the verandah of Guru Kripa. Here also there are several illuminated cabinets with information on nature and animals. Guru Kripa and Sivananda Nature Reserve are both beautifully carpeted. The soothing, soul-stirring music played in Guru Kripa enchants all those who visit the place.

16. Vishwananda & Sivananda Presses are fully equipped with offset printing machines, including the new Four Colour Heidelberg Speedmaster, folding machines, guillotines, etc. They produce spiritual literature, mainly for free distribution.

17. Dining Room & Kitchen Complex: This large complex consists of a spacious, modern kitchen with electrical cooking equipment and three carpeted multi-purpose dining halls. The beautiful water fountain called "Saraswati" is situated in the middle of the dining halls. The dining halls are used to conduct workshops, etc.

18. Bhagirathi has three water fountains with water cascading from one fountain to the other. It is extremely beautiful. The sound of cascading water has a soothing effect on the mind. Water therapy is used now in some overseas hospitals for treatment of ailments. On important function days Ganga Arati is performed in Bhagirathi, with offering of flowers to the holy Padukas of our Divine Master in front of his lovely shrine. As in Ganga Rani, the girls performing Ganga Arati dress in saris and observe strict rules of cleanliness.

19. Vaikuntha Dham displays the Society's spiritual literature. Framed multi-colour pictures of exotic birds, flowers, etc. as well as health tonics are available in this extremely beautiful section. It is tiled and has four carpeted sections separated by decorated wooden balustrades, where devotees may spend a few minutes in silence and prayer in front of beautifully illuminated shrines of Lord Krishna, our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, and Sri Swami Vishwananda. Silence and prayer go on side-by-side with the sale of books and health tonics. Light, instrumental music and Ram-Nam Kirtan are also relayed over the sound system.

20. Sivananda, Vishwananda & Ganga Stadiums have seating accommodation for about 5000 people. A spacious sports field in front of the magnificent stadiums provides ample space for Satsangs, mass drill displays, Zulu dances, plays, etc.

Vishwananda Stadium has three halls, two of which are fully carpeted. These multi-purpose halls are used for serving meals, conducting workshops, etc. The hall on the ground floor is used as a workshop to produce school furniture, windows, etc. for the many schools the Society is building for the disadvantaged.


Parking: The most beautiful Sivananda International Cultural Centre is very fortunate in being able to provide ample parking space for vehicles.


Location of the Centre: The Centre is located in Sivananda Nagar, next to Desainagar on the North Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, about 35 km north of Durban. It overlooks the Indian Ocean and is situated amidst rolling hills and green canefields.


Directions: From Durban City Centre, take the M4 (Stanger Street) northwards, till you cross the Umdloti River and reach the Desainagar turn-off on the M4 (old N2); then follow the Divine Life Society signposts to the Centre.

If you are on the N2 heading up the north coast, turn off at the Verulam/Umdloti interchange, which is the alternate route marked A . Thereafter turn right on the M27, and within 200 meters left on the M4 to Ballito. On crossing the Umdloti River, continue as above.


A Visitor's Comments:

We reproduce extracts from a letter written by Dr Anil Sooklal, Counsellor for Political Affairs for the S.A. Government, stationed in Geneva, Switzerland, after his visit to the SICC in April 1997:

I was filled with awe as the magnificent complex came in view. As I arrived at the Ashram I marvelled at the sheer beauty of the place, but more so I was absolutely overwhelmed by the sheer size of the complex.

The last time I had been to the Ashram was in 1993. Since then it has expanded considerably, so I was unsure where to proceed as I watched the hundreds of devotees of Gurudev stream to the Ashram on that tranquil Sunday morning.

Lovingly one of the devotees suggested that I first visit Ganga Rani, and directed me towards the building. I wondered what exactly Ganga Rani was. As I entered the building I could not have imagined the existence of such a unique and spiritually elevating concept. I sat in this most magnificent spiritual centre which makes one lose all perceptions of time and space, transporting one to the 'world of the Devas'. I am sure that Ganga Rani is unique, not only to South Africa but the world.

Having had the blessings of Mother Ganga, I returned to the peace and tranquillity of the Satsang Hall where I had the good fortune to partake in Satsang, which I had dearly missed since leaving South Africa eighteen months ago.

I subsequently visited Guru Kripa, the exhibition centre, which I am sure will serve as a great medium of education to young and old alike. Finally, I had a wonderful double helping of the biryani prasadam which I thoroughly enjoyed!

The Sivananda International Cultural Centre is a tribute to the perennial teachings of Sri Gurudev Sivanandaji and a living embodiment of the vibrancy and relevance of Gurudev's teachings to this day and age. I felt extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to visit the Ashram and renew and recharge myself by being bathed by the immense spiritual ecstasy that fills this wonderful home of Sri Gurudev and all his beloved devotees.

Thank you, Swamiji, for giving South Africa this magnificent spiritual retreat and centre of spiritual education and regeneration, which I am sure will soon become a familiar landmark in the country. I dearly look forward to returning to the Ashram in December when I visit South Africa for my home leave.

Sri Anil Sooklal
Counsellor-Political Affairs
S.A. Govt., Geneva, Switzerland


Early Beginnings 

We are not tired of reiterating that the formation, growth and present status of Divine Life Society of South Africa is due entirely to the Grace of our Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. Divine Life Society of South Africa is unique in spiritual history, because it was founded by a spiritual Master who forced his disciple, in this case, Swami Sahajananda, to obey him and carry out his commands.

Regarding the activities of the Society, the Divine Master gave his assurance in his own handwriting:

"God will look after the divine work. Lord will look after everything".


Beginnings of Spiritual Life 

Swamiji (Swami Sahajananda) had a very promising academic career but the Master had other devastating plans in store for him and his intervention came at the appropriate time. In the Matric exam Swamiji obtained a second class pass and, because he was annoyed with his performance, he refused a bursary offered to him to take B.Sc. at Fort Hare.


Workings of the Master's Grace 

His failure in the Matric, which appeared to him as a great tragedy then, turned out to be the greatest blessing. While browsing through the books at the Vedic Bookshop in Durban, Swamiji clearly remembers picking up In the Vision of God by Papa Swami Ramdas. Closing the book and putting it back on the shelf he moved on. The next book he touched was the Master's Practice of Karma Yoga.

Even though Swamiji did not know the meaning of the words, "Karma Yoga" at that time, the book sent a strange thrill through him. Glancing through its pages he instantly realised that he had found the Guru he was searching for. He came to know that a God-realised Guru was absolutely necessary to guide and lead one to the realisation of God.


First Visit to the Master 

Coming to know that the Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, resided at Rishikesh, Srinivasan, as he was called then, at once wrote to him that he would like to come and stay at his Ashram to practise Yoga.

The Divine Master, knowing that it was only a kind of "bubbling enthusiasm", advised him to remain where he was and perform his spiritual practices. But Srinivasan was adamant that he should come to be with the Master at Rishikesh. So the Master allowed him to come to the Ashram, as experience is often the best teacher. The "bubbling enthusiast" forthwith resigned from the teaching profession and proceeded to India.

On reaching the Master's feet and remaining there only for a fortnight, Srinivasan's "bubbling enthusiasm" subsided at once! The Divine Master treated the young aspirant in the most unconventional manner. He asked Vishnu Swami to give him instructions on some basic Yoga postures, but Srinivasan had already learnt them from the Master's book. The only other instructions he gave were: "Learn to type and to make tea!"

Years later, Srinivasan, now Swami Sahajananda, understood that the Divine Master's cryptic words, "learn to type and make tea" were pregnant with deep spiritual meaning. It meant dissemination of spiritual knowledge through his literature, and service of the underprivileged.

Swami Sahajananda visited the Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, at Rishikesh in 1948. He returned the following year. Sri S.R. Padayachee, a great devotee of the Master from Umkomaas, had visited him a few months earlier and, on his return, was doing some work in propagating the Master's teachings. However, the Master wrote to Swami Sahajananda in 1949 to open a Branch of the Divine Life Society.

As Swamiji was very nervous and shy, he did not feel competent to take up the task. He was a young man of 24 at the time. He did not respond to the Master's instruction and kept silent. The Master wrote a second letter, dated 18th October, 1949, with the request: "Kindly start a Branch of the Divine Life Society there. I recognise you as the Secretary".

The Master was evidently impatient to get the Branch opened, for he sent a third letter before the affiliation fee could reach him, in which he commanded: "Kindly open a Branch of the Divine Life Society at once. Do some silent work". This letter was dated 11th November, 1949.

It was indeed a queer situation, with the Master, the founder of the Society in India, and his Secretary, Swami Sahajananda, in South Africa as the only member in this country. However, the drama did not end, for the Master wrote a fourth letter dated 5 June, 1951: "Kindly open a Branch of Divine Life Society and do some silent work."


Work Begins 

Swamiji commenced the publication of a quarterly journal entitled Light, Power & Wisdom. He used to finance it himself and distribute it free, often selecting names at random from the telephone directory for his mailing list.

Soon two other devotees joined him and the three used to have their weekly Satsang at the Umgeni Road Temple in Durban. Often, when the other two failed to turn up, Swamiji used to go to the temple all alone and conduct the service. He used to go through the whole procedure of singing Kirtan, reading the Gita and performing Arati, even though there was no other soul present except himself.

When the Master was informed of this he commented, "If one is sincere many would join." This truth is evident today when thousands are following the Divine Life Society.

 HQ 19oo

Search for Premises 

A one-hectare site was purchased at Reservoir Hills, then a remote undeveloped suburb of Durban. The Master himself requested that another one and half hectare of adjoining land be acquired, and also instructed that a larger cylinder printing machine and a typesetting machine be purchased. This is how the present two and a half hectare site of the headquarters of the Society was developed.



In 1956, while Swamiji was in Rishikesh, the Master wished to initiate Swamiji, till then known as Sri V. Srinivasan, into the holy order of Sannyas. Swamiji was hesitant to accept the offer, thinking that he was not ready for it. However, the senior disciples at the Ashram advised that it would not be wise to refuse the Master's offer. Swamiji thus had the great good fortune of getting Sannyas from the Master on April 1956.


Dissemination of Spiritual Knowledge 

The main aim of Divine Life Society of South Africa is dissemination of spiritual knowledge by means of our Divine Master's spiritual literature. Readers of our books invariably remark about their very high quality, which is enhanced further by multi-colour pictures. The Society has one of the most modern printing plants in the country, with sophisticated equipment. Printing equipment have been installed at Reservoir Hills Headquarters, Durban and at the Sivananda International Cultural Centre, Sivananda Nagar, La Mercy, which is located in the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, about 30 kilometers from Durban.

Sri Gurudev Bids Farewell to Sri V. Srinivasen (Swami Sahajananda)  

Rishikesh, 10 April 1956



At tonight's Satsang was celebrated a very happy function to bid farewell to a great disciple of Swamiji “Swami Sahajananda" (formerly known as Sri Srinivasan) of Durban, who would be leaving tomorrow, having stayed here for two or three months. Swami Sahajananda had his initiation into the order of Sannyasa today in Swamiji's Kutir (Sri Gurudev's Kutir), when he acquired the new name.

The function tonight was opened by Swamiji with Kirtan. This was followed by the reading and presentation of a Farewell Address to Swami Sahajanandaji. Swamiji then gave a twenty-minute speech bringing out the Divine qualities of Swami Sahajananda. Thereafter several inmates of the Ashram spoke, paying tributes to Swami Sahajananda for the various virtues he possessed. Swami Jyotirmayananda, Rev. A Thitadhamma of Thailand, Swami Krishnananda, Swami Swaroopa-nanda of Germany, Swami Venkatesananda, and Swami Prajnananda spoke in English and Swami Gurusarananda spoke in Sanskrit. Swami Santananda sang a song composed by himself in honour of Swami Sahajananda. Replying to the farewell addresses, Swami Sahajananda also gave a short speech attributing his spiritual progress to Swamiji's Grace. The function closed with Arati and dis-tribution of sweetmeats. The full text of Swamiji's speech (given extempore) is given below.

"So we rejoice today heartily, because we have amidst us a noble personality, a spiritual personality, a Bala Yogi, a Bala Swami, Sri Swami Sahajananda. Whenever a noble function takes place, the Devas are pleased. So we had a very good shower today, and now we have a cool atmosphere. So we are able to celebrate the function joyously. You may ask, "Why there is no rain of flowers?" That also there is. The Devas rain flowers.

"You may ask why Swamiji is giving Sannyasa to young people. You may say that people should take Sannyas only when all hairs have grown grey and all teeth have fallen. No. We want people at this age with great dynamism, with abundant spiritual energy. In old age one is not able to sit in one Asana for half an hour at a stretch. When all energy has been squeezed out in family-life, he is not able to sit in Padma Asana. We need young Swamis. Shankara was not an old man. Padmapada was not an old man. Young people only should take Sannyasa, for they will lead a life of fortitude and endurance. They are full of strength, full of energy. We require only young people to take Sannyasa and spread the message of Shankara in the West.

"Swami Sahajananda is styled as the spiritual king of South Africa, Durban. He is also called the African Chota Guru. He does not want anything. He is a silent worker. He is a man of renunciation, Vairagya and meditation. He is a very good organizer. He has organized some 20 branches of the Divine Life Society in South Africa. His friend Bika Chiba is also as good as Swami Sahajananda.

"There is Savikalpa Samadhi, and then comes Nirvikalpa Samadhi, and then comes Sahaja Avastha. He is established in Sahaja Avastha. He does not forget Brahman when he is working. He has got double consciousness. He is resting in his Satchidananda Swarupa and he is utilizing his mind and Indriyas for the good of humanity. He likes Sahaja Avastha. He is in Sahaja Avastha. In the scriptures you will find that any man who attempts to practice Yoga is also a Yogi and a Yogarudha, who is established in Yoga, is also a Yogi. So he who is attempting  to be established in Sahaja Avastha is also a Sahaja Avastha Yogi.

"He is a strong pillar of the Divine Life Society. Yesterday Swami Jaiayalji gave a great feast for me. He asked  people to bring papiyas. Then he asked me, "Will you take some milk and fruits?" I said, "Bring some fruits. I don't want milk." He asked a man to bring oranges. He brought them, and I distributed them to the people. Then I said, "I am a Rupee-eater." I am Swami Sahajandandji's rupee-eater. I want money for printing paper, art paper, for hospital, etc. Sahajanandaji supplies the money. You may think that I am exaggerating him. Maharaja Pannalalji does not have much money, but the whole of the Divine Life Society buildings he has built. If you ask him three thousand, immediately you will get it. I am the rupee eater for him also. He is more than a Maharaj. People who have plenty of money cannot give two rupees. Such a man is a kanjus Prabu (Great Miser)! Swami Sahajananda is spiritual king of Durban, a great organiser, a great supporter, a pillar of the Divine Life Society.

"He talks little. You have never seen him talking. He thinks much and does much. Such a great spiritual Yogi is he. He came some years before also and had remained here.

"He has brought out the Divine Life for Children pamphlets. He is a man of invention. In letterheads and behind the envelopes, he has printed new sayings. In letterheads also the Divine Life for Children he has brought out. He is a thinker. He has in Durban a small press for the dissemination of knowledge, and the Path to God-Realization is his magazine, running for three or four years. What more can  you expect from a small boy Swami? He has done everything. He will now go with redoubled energy, charged with Himalayan vibrations and Mother Ganges Grace, and will work like a lion, Vedanta Kesari, Yoga Kesari. All these titles a man deserves when he becomes a Yogi. When a man becomes God, any number of titles are not enough. His devotion to teacher is unique. He has a pure heart. Such a Yogi is now going from here and he will thrill the whole of Africa, and again he will come. He has the spirit of renunciation. He has given his whole property to me.Just see his noble qualities, devotion, discipline, Santi Humility.

When a man comes to you and says he is a Jivanmukta, you must test him. You must ask whether he has got humility, not feigned humility, but real unostentatious humility. Then he must have compassion. If you do not find these qualities in a man who says 'I am a Jivanmukta', reject him as straw. These are the two cardinal, fundamental virtues of a sage. If you do not find these virtues, even if he delivers a lecture for days together on the verse Sarva Dharman Parityajya Mamekam Saranam Vraja, it is useless, empty, bullet-shots in the air. If you find humility, that is a sign of a Yogi, and he must be compassionate. His heart should melt like butter when he sees the sufferings of others. If he finds a starving man, and if he has got a tumbler of milk, he will run to him and give it to him.

Of all the qualities that are enumerated in the Gita, humility and compassion are the most important. He who possesses these qualities is a Yogi of the first order. These are the test of a Jivanmukta. So we all pray for his health, long life, peace and prosperity. Such a person is a rare jewel on this earth. He who is not free from selfishness is a burden on earth, but when he becomes selfless and works for relieving the human suffering, when he has dedicated his life for the service of humanity, he is a divine being on earth. Other people live in vain, they are burdens on earth. Remove this selfishness and work for the well-being of humanity, for your neighbour. Then only man is he a real man. Otherwise, though God has given promotion as a human being, he is only a horizontal being.

So try to become real men on this earth, real men, supermen, with God-intoxicated feeling always working for your neighbours. In working for other people, you elevate yourself. In praying for other people you pray for yourself. There is only one being, one consciousness. So become absolutely selfless, courageous, bold, without attachment to this body. Timid people die a thousand times before their actual death owing to attachment to this body, which is nothing but a combination of the five elements. You are really Atman, the all-pervading immortal Soul. Then you become Atma-Samrat, King on this earth. Nature is ready to open Her secrets to you and you enjoy the divine Aiswaryas when you become selfless. When you work for the good of others, you become Atma-Samrat. Such a king is this Swami. Glory to him. May all follow his example.

"He is a young Yogi; a Yoga Brashta. He was a Swami in his previous birth, so at such a young age his heart is full of renunciation, Vairagya and meditation, which are the key to open the chambers of the heart, the Atmic store. It is not so easy to get renunciation and Vairagya. That man lives in vain who has got no Vairagya, no renunciation, no spirit of selfless service. God has given you in this birth a little wisdom. Yoga and Vedanta are complimentary. There is no wisdom without Yoga. There is no wisdom without Bhakti. All are complementary. Vedanta without Bhakti is dry, and Bhakti without wisdom is not complete or perfect. So let us pray for the health, and long life of this small Yogi full of strength. One who can transform the materialistic intellect of the whole of South Africa, what tremendous influence, what tremendous purity, what tremendous Yogic power, what tremendous meditation, his spiritual aura, selfless aura!

"A selfish man cannot do anything in this world. In South Africa they call him as 'brother'. The other people have lived in vain who have not done Atmic search, who have not done Sravan, Manan and Nididhyasan or this Navavidha Bhakti to attain God.

Ayamatma Nirakarah Sarvavyapi Swabhavatah, Aham Brahmasmi, Sivoham.

"This should not be a mere utterance of a formula; it should enter your bones and heart. You must have a feeling that there is one common consciousness. That is your birthright. You must attain this. One Atma resides in all. He has attained this. Let us pray for his long life, peace and prosperity.

"Utilise every second in service, meditation, in Chanting the Name of God. Waste not a single minute. Realise Him. Live in God. Live in Brahman, and behold the whole world as your own Self. Behold! Listen! Come! There is a way to the fourth dimension. There is a way for attaining immortality. That way is Be good, do good. Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realize. Seek, find, enter and rest.

"Become a great Yogi, not attached to this body, always thinking of this body. He who ever thinks of this body is a cobbler. A cobbler is not he who makes shoes, but he who always thinks of this body. You are the Atma. Do not become a blind man, a deaf man. Open your eyes and see everywhere the Self. Behind the Nama-Rupa there is Satchidananda, Asti-Bhati-Priya. This is wisdom.

"May Lord bless Swami Sahajananda with health, long life, peace, bliss and immortality. May Lord bless you all."


At a colourful ceremony at the Westville campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Sports Centre on Friday, 18 April 2008, the degree, Doctor of Theology, honoris causa, was posthumously conferred upon Swami Sahajananda.

Professor Dasarath Chetty, Head of the Department of Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, paid high tribute to Swami Sahajananda. He said, "Sri Swami Sahajanandaji Maharaj was a rare and unique individual whose selfless work in the cause of social and spiritual upliftment is of historic significance. I had the honour of meeting Swami Sahajananda last year and was struck by his saintliness and humility. It was indeed a humbling experience that I will always cherish.

"On learning of his passing away on 10 December 2007, President Mbeki said, 'The Divine Life Society has stood out as one of the beacons of this country. Swami Sahajananda has dedicated his life to serve the poorest of the poor in our country.'

"Swami Sahajananda has left a legacy of compassion, humbleness and selflessness that is the historical preserve of very few. The University of KwaZulu-Natal pays tribute to his memory as a man who inspired our country."

Dr Vidyanand, co-chairman of the Society, received the Doctorate on behalf of the Society and presented an inspiring address. We quote an excerpt from the address: "Swamiji's words were very few, but his actions were many. His magnetic personality attracted many devotees who were inspired and committed to perform the various service activities of the Society. He manifested great humility, love and compassion as he served human beings of all racial, cultural and religious groups. Pujya Swamiji was equally concerned with the decline in social and other evils that have invaded our society. He lost no opportunity in disseminating the Master's sublime teachings on correct conduct and ethical values through books, framed pictures, colourful duratrans, etc. in order to transform society. He wrote, 'The writings of Swami Sivananda are unique and unparalleled in spiritual literature. The instructions are universal in appeal and intensely practical in their application and will effectively solve and dissolve all the problems and trials of daily life. Peace, the priceless commodity that you are searching for is locked within your own heart, in the Divine dwelling there in all His splendour and majesty. Search for it there and enjoy everlasting happiness.' "

On 24 June 2007, at the Sivananda International Cultural Centre, in paying tribute to the six individuals who were chosen to receive the honorary doctorates, Professor Dasarath Chetty singled out Swami Sahajananda with the following significant statement: "His work is unparalleled in the history of the country".

In the speech prepared on 25 November 2007 for the Richards Bay Awards Presentation Ceremony, Swamiji wrote: "Everything that we have done is due to the Grace of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. I have said many times that although I was not qualified to do this work, the Master forced me to start the Divine Life Society and made me its first secretary. It was an unusual situation, the chairman was the Master in Rishikesh, India, the secretary here in South Africa, and no other members! The formation, growth and present status of Divine Life Society of South Africa is entirely due to his Grace. So, I gladly accept these most prestigious awards on his behalf. These awards will give inspiration to our devotees to continue their service activities with greater zeal and enthusiasm."

Divine Life Society of S.A. expresses its sincere thanks to the University of KwaZulu-Natal for recognizing Swami Sahajananda as an educationist and a humanitarian who has made a significant contribution to our country by conferring the degree, Doctor of Theology, honoris causa upon him. Swami Sahajananda's spirit lives on and his work will continue.

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Gurudev Centenary 2024

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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