Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Report: Centenary Celebrations' Satsang - Richards Bay Branch

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The Richards Bay Branch of Divine Life Society of South Africa hosted the Society's Centenary Celebrations' Satsang at Sivanandashram in Brackenham, Richards Bay. The programme comprised a Havan at 8am, Ganga Arati at 9.40am and Satsang from 10am until 12.20pm.

The spiritual ambience of the sacred Havan set the tone of divinity for the day's events. Many devotees, well-wishers, donors and members of the public participated in Ganga Arati, some for the very first time. The Satsang programme consisted of Kirtans, Bhajans, a children's item, "Gurudev Says", and a youth item, "Take a Packet of Grace Home Today", which captured some of Swami Sivananda's salient teachings, namely, Satsang, prayer, meditation, Sadhana, Brahmacharya, the Spiritual Diary and the Law of Karma. A delightful and humorous play, "An Obedient Wife", by Swami Sivananda brought out the importance of harmony in the home, mutual respect and understanding, especially between spouses. The Bharatanatyam Dance to the Bhajan, "Ayodhya Vasi" Ram was well choreographed and professionally executed.

RCB 100The Book Stall had some of our latest publications and Centenary Celebrations' memorabilia and souvenirs. The Sunlit Path Schools' Programme desk issued free literature that addressed issues of social ills such as alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, suicidal tendencies and gambling. Almost 250 packs of free spiritual literature were distributed. 

A comprehensive message from the Society captured Swami Sivananda's teachings and legacy, as well as Pujya Swami Sahajananda's sterling work in promoting the Master's mission in South Africa. Excerpts from the message appear below.

"Sri Swami Sivananda is an enlightened Sage and Jagat Guru, revered amongst the great modern saints of Hinduism. The most salient feature of his life is that he authored in excess of 250 books on all aspects of Hinduism, health, diet, education, moral and ethical values. His writings on Hinduism bring the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads to the world lucidly in the English medium. They are so practical and easy to understand that even a child can read and imbibe these. Swami Sivananda's spiritual force was so immense that those he tutored became great Gurus themselves. He sent them around the world-with some founding highly successful branches and missions. You can read about his life, teachings and miracles in his biography, From Man to God Man. His teachings are universal, practical in their application, simple and timeless. Today when people feel that Hinduism has difficult religious practices, Swami Sivananda showed us that this was not the case. He made religion simple and practical. These very teachings are available here at the bookstall, after Satsang. Please collect a complimentary copy of the booklet Our Glorious Hindu Dharma after Satsang.

IMG 20240417 WA0069"This year also marks the 75th Anniversary of the Divine Life Society of South Africa. We thank you humbly for celebrating this momentous occasion with us. Devotees of Divine Life Society of South Africa have been highly inspired by its motto of Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate and Realise, and use these very ideals to lead a divine life in the midst of all the trials and tribulations of daily life.

"The story of the Divine Life Society of South Africa is inextricably bound to the life of Sri Swami Sahajananda, affectionately known as Pujya Swamiji. He breathed life into every facet of its work in the 58 years during which he was Spiritual Head. He grew the organisation to 7 Ashrams, 18 Branches and Prayer Groups countrywide. Pujya Swamiji said, 'We are not tired of reiterating that the formation, growth and present status of Divine Life Society of South Africa is due entirely to the Grace of our Master, Sri Swami Sivananda'. In 1956, on Swami Sahajananda's arrival at the Master's Ashram in Rishikesh, he met Gurudev on his way to the office that morning. Joyously welcoming him, the Master said 'Oh! You are doing the work of Avataras'."

The Richards Bay Branch is complimented on its excellent organisation of the Centenary Celebrations' Satsang. The sumptuous meals, health breakfast, silent dynamism, their attention to detail, diligence, warm hospitality, humility, perseverance and commitment to the Mission are greatly appreciated, gratifying and overtly overwhelming.20240414 100007

Last modified on Saturday, 20 April 2024 08:07
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