Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

This auspicious event was celebrated on Saturday, 10 July 2021 via our online Satsang Programme. The morning programme from 6.00-6.25am began with Ganga Arati and concluded with a short invocation. In the evening, Ganga Arati commenced at 5.30pm followed by Satsang.

On this sacred Birth Anniversary of Pujya Swami Sahajananda, from the Board of Management is as follows," We paid reverence and homage to our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, for the most precious gift bestowed on South Africa: Pujya Swami Sahajananda. We thank Pujya Swamiji for his inestimable contributions to this country as Spiritual Head of the Society. Pujya Swamiji's contributions to Hinduism and humanitarian initiatives in South Africa are unparalleled in South African history. Pujya Swamiji set the foundation and commenced magnanimous and sterling work in the promotion of our glorious Hindu Dharma, based on the writings of Sri Swami Sivananda. Swamiji devoted himself to printing and distributing the Master's teachings with silent eloquence, building schools, crèches, a hospital, projects for poverty alleviation, poor feeding and assistance to Hindu temples.


The launch programme, which commenced at 5.30pm with Ganga Arati, followed by invocation, reading and the recital, attracted 430 tune-ins. We are also pleased to report that Guru Purnima drew 1662 tune-ins, whilst the month of July itself recorded 19 714. Since March 2020 the total number of tune-ins were 191 904.


The Sri Hanuman Chalisa is very powerful and very effective for the removal of all mental problems. It brings good health, success and prosperity. It cures diseases, counteracts evil forces and the effects of "black magic", which are so prevalent today. It was recommended to Pujya Swami Sahajananda by Pujya Mata Krishnabai of Anandashram, one of the greatest of recent saints.

Ganga Dussehra was celebrated on Sunday, 20 June 2021 via our online Home Satsang programme. Messages from our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swamiji were read at this Satsang. We reproduce excerpts of their messages below.

In the book, Mother Ganga, our Master wrote, "Taking Her course into the interior of the Himalayas, Ganga was about to wash away Rishi Jahnu's Ashram. Sage Jahnu responded by simply sipping up her water. Bhagiratha was much disappointed. He did severe penance to please Rishi Jahnu. At last, the sage let Ganga through his ears. Flowing from this outlet, Ganga flowed with entire modesty and all-embracing filial love and motherly affection. By Her Divine Grace, She uplifted all the sixty thousand princes to the highest abode of immortal bliss. This day is celebrated as the most sanctifying Ganga Dussehra".

The 21st of June was declared as The International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Since 2015, this day has been marked with spiritual practices worldwide. Due to the Corona virus pandemic, this prestigious event was hosted online this year by several institutions.

At the Divine Life Society of S.A. Yoga Camp on Sunday, 20 June 2021, a special message on this important day was delivered by our youth. A few excerpts from this message are included below:

Sri Swami Sivananda was a unique visionary who was able to cater for modern society's spiritual and secular needs. Seeing the potential of Yoga to alleviate the imbalance and distress of life in modern society, he took Yoga from the secret realms of mysticism into practice for daily life, giving it to one and all, be it spiritual seeker, student, westerner, postman, milkman, traveller, beggar, businessman, housewife or thief. His simple yet potent practices are intended for the cultivation of virtues, the betterment of character and the development of personality and self. Sri Swami Sivananda taught a synthesis of practical Vedanta and integrated Yoga, as a means to obtain excellence in life. The Divine Master gave the world "Integral Yoga" or "the Yoga of Synthesis".

Divine Life Society of South Africa celebrated "Youth Day" via its online Home Satsang Programme on Wednesday, 16 June 2021. It proved highly successful as our youth were given the opportunity to air their views and explore various topics close to their hearts. They chose to focus on the following topics: Meditation on the Peace Series, Overcoming Fear, Social Media Effects and Management, and finally COVID and spirituality (a panel discussion). The programme included a recorded message by Sri Swami Sahajananda and the customary Bhajans & Kirtans which were melodiously sung by them.

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Gurudev Centenary 2024

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)


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