Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Water from the Ganga has the recursive property that any water mixed with even the minutest quantity of Ganga water becomes Ganga water, and inherits its healing properties. Also, despite any impurities put into it, Ganga water remains pure even if stored for several days.

Based on this principle, the Divine Life Society of South Africa has constructed several large water features in South Africa which are regularly sanctified with Ganga water brought from India. Littered throughout this web-page, you will find pictures of such water features in the Divine Life Society Ashrams in South Africa.

Presently (2015), the holy Ganga water sanctifies fountains at the following places, four at Sivananda International Cultural Centre, La Mercy, one each at Sivanandashram (Reservoir Hills), Sivananda Ghat (Clare Estate), Sivananda Sunlit Path Centre (Chatsworth), Sivanandashram (Zakarraiya Park), Sivanandashram (Chatsworth), Sivanandashram (Pietermaritzburg), Sivanandashram (Stanger), Sivanandashram (Richards Bay), Sai Ashram (Chatsworth), Nelisiwe Ganga Baptismal Centre (Port Durnford), Ebuhleni Ganga Baptismal Centre (Inanda).


At the Nelisiwe Ganga Baptismal Centre, African girls dressed in saris, belonging to the Nazareth Baptist Church, perform Ganga Arati once a week. Ganga Arati is relayed over a sound system. The picture of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, has been installed on the shrines in the centres at Port Durnford and Inanda, together with pictures of Bishop Shembe and his past Masters. The Shembe clan, which has a following of about five million, also worship water. So they have great reverence for Ganga

Ganga Mahatmya 

Lord Krishna says in the Gita: "Among streams, I am the Ganga".

Devi Bhagavatam: "He who utters 'Gange, Gange' even from a distance of hundreds of kilometers, becomes purified from all sins, and attains Vaikuntha, the world of Vishnu."

Lord Dhanvantari: "When the body is afflicted by senility and diseases, the holy water of Mother Ganga is the medicine, and Lord Narayana (Hari), from whose Feet Mother Ganga emanates, is the great physician."

Sri Sankara: "Even a little study of the Bhagavad Gita, or drinking of a little Ganga water, and worship even once of Murari, will make one immune to Yama, the Lord of Death."


Prayer to Ganga

1. Om, obeisance to Ganga, identical with Siva and the bestower of happiness! Obeisance, obeisance, obeisance to you in the form of Vishnu! Obeisaince to you in the form of Brahma!

2. I bow to you in the form of Rudra, Sankari (benefactress)! Obeisance to you in the form of all gods! Obeisance to medicine personified!

3. Obeisance to you, the most excellent physician of all ailments of all people! Obeisance to you, the destroyer of the poisons arising from mobile and immobile beings!

4. Hail to you, the destroyer of the poison of worldly existence! Obeisance to the enlivener! Repeated obeisance to you, the destroyer of the three types of distresses, the Goddess of the vital breath!

5. Obeisance to the Goddess, the cause of lasting peace! Obeisance to you of pure form! Obeisance to the purifier of everything! Obeisance to you in the form of the enemy of sins!

6. Repeated salutes to the bestower of all worldly pleasures and salvation! Obeisance to the bestower of welfare! Obeisance to the bestower of pleasure here and hereafter! Obeisance to you, the river in the nether worlds!

7. Obeisance to Mandakini! Obeisance to the bestower of heavenly pleasures! Obeisance to the triple-streamed one!

8. Obeisance to the holy river abiding in the three white ones (pure ones, namely, its source, Prayaga and confluence with the sea)! Obeisance, obeisance to the one with forbearance. Obeisance to the one abiding in the three types of fire! Obeisance to the brilliant one!


O Adorable Mother Ganges! 

by Sri Swami Sivananda

O adorable Mother Ganga, the Shakti of Lord Siva,Prostrations and adorations unto Thee!

Thou art the creatrix and nourisher of the world.People address Thee as "Bhagirathi", "Har Har Gange",

I know well Thy story, O dear Mother,

Once King Bhagiratha brought Thee down

To purify the ashes of his grandfathers,

Lord Siva took Thee in His matted locks,

Thou takest origin in Gaumukh, beyond Gangotri,

Thou passest through Uttarkashi, Rishikesh and Haridwar,

Thou purifiest the Punyabhumi of Bharata Varsha;

Thou finally mergest in Ganga Sagar;

Thou art Bhrantinashini and Jagatjanani;

Thou adornest the head of Gangadhar,

Thou art the nectar of immortalilty that gives salvation,

Thou art Mahamaya, Adishakti and Avyaktam,

People sing "Gange Lahari" in the evening,

They do Arati with Bhav and devotion;

They raise Jaya Jayakar: "Ganga Mayee Ki Jai!",

They worship Thee with flowers and Prasad,

Thou art Jnana Ganga, the wisdom nectar,

Thy subtle form is in the celestial regions,

Thy gross form only human beings behold here,

Thou pervadest the world as subtle Chidakasa,

Thou hast attracted the people of the whole world,

Thy name has holy associations and vibrations,

A dip in Thee refreshes and purifies the heart,

Millions flock to Thee during Kumbha Mela,

Thou art the purest water on earth,

No germs can thrive in Thee,

This is the finding of the scientist in his laboratory,

Thou art sparkling and clear as crystal,

A drop on the tongue at the moment of death gives Moksha,

Yogins and Sadhus do Tapas on Thy banks in cottages,

Thou deliverest them from the rounds of births and deaths,

Who can describe, O Mother, Thy glory and splendour?

Will a day come to me, Beloved Mother,

To sit on a block of stone on Thy bank,

To shed continuous tears of Prem on Thy lap,

And merge in Thee for ever and ever?

O all-powerful Mother of compassion and love,

Bless me with Thy Grace and mercy,

Destroy my darkness and ignorance,

Remove the veil and show Thy true form,

I am thine, O Mother, Thou art mine,

The sense of duality has vanished now,

The bridge that separates us has broken now,

Let me dwell in Thee, Mother, for ever and ever.


While every Hindu adores the Ganga, Swami Sivananda's love for Her was unprecedented. He clung on to a small set of rooms on the bank of the holy river for more than three decades, only because from there he could always commune with Mother Ganga day and night.

During his early days of rigorous Tapas in a cottage at Swarg Ashram, Rishikesh, he would get up at 4am and, even during winter, would enter waist-deep into the ice cold waters of the Ganga. Only when the sun appeared would he climb out of the waters. This awesome Tapas affected the Divine Master's body in later life, but his reverence and love for the celestial river did not diminish and continued up to his last days on earth, as will be seen from the narratives below.

This incident occurred about 24 June, 1963, a few weeks before the Master entered into Mahasamadhi. At the lunch table he could not pick up the towel with his left hand when he tried, nor could he perform his usual salutations to Mother Ganga after taking his meal.

On July 8, he was wheeled to the verandah and, at his bidding, the doors of the verandah opening onto the river front were thrown open, enabling him to drink his fill of the beauty of the holy Ganga to his heart's content. Ganga Darshan to him was always a spiritual feast.

On July 10, the Master expressed a desire to see Ganga from where he lay in bed. An intervening wall obstructed the view. So the direction of the bed was suitably changed in order to enable him to view the holy Tirtha, which he loved so much, on whose banks he had lived for almost forty years, and on whose glory he had written a book.

At 10am the Master was brought to the verandah as usual. Normally he sat there for half an hour, but that day he rested for just ten minutes, with a straight gaze fixed intently on the Ganga.

On July 14, as was the usual practice, the disciples wanted to give the Master barley water or jeera water, but he wanted to have Ganga water, pure and simple. The water was brought. The Master, who had experienced difficulty in taking the smallest quantity of solid or liquid, gulped down half a glass of Ganga water wihout apparent trouble-and with that, the Being that was Swami Sivananda laid aside his mortal vesture. It was 11.15pm.

Headquarters of Divine Life Society of South Africa is located on a 2.5 hectare site at Reservoir Hills, Durban, which is a fifteen minute drive from the centre of the city of Durban. The magnificent Sivananda International Cultural Centre is located at Sivananda Nagar, La Mercy, which is about a half an hour drive from Durban. Ashrams have also been established at Chatsworth (Durban), Northdale (Pietermaritzburg), Stanger, Richards Bay and Zakariyya Park in Gauteng. The Society has no other registered branches but there are several prayer groups all over the country.

Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Gurudev Centenary 2025

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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