Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, sent three letters to Sri V Srinivasan (later Sri Swami Sahajananda) to start a branch of Divine Life Society in this country. These were sent on 18 October 1949, 11 November 1949 and 5 June 1951. Therefore, one of the 75th Anniversaries of Divine Life Society of South Africa was celebrated on Monday, 11 November 2024 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. The programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, an extract from a DVD entitled Wisdom of Sivananda, an audio message by Pujya Swami Sahajananda, Spiritual Head of the Society, and the reading of two letters relevant to the occasion, sent by Sri Swami Sivananda to Pujya Swamiji (Pujya Swami Sahajananda). 

The Divine Master’s letters containing direct instructions to Pujya Swami Sahajananda were meticulously preserved by Pujya Swamiji. These letters have now, post Pujya Swamiji’s Mahasamadhi in December 2007, been published by the Society in a series entitled Priceless Jewels. Excerpts of the two letters read at the Satsang, are reproduced below. The first reading bears Sri Gurudev’s instruction to Pujya Swamiji to open a branch of Divine Life Society in South Africa.


“11th November, 1949

Sri V. Srinivasan



Beloved Atman.


    Salutations and adorations. Om Namo Narayana.

    Thy kind letter of 13 October.

    Lust and pride are the root of all human ills. They are the enemies of peace and are the parents of all the host of evils. Get up in the morning and meditate on the havoc that these bring about in man’s life. These two alone cause man’s subjections to the wheel of            Samsara.

    If you bring yourself up to feeling that they drain out your vitality – physical and mental – and that for your own good, you should eradicate them, then conquest of these two foes will be an easy affair. Resort to His Lotus Feet. He will help you. 

    May God help you!


Thy Own Self,



Kindly open the branch of Divine Life Society at once.

Do some silent work.



Excerpts of the letter dated 21 September 1955 appear below:


“Kindly take great care of all the workers of the Durban Centre. They are all Dynamic Yogis, who have lost their body-consciousness. I wish all glory, Divine Wisdom, Good health and long life to all of them. One day I will be able to meet them all….

Your visit to Ananda Kutir in January 1st week is the happiest news to me and all the inmates of the Ashram. Cordial greetings. You have selected the finest period - winter - very pleasant for silent Sadhana. This will be a wonderful period in your life - all Bliss and Inspiration….

Yes, when you return to South Africa, you may take Swami Chidanandaji. I will give you some Movie films of the Ashram activities and songs and messages to the people of Africa through recording Tapes. That will be a great help to you for future work”.

Pujya Swami Sahajananda, in his audio message on the centenary birthday celebrations of Sri Swami Sivananda, paid glowing tributes to the Master’s compassion, benevolence and all-pervading presence in all aspects of the Society’s operations. Addressing the Master in the first person, Pujya Swamiji alluded to the Master’s complete control of Pujya Swamiji’s life, work and spiritual journey. He said that he had no intention to begin an Ashram, handle money and be a Spiritual Head. However, the Master willed otherwise, as is evident in his profound words to Pujya Swamiji, “Don’t reject and don’t long for anything”, and that if you take care of his Mission, then he will take care of you. Referring to the Master’s all-pervading nature, Pujya Swamiji said, “who can resist your will, none can! created the Ashram….all praise and all blame should go to him”. In respect of starting an Ashram, Pujya Swamiji said that Sri Gurudev realised God and then began an Ashram. However, in Pujya Swamiji’s case, the Master willed that Pujya Swamiji begins an Ashram and then aspire for God-realisation. The talk was pregnant with Pujya Swamiji’s unconditional loyalty to the master, as his spiritual aspirations were willed by Gurudev. 

Sri Swami Sivananda’s message on the glory of Karma Yoga, played on the DVD entitled, Wisdom of Sivananda Volume 2, brought forth the profound message of unconditional service in the form of Karma Yoga. This message was apt, for Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s entire life was devoted to Karma Yoga, as encapsulated in the Master’s cryptic instruction to him, “Learn to type and to make tea”. One of the cornerstones and hallmarks of Divine Life Society of South Africa during its existence over the 75 years, is unconditional service, irrespective of religion – one of Sri Swami Sivananda’s cardinal doctrines.

Divine Life Society of South Africa celebrated its 75th Anniversary in 2024. What do the next 75 years bode for the Society? If we follow the instructions and guidance of Pujya Swamiji, the Society is sure to rise to greater heights. The tenacity, resilience, unconditional Guru Bhakti of Pujya Swami Sahajananda, his leonine and iron courage, his grit, steadfast will, and his sheer passion and determination to spread the Master’s teachings in South Africa and beyond, will see the Society on its continued trajectory – to serve, love, give, purify, meditate and realise. 


As the 75th year draws to a close, may we all resolve to continue Pujya Swamiji’s legacies in South Africa and beyond, with the teachings of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda as the compass.

The 17th Mahasamadhi Anniversary of Pujya Swami Sahajananda was observed at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills on Tuesday, 10 December 2024. A morning Sadhana programme was held from 6am until 6.25am, after which devotees had Darshan at Sahaja Kutir, Pujya Swamiji’s sacred room and the Sivananda-Sahajananda Diamond Jubilee Centre. Hundreds of devotees, well-wishers and donors attended Ganga Arati which commenced at 5pm followed by Satsang. The Satsang programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, reading of two letters from Sri Swami Sivananda to Pujya Swamiji, a DVD entitled, Memories of a Divine Sage, and a Mahasamadhi Anniversary address. 

Sri Gurudev wrote several letters to Pujya Swamiji, who filed these meticulously. These letters have now been published by Divine Life Society of South Africa in a series entitled, Priceless Jewels. Excerpts of two of the letters which were read at the Satsang, indicative of the Master’s encouragement to Pujya Swamiji, and his love and praise for Pujya Swamiji, are reproduced herewith. In the letter dated 3 October 1953, the Master wrote:
 “Thy kind and loving flowers to hand. Grateful thanks. How kind you are! Your posters are doing wonderful awakening!

Proceed upon the path of Yoga gradually and steadily. Nothing can be achieved overnight. Steady practice will surely bestow great blessings in the long run.

Spiritual life is practical from the beginning to end. The love for the ideal should be single-minded and whole-hearted. Self-control and Self-realisation is the message of Indian sages.

Dedicate all your actions to God and you can escape from the contamination of evil. Feel that God is ever with you and always work in the company of God.

Turn inward the energy and interest which had long been devoted to external pursuits and through this energy discover the soul, uncover the divine knowledge within, which has been covered or enveloped by ignorance.

May the Divine Flame grow brighter and brighter in you! May you enjoy the bliss of the eternal!”

On 6 March 1961, Sri Swami Sivananda in his letter to Sri Swami Sahajananda wrote:

“The South African branch, Durban is making wonderful progress in all spheres, publications, buildings, etc.

Very shortly there will be another duplicate of the headquarters in every respect. The will of the Lord is working through you to work out a grand plan in the near future.

I get glorious accounts of your activities from different quarters very frequently. Also, visitors to the Ashram from Africa endorse the views conveyed through letters.

I am glad that your financial condition is getting sound. It is very essential for steady progress and dynamic work.

In spite of hardships now and then in your personal Sadhana you are able to balance yourself. It is Divine Grace and Kripa. Never shall anyone engaged in good work ever have a fall. The Lord protects His devotees like the mother who protects her newborn babe.

Draw strength, power and inspiration from meditation. Wear the armour of Viveka-Vairagya. Rest peacefully in the Self.

May Lord bless you, all your members and all your works and bring them to glorious success!”

The DVD entitled, Memories of a Divine Sage, contained a beautiful address by Pujya Swamiji as well as his salient messages, filmed at the Guru Purnima Satsang on 27 July 2003. Pujya Swamiji encouraged all to sign the pledge forms and do their spiritual practices, so as to get spiritual progress and bliss. He said, “We have to concentrate on God and we will get the peace that we want”. Pujya Swamiji spoke about the glory of renunciation and faith, and mentioned appropriate anecdotes. He further advised, “So try to follow all the rules and keep God’s Name always on your lips, and try to attend all the functions, Ganga Arati and so on”. He thanked all devotees, both householders and renunciants for their exemplary work, and also alluded to the enormous impact of Sri Gurudev’s literature, namely the Peace Series on the South African community.

Amongst the messages by Pujya Swamiji in the DVD, were: 

  • “Do not be discouraged even if you suffer repeated failures”, 
  • “Ram Nam will be your strength and solace at all times”, 
  • “Only when one gives happiness to others, can one expect happiness in return”, 
  • “Everything regarding our Master’s mission in this country, has been ordained by the Master himself. Even now he is controlling and looking after everything”, 
  • “If one has faith and devotion to the Master, one can easily note his Grace”, 
  • “So valuable is the dissemination of spiritual knowledge, it is the highest service that one can render, because it can take people to God, which is the goal of this human birth”, and
  • “When God protects, nothing can happen. Being always calm and unaffected by criticisms, insults, setbacks, trials, etc. is one of the best forms of giving – to repay our debt of gratitude to our Master…”.

Professor Vimolan Mudaly, in a Mahasamadhi address, paid rich tribute to one of the greatest of spiritual sons of South Africa, and arguably, the world. Excerpts from the address appear below:

“South Africans and the world alike would never know how fortunate we were when on the 10th of July 1925 there appeared in a little country town called Estcourt, a baby named Vijayaragaveloo Srinivasan Naidoo. We were not there, but the heavens must have reverberated with so much joy. The name "Vijayaragaveloo" is a combination of several components that demonstrates the earliest signs of Swamiji’s divine nature. When one looks at the onomatology of Swamiji’s name, Vijaya, Raga and Veloo, we note that Vijayaragaveloo could be interpreted as one who, like Siva or Vishnu, is victorious, here and hereafter, in establishing harmony and emotional expression among devotees and mankind in general, just like the divine power of Lord Muruga's Vel”.

Referring to Sri Gurudev’s accolades on Pujya Swamiji’s Sannyas initiation, and to Pujya Swamiji’s supreme sacrifice, Guru Bhakti and love for the Master, Prof Mudaly said, “On the 10th of April 1956, Swamiji became Swami Sahajananda. That was the day Swami Sivananda extended an invitation to all of us to become his devotees. What an ideal conduit Swamiji was, is, and will always be! On this day in 1956, Gurudev described how the Devas rained flowers down on earth. Swamiji attained the highest state of Samadhi at such an early stage, and there was no need to continue with such rigorous tapas. But for us, Swamiji sacrificed his physical-self so that we too may progress on the spiritual path. This is a wonderful time for us to engage in deep reflective practice. Our salvation will come through our own practice and mountains of Guru’s Grace. Gurudev’s Name and Mission are far greater than our own lives, our fame, our own fortunes. To Swamiji, Gurudev always came first. his Guru Bhakti was unquestionable and can be equated to the love that Lord Hanuman had for Lord Rama. Who Swamiji was, we may never know, but we do know that he was indeed a supreme being that traversed this earth, and we were so, so fortunate to have been in his midst. Gurudev and Swamiji must always be placed first”.

The following is a poignant pointer to our roles and responsibilities in perpetuating Pujya Swamiji’s legacies as espoused by Prof Mudaly: “The epitome of humility, the angel of compassion, the personification of loyalty, the embodiment of love and devotion, the quintessence of selfless dedication, and the incarnation of complete surrender and obedience to his Master! These are the inherent qualities that Swamiji taught and these are the qualities we must develop. Swamiji came to teach, to guide, to lead our souls to a higher place. We resist through our attitudes and our actions. This is important. A Guru’s legacy is dependent on the devotees he leaves behind to continue his work. Gurudev had so many. Let us each introspect and become a champion for Swamiji’s mission. Gurudev’s name and Swamiji’s name must come before our desires and needs. That is our surrender”.


Pujya Swamiji left his mortal body 17 years ago. His shining light, leadership, unflinching dedication and Guru Bhakti, are cornerstones which should guide us in our spiritual quest. We should remember that the Guru is the bridge to the divine. Sri Gurudev said, "A true disciple seeks not to measure the Guru’s wisdom but to absorb it fully”. Let us all, through devotion and unconditional Guru Bhakti to the Sri Gurudev and Pujya Swamiji, aspire to and tread the path of Bhakti, self-transformation, and achieve spiritual growth and liberation.

The most beautiful Sat-Chit-Ananda Temple in Fernwood, Newcastle was the venue for the Society’s 18th programme in the Sivananda Centenary Celebrations’ series of events. The Sivananda Centenary Celebrations’ Tour saw Satsangs in Kimberley, Port Shepstone, Howick and Newcastle, in addition to Branch Satsangs. The programme in Newcastle on Sunday, 10 November 2024 comprised a Havan at 8.30am, Ganga Arati at 9.30am and Satsang at 10am. The Satsang programme comprised Kirtans and Bhajans by both Divine Life Society of South Africa and the Sat-Chit-Ananda Temple Society, a message from the Society, a Ramayana Recital, a talk on Swami Sivananda’s cardinal teachings, guided meditation, and the benefits of Mantra chanting.

Sri Krishen Singh, Founder Trustee of the Mandir, in his welcome address, paid glowing tributes to Sri Swami Sivananda, Pujya Swami Sahajananda and the Society. He acknowledged the contributions of the Society to the Mandir during its formative stages, as Divine Life Society of South Africa supported the Mandir financially. The Society also provided infrastructure assistance with the Mandir’s domes, tiling and the Siva-Ganga pool. The Society therefore has a cordial and long-standing relationship with the Mandir.

The message from the Society traced the life and teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda, the illustrious work done by Pujya Swami Sahajananda in promoting and preserving Hindu values, and our glorious Hindu Dharma in South Africa. In respect of Pujya Swamiji’s contributions, the message read, “The story of the Divine Life Society of South Africa is inextricably bound to the life of Sri Swami Sahajananda of South Africa, affectionately known as Pujya Swamiji, who breathed life into every facet of the Society’s work in the 58 years during which he was Spiritual Head. He grew the organisation to 7 Ashrams and 18 Branches/Prayer Groups countrywide. Today we have an 8th Ashram in Buccleuch, Sandton, Gauteng. In 1956, on Swami Sahajananda’s arrival at Swami Sivananda’s Ashram in Rishikesh, he met the Divine Master on his way to the office that morning. Joyously welcoming him, the Master said ‘Oh! You are doing the work of Avataras’”. 

The following excerpt from the message gives an insight into the association between the Mandir and the Society, “Divine Life society of South Africa and Sat-Chit-Ananda Temple Society have a very close and long-standing relationship. We know that at the very sacred spot where our Ganga Mata resides in this Mandir, is where Pujya Swamiji sat when he visited this Mandir about 2 decades ago. We feel a great sense of gratitude to the officials of the Mandir for the sincerity with which they administer the operations at this Mandir, and for having consecrated a Ganga Rani Shrine here in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal. Your work in upholding and propagating our glorious Hindu Dharma is most praiseworthy. We pray that Sat-Chit-Ananda Temple Society grows from strength to strength in all its activities”. 

The guided meditation gave the congregation insights into techniques in meditation, its benefits and a practical guide to its practice. This was complemented by glimpses into benefits of Mantra chanting, namely: physiological benefits, raising vibrations, meditative aid, focus and concentration, stress and anxiety relief, as well as spiritual benefits - when one connects with the Divine or higher self, and increases spiritual growth and self-transformation. Techniques of Mantra chanting and how to choose a Mantra, were also discussed. The following well-known Mantras were alluded to: Om Namah Shivaya, Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram Om, Om Namo Narayana, the Maha Mantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and Gayatri Mantra, to name just a few, with the intention that members of the public begin the practice of Mantra chanting.   

A talk on Sri Swami Sivananda’s cardinal teachings focused on Sadhana, meditation, prayer, benefits of Satsang and the power of prayer. On prayer, Sri Swami Sivananda said, “Prayer elevates the mind. It fills the mind with purity. It is associated with the praise of God. It keeps the mind in tune with God. Prayer can reach a realm where reason dares not enter. It can take you to the Spiritual Realm or Kingdom of God. It frees the devotee from the fear of death. It brings him nearer to God and makes him feel his essential, immortal and blissful nature”.

A summary of the Master’s views on the benefits of Satsang are:

  • Satsang with Mahatmas, Sadhus and the Guru plays a tremendous part in the attainment of quick spiritual progress.
  • It is the easiest and quickest means to change the minds of worldly persons towards the spiritual path and to thoroughly overhaul the vicious, wrong Samskaras. 
  • Satsang elevates the mind and fills it with Sattva or purity, and is the greatest of all purifiers and illuminators of man. 
  • Without Satsang, this mind which is filled with worldly impurities cannot be turned towards God. 
  • Satsang removes the darkness of ignorance and fills the mind with Vairagya or non-attachment or dispassion for worldly enjoyments. Satsang is the sun that dispels the cloud of ignorance. It forces one to lead a life divine and have strong conviction in the existence of God. 
  • The company of a saint remarkably hastens the growth of Sattvic virtues in the aspirant, and gives him strength to awaken the dormant powers, and to eradicate undesirable negative qualities and various defects. 
  • Satsang helps in the attainment of Moksha. 
  • Satsang is a formidable and impregnable fortress to protect the young aspirants from the temptations and the attacks of Maya. 
  • There is nothing so inspiring, elevating, solacing and delightful as Satsang. 

Divine Life Society of South Africa extends congratulations to, and thanks the Mandir’s officials, its committee and devotees on a well-organised and an excellent Centenary Celebrations' function. We acknowledge with profound gratitude their hard work, diligence, dedication and commitment to ensuring that the message of our Sanatana Dharma and Divine Life go out to the community of Newcastle and surrounding towns. The extent that the Mandir went to in organising the function, bearing all costs, arranging all aspects of the Havan, Satsang, Ganga Arati, cooking, catering, décor, other services and community involvement, are hallmarks of efficiency and dedication to duty. The attention to detail, smooth execution of tasks and items, dignity with which devotees and members of the public conducted themselves, and the sanctified atmosphere of the Mandir, are really praiseworthy.  The celebration was immensely spiritual and uplifting. 


The distribution of our Master’s literature and teachings in Newcastle is helping to spread the message of Divine Life and our glorious Hindu Dharma, which we all need in this Kali Yoga. The bookstall with Swami Sivananda’s books, CDs with Kirtans, Bhajans and Mantras, picture frames and memorabilia, attracted interest.  

The Centenary Celebrations’ Tour function at the Sat-Chit-Ananda Temple was inspiring, soulful and spiritually elevating. We also express heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the Mandir, its officials and the community of Newcastle for their hospitality, warmth, dedication, unwavering support and sincerity. The temple's serene atmosphere, beautiful murtis, sacred precincts, and timeless teachings provide a profound sense of peace and connection to the Divine. The visit for many felt like a journey inward, offering comfort, inspiration, spiritual sustenance and food for the soul. We are especially grateful to the officials of the Mandir, whose dedication ensures that the teachings, traditions and values of our glorious Hindu Dharma flourish. May the Mandir continue to be a source of light, spirituality, and unity for all who seek it.

Sivanandashram, Stanger was the venue for the Society’s Centenary Celebrations on Sunday, 27 October 2024, hosted by the Stanger Branch. The Branch also celebrated its 67th Anniversary. Havan commenced at 8am, followed by Ganga Arati at 9.30am. The Satsang programme that commenced at 10am, comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, a Ramayan Recital, a message from the Society, a children’s item, a presentation by the youth girls on Sri Swami Sivananda’s cardinal teachings, and a play on Sri Swami Sivananda’s health tonics. 

Devotees, well-wishers, donors and members of the public gathered in their numbers for the Havan. The chants of Mantras charged the prayer hall and the Ashram precincts on this beautiful Sunday morning. A larger gathering was present at the Satsang, with overflow areas being the adjacent halls and marquees.

The message from the Society focused on the lives and legacies of Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda. Excerpts from the message are recounted below. “One hundred years ago on 1st June 1924, Dr Kuppuswamy was ordained as a monk and a Sannyasin on the banks of the sacred Ganges. Thus, Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati was born. His teachings spread across India and the world, and in 1949, the South African chapter of Divine Life Society was formed by Swami Sivananda with Swami Sahajananda as the Secretary. 

“Sri Swami Sivananda is an enlightened Sage and Jagat Guru, revered amongst the great modern Saints in Hinduism. The most salient feature of His life is that he authored in excess of 250 books on all aspects of Hinduism, bringing the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads to the world in the English medium.  His teachings are universal, simple and practical. He wrote for neophytes and scholars, for young and old. His writings are all directed to the same goal, to provide practical instructions to elevate man to the highest state, that of God-realisation, the state that he himself was in, wherein he saw only God in all beings. His disciples have taken the message of Divine Life to all parts of the world”. 

The Society recognised the contributions of the pioneers of the Stanger Branch, past and present officials, and devotees for their unstinting devotion and Guru Bhakti during the past 67 years. 

Referring to Sri Swami Sahajananda’s contributions to the Society, the message read, “The story of Divine Life Society of South Africa is inextricably bound to the life of Sri Swami Sahajananda of South Africa, affectionately known as Pujya Swamiji, who breathed life into every facet of the Society’s work in the 58 years during which he was Spiritual Head. He grew the organisation to 7 Ashrams and 18 Branches/Prayer Groups countrywide. Today we have an 8th Ashram in Sandton, Gauteng. Pujya Swamiji said, ‘We are not tired of reiterating that the formation, growth and present status of Divine Life Society of South Africa is due entirely to the Grace of our Master, Sri Swami Sivananda’. In 1956, on Swami Sahajananda’s arrival at Swami Sivananda’s Ashram in Rishikesh, he met the Divine Master on his way to the office that morning. Joyously welcoming him, the Master said ‘Oh! You are doing the work of Avataras’”.

The children’s item, “Sri Gurudev Says” captured some of Sri Swami Sivananda’s teachings through his sayings. The Spiritual Darlings (children), ranging in age from 6 to 14 years, enunciated the Master’s teachings in a lively and entertaining manner. The play, “Secrets to Good Health” focused on the benefits of health tonics as recommended by Sri Swami Sivananda. The profound message that emanated is that in addition to taking health tonics, one should also readily surrender to the Lord and pray with sincerity, regularity and faith. The youth presented the play in an entertaining and light-hearted manner, thus capturing the attention of the audience and succeeded in communicating its profound message. 

The youth girls eloquently communicated Sri Swami Sivananda’s cardinal teachings, namely: meditation, Satsang, Sadhana, prayer, chanting the Divine Name, Karma Yoga and the glory of Hinduism and its practices. Referring to the topic, “Satsang”, Sri Gurudev advised that listening to spiritual discourses or being in holy company is Satsang. Satsang is about being in an environment or the company of those who support and inspire one’s spiritual journey, thus helping one to connect with one’s inner self. Some of the benefits of Satsang are: 

  • It is the easiest and quickest means to take us towards God.
  • Satsang elevates the mind and fills it with Sattva or purity. It forces one to lead a divine life. 
  • The company of a saint or holy people helps eradicate undesirable, negative qualities and defects. Satsang is the greatest of all purifiers of man. 

The congregation related easily to the topic, “Chanting the Divine Name”. The Master said, “Chant the Divine Name in the temple, at home, at your workplace, while driving and at all times. Choose any Mantra”. He continued, “O man, take refuge in the Divine Name. God and His Name are inseparable. Sing the Lord’s Name incessantly. Remember the Name of the Lord with every incoming and outgoing breath. In this age, repetition of the Divine Name is the easiest, quickest, safest and surest way to reach God and attain immortality and perennial joy”.  

Divine Life Society of South Africa thanks and extends congratulations to Stanger Branch on a well-organised and an excellent Centenary Celebrations' Havan and Satsang. We acknowledge with profound gratitude their hard work, diligence, dedication and commitment in ensuring that the message of our Sanatana Dharma and Divine Life go out to the community of Stanger and surrounding areas. The extent that the Branch went to in organising the function with distinction, and that the Branch has been in existence for 67 years, is highly commendable.

Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Gurudev Centenary 2025

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

Forthcoming Functions


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