Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

The Sivananda Conference which was held over the weekend of 7 & 8 September 2019 at the Sivananda International Cultural Centre, was a resounding success, well-attended by devotees from various parts of KZN, from Gauteng and Cape Town. It was also attended by well-wishers, donors, patrons and members of sister organisations. The event celebrated the 132nd Birth Anniversary of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda in conjunction with the Platinum Jubilee of the Society. It also marked the culmination of the chanting of the 41-day Sri Hanuman Chalisa.

Many readers would know that it was in 1949 that the Master instructed Pujya Swami Sahajananda to start a branch of Divine Life Society in South Africa. In the 58 glorious years under his silent but dynamic leadership, Swamiji was able to fulfil the Master's divine wishes in all respects.

I must respect my body as it is sacred to me!

The Sunlit Path Workshop that was held at the Shree Veeraboga Cultural Centre in Tongaat on Thursday, 18 July 2019, was attended by 37 learners from Nkosibomvu Secondary, Fairbreeze Secondary, Seatides Combined and Tongaat Secondary. This is what learners wrote in their feedback slips:

  • I really learnt a lot from attending this workshop and therefore I will take all the information and share it with all. I will continue with the Sunlit Path Checklist.
  • The workshop has been very informative and helpful. It highlighted important solutions and ways to deal with things in life. It also helped differentiate right from wrong. It also gave me ways to deal with problems if I'm ever faced with it in life.
  • I feel that the first video and the programme helped to acknowledge my beliefs and thoughts regarding what is happening in society and showed me the way to cope with negative situations, using prayer. The second video provides me with information to cope with depression, alcohol, suicide and violence and not to be a victim of these.
  • My favourite one is about God; that He is testing us. If God gives us the problem, He will surely give us a solution.
  • I must respect my body as it is very sacred to me. I must abstain from activities that will make me lose my concentration.
  • I think that the Sunlit Path members should continue to share their wisdom with young minds throughout the community as it is an incredible way to demonstrate what is right.

Guru Purnima, the most auspicious day in the calendar of spiritual seekers, was celebrated the world over on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 to worship and offer gratitude and appreciation to the Spiritual Masters for their guidance, spiritual wisdom and enlightenment. It is the day when seekers take stock of themselves and very importantly make fresh resolves to aid them on the spiritual path. Devotees of Divine Life Society of South Africa assembled at 6am at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills, to pay homage and express their gratitude to our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, and Pujya Swami Sahajananda.

The Mahasamadhi Day Satsang of our Divine Master was observed on Sunday, 14 July at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills, attracting devotees from many parts of the province.

Our Divine Master Sri Swami Sivananda occupied his physical body for almost 76 years, and withdrew from it in 1963. For the last 56 years we have been paying homage to our beloved Master on this day, not only to observe this auspicious event but also to celebrate his great life here on Earth and appreciate the blessings that we have inherited from it. Our Master's life was truly a significant one and perhaps one that has altered the world itself. On this day, we are reminded of the words contained in a biography of our Master:

"For centuries, India has fostered thousands of mystics, Yogis and saints. But the story of Swami Sivananda, a spiritual stalwart of the 20th century, stands out as a unique, inspiring and absorbing one. This is the story of a God-man who, from being a doctor in the Malaysian rubber plantations, rose to become one of India's most revered spiritual leaders."

Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Gurudev Centenary 2025

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

Forthcoming Functions


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