Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

The Aryan Hall in Raisthorpe, Pietermaritzburg, was the venue for the Society’s Centenary Celebrations hosted by the Pietermaritzburg Branch on Saturday, 6 July 2024. Approximately 550 devotees, well-wishers, donors and members of the public graced the function, that began at 7am and concluded at around 3pm.

There were three sessions. Session one was from 7 to 9am, and comprised chanting, Pranayama, meditation and Havan. The second session, comprising Ganga Arati and Satsang, was from 9.30am to 12.40pm. The third session, a cultural programme, commenced at 1pm and concluded around 3pm.

The soulful chants of sacred Mantras and Ganga Arati were a beautiful prelude to the Satsang programme. The concept of Ganga Arati, was perhaps new to many, and afforded them the opportunity to pay obeisance to Mother Ganga.

The Satsang programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, a message from the Society, a play, “People versus Sivananda”, and a children’s item, “Gurudev Says”. 

The message from the Society focused on the reasons for the Centenary Celebrations, Sri Swami Sivananda’s teachings and legacies, and the enormous work of Divine Life Society of South Africa under the leadership of its Spiritual Head, Sri Swami Sahajananda. The message also gave pertinent advice on Mantra chanting, the importance of attendance at Satsangs and the benefits of prayer. The children’s item, “Gurudev Says”, done to the accompaniment of nursery rhymes, brought to the fore the Master’s lofty teachings in a simple and entertaining manner.

One of the highlights of the Satsang programme was a court-room drama, “People versus Sivananda”. A court had to be convened because some of the critics of Sri Swami Sivananda leveled accusations, namely, breaking traditional rules, mass education on the sacred scriptures and kidnapping. Swami Sivananda was tried in abstentia. One of the complainants was a pundit who complained that Swami Sivananda had made sacred texts available to all castes, the masses, and even in English. He complained further that Swami Sivananda told people that they could chant Mantras and know God, that sacred Mantras can also be written, that he is a strong proponent of Karma Yoga. He tells people that an ounce of practice equals a ton of theory. People don’t want to do any more rituals. They give their money to the Swami. Shopkeepers are complaining because the Swami has opened an alms house. The pundit’s income has also dropped drastically. A doctor testified that the Swami has recently started eye camps and her company has seen a serious reduction in profits. A father testified that the Swami kidnapped his son who had joined Swami Sivananda’s Ashram. 

For the defence, various persons testified. Some said that the Swami taught them yogic exercises which improved their lives. Children from a prayer circle in New York also testified in favour of the Swami and sang the glories of Swami Sivananda. They began singing Swamiji’s songs in their own tunes. A grandmother testified that Swami Sivananda, stayed up all night at her house, attending to her.  She was of the view that doctors usually do not do this, as they provide medication, charge fees and leave. Another testified that the Swami carried him on his back when he was sick. To him, the Swami was Narayana himself. A young woman testified that she became an unmarried mother and everyone rejected her. She was destitute and on the verge of suicide. Then this divine father took her in, gave her shelter, and saved her life. After the birth of her baby, the Swami found a family to care for the baby. To her, the Swami was God in disguise. A young man who was turned down by the air force, contemplated suicide, when a voice said to him, “Don’t do that. You are meant for greater things”. That voice belonged to Swami Sivananda. The man was A. P. J. Abdul Khalam, a nuclear scientist and past President of India. A school-teacher who lived a normal life, testified that he came across a book, The Practice of Karma Yoga by Swami Sivananda, which changed his life, resulting in him following the path of renunciation. He further attested that through the Grace of the Swami, projects that uplifted the poor were undertaken, and that the poor are fed daily. Thousands of children now have a chance in life because of him. He further said, “Kidnapping, accusing him of kidnapping? How fortunate that father is, how lucky is that child to be in my Master’s arms. Today, even if parents have 3 or 4 children, they want them all to be barristers and doctors. Can’t they see that even this is a form of vanity? How glorious are his methods! To take care of our bodies, he teaches us the secrets of good eating, exercise and Ayurveda! Likhit Japa helps us with concentration and meditation. The more we use the Divine Name, the quicker the Name will come to us in our time of need. I am told that the doctors are complaining of a loss of income. Would these doctors take in persons who are living on the streets, unwashed, diseased, lepers that the world has thrown away? Their own families have thrown them away, but my Master will take them in. I am his always. Srinivasan …. Sahajananda”.

Finally, a man in blue appeared nonchalantly, saying, “To this Swami. My very own Sivananda. He has made all of my books famous. He has made all of my books easy to read and understand… and so practical…. Surely you have heard of my books, my lord. There are many. The Ramayana, the Mahabharata. I am sure you have heard of them. I see that you are using one of them - that's my Bhagavad Gita”. Upon enquiring of his name, the man replied, “M.M Giridhari… Murali Manohar Giridhari”.

Surprised, that the man n blue was indeed the Lord, the judge says, “How dare I judge this, Swami Sivananda? Did I not just have Darshan of the Lord because of him? Not guilty! Not guilty!”.

The day’s programme after lunch comprised an array of cultural items. Sri Kugendran Moonsamy, a renowned vocalist who was trained in India, enthralled the audience. He was accompanied by Parusha Naidoo on the tabla, and Sivanesan Naidoo on the harmonium and keyboard. The Sai Baba Foundation of Pietermaritzburg rendered beautiful Kirtans and Bhajans. In addition, the Ved Dharam Sabha and Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa, both of Pietermaritzburg, made their love offerings of Kirtans, Bhajans and musical items. The large number in the audience appreciated the mellifluous music, rendered with love, devotion and professionalism. 

The Pietermaritzburg Branch is complimented on a well-organised function, befitting the Centenary Celebrations of the Society. The enormous preparations, well-crafted programmes, attention to detail, sumptuous breakfast, lunch Prasad, afternoon refreshments, and warm hospitality are greatly appreciated. Devotees have done Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda proud.

Divine Life Society of South Africa hosted its 8th major celebration this year, as part of its Centenary Celebrations in 2024 and 2025. Approximately 550 devotees, well-wishers, donors and members of the public attended the Society’s Centenary Celebrations hosted by our Kharwastan Branch on Sunday, 30 June 2024 at the Kharwastan Temple Hall. The day’s programme comprised a Havan at 8am, Ganga Arati at 9.30am and Satsang from 10am until 12.15pm. Coincidentally, the Branch also celebrated its 70th Anniversary since its inception.

The soulful chants of Vedic Mantras during the Havan created a deeply spiritual ambience, befitting such a sacred occasion. Our senior Rishikumars participated in the Havan, which was conducted by three of the Ashram’s Pundits. Ganga Arati, a unique and novel experience for many in Kharwastan, brought the glory of Mother Ganga to this part of South Africa – perhaps for the first time! 

The Satsang programme comprised a Ramayana Recital, Kirtans, Bhajans, a message from the Society, two dance items, children’s, youth and adult items based on Sri Swami Sivananda’s teachings, and two short plays.

The message from the Society outlined the reasons for the Centenary Celebrations, namely, the 100th Anniversary of Sri Swami Sivananda’s Sannyas on 1st June 2024. His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati was ordained as a monk and a Sannyasin on 1 June 1924. His spiritual aura spread across India and the world. The 75th Anniversary of the Society, which was established in 1949, is also celebrated. The South African chapter of Divine Life Society of South Africa was formed by Sri Swami Sivananda with Swami Sahajananda as the Secretary. Pujya Swami Sahajananda led the Society to glorious heights, making Divine Life Society of South Africa a major Hindu organisation in South Africa, with 8 Ashrams and 18 Branches and Prayer Groups in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Western Cape. We also celebrate Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s 100th Birth Anniversary in 2025. This trilogy of events marks the Society’s Centenary Celebrations.

The message further highlighted the greatness and contributions of Sri Swami Sivananda, evident in the following, “Sri Swami Sivananda is an enlightened sage and Jagat Guru, revered amongst the great modern saints in Hinduism. The most salient feature of his life is that he authored in excess of 250 books on all aspects of Hinduism, bringing the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads to the world in the English medium, so that even a child could read and imbibe them”. 

The message also focused on the importance of Satsang and prayer. “We encourage all to take advantage of weekly Satsangs at this Branch, and encourage all parents and grandparents to send their children to Sunday Schools and Satsangs at temples and Ashrams in their vicinity so that children may be equipped to face the challenges of life. It is up to each and every one of us to ensure that Hinduism is kept alive, and that we have our glorious Hindu Dharma to pass onto the next generation. We note that there is a positive regeneration of Hinduism around the globe and we encourage all to become practising Hindus, even if you just repeat the Divine Name daily for a few minutes every morning and evening. It can’t get any simpler! In the midst of the very hectic lives that we lead, we encourage all to choose any one Mantra that one may have an affinity for, and to chant it day and night. A short Mantra like Om Sri Ram or Om Namah Shivaya may be repeated. Children can be taught this Mantra as well. It should be chanted before going to bed, on awakening, and especially when leaving home. We also encourage you to learn and recite the Sri Hanuman Chalisa which has tremendous power and benefits”. 

The Spiritual Darlings of the Branch presented two plays, focusing on the themes of gratitude and compassion. The profound messages were communicated in an entertaining and simple manner. “Gurudev Says”, highlighting Sri Swami Sivananda’s profound teachings, was presented by children in the age group, 4 to 10 years. Their innocence, simplicity and enthusiasm were greatly appreciated by the audience. Youth girls and adult females highlighted the Master’s cardinal teachings in the item, “Take a Packet of Grace Home Today”. Indeed, the essence of some of the topics, namely: Sadhana, Satsang, Prayer, Brahmacharya, Integral Yoga, and Mantra Chanting left indelible impressions on many. Kashmira Bhajan’s two dance items, offerings to our Divine Master and the Deities, were conducted with distinction, beauty and grace. Her first dance, Ganesh Stuti, composed by Saint Tulsidas, was an offering to Lord Ganesha. The second dance, Saraswathi Stuti, was an offering to Mother Sarsawathi.

A local radio station, “Sunrise FM”, was positioned outside the venue and broadcast religious music and interviews. Two of the Society’s officials were interviewed, focusing on the Society’s Centenary Celebrations, the lives, legacies and teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda, and the message of Divine Life. 

The Kharwastan Branch also celebrates its 70th Anniversary this year. The Society acknowledged the great devotion and loyalty of devotees; from the founder members, many of whom worked closely with Pujya Swami Sahajananda, and the continued Guru Bhakti of the current officials and devotees of this Branch. 

The excellent standard of organisation, the attention to detail, the quiet dignity with which all activities unfolded, and the warmth and hospitality of the Kharwastan Branch are deeply acknowledged and highly appreciated. The Branch has upheld the lofty standards of the Society and must be complimented on an excellent function.


Divine Life Society of South Africa opened its most recent Ashram, this being in Gauteng. Sivanandashram, Sandton, located at 73 Parkville Place, Buccleuch, was opened on Sunday 9 June 2024. This is the eight Ashram of Divine Life Society of South Africa. The opening coincided with the Society's Centenary Celebrations, commemorating the 100th Sannyas Anniversary of Sri Swami Sivananda on 1 June 2024, the 75th Anniversary of Divine Life Society of South Africa in 2024, and Pujya Swami Sahajananda's 100th Birth Anniversary in 2025. The day's programme comprised a Havan at 8am, consecration of Ganga Rani, a march past by the Spiritual Darlings around the Ashram campus, Ganga Arati at 9.30am and Satsang at 10am. The Satsang Programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, a message from the Society, a play, a children's item paying tribute to Sri Swami Sivananda, the official opening of the Ashram, Pujya Swami Sahajananda's audio message, an address by the Deputy Consul General of India in Johannesburg, and group dances.

The chants of sacred Mantras during the Havan by the Ashram's priests reverberated and created a soulful ambience befitting the occasion. The newly erected Ganga Rani was thereafter consecrated with Mantra Chants to the pouring of Ganga Jal. Ganga Arati will hereafter be conducted daily at the Ashram, indeed a unique practice in this part of the world!
Sivanandashram, Sandton, the culmination of more than a decade's planning, is indeed a majestic building in the busy metropolis of Gauteng. It will fulfil an important role in the lives of Hindus in Gauteng, for we hope that many will attend the Satsangs, Yoga Camps, programmes and Hindu Festivals here, and continue to lead a Divine Life. This is indeed a physical manifestation of our Master's and Pujya Swami Sahajananda's Grace. No doubt, the words of the Spiritual Head of Divine Life Society of South Africa, Sri Swami Sahajananda, find resonance in this regard. He said, "We are not tired of reiterating that the formation, growth and present status of Divine Life Society of South Africa is due entirely to the Grace of our Master, Sri Swami Sivananda".

Divine Life Society of South Africa celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the Society and the 19th Anniversary of Sivananda Ghat on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. Ganga Arati commenced at 5.30pm followed by Satsang. The Satsang programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, an audio message by Pujya Swami Sahajananda and readings.

Sri Swami Sivananda, founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, India, sent four letters to Sri V. Sri Srinivasan Naidoo to open a Divine Life Society Branch in South Africa. The first letter (undocumented) was in 1949 The second letter was sent on 18 October 1949, the third on 11 November 1949, and the fourth on 5 June 1951. The latter three letters, which are documented, contained direct instructions from the Divine Master to Sri Srinivasan, later to be known as Pujya Swami Sahajananda. Divine Life Society of South Africa thus celebrates its anniversary on 3 days, namely 18 October, 11 November and 5 June. These and other letters were methodically kept by Pujya Swamiji. Below are excerpts from the letter dated 5 June 1951, read at the Satsang.

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Gurudev Centenary 2024

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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