Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Written by Swami Sahajananda, Divine Life Society, Durban, South Africa


Here is an entertaining and educational play of how one youth got rid of his TV.

Scene: The lounge of Mr Softiwalla's home. Mr T.V. is anxiously awaiting Gopala, the son of Mr Softiwalla, who has gone to attend a discourse given by Swamiji. Gopala enters, humming the tune of "Apadbandhava Narayana".

Mr TV: Come, my sweet slave. Come with that enchanting zombie look! I have some good news for you. Because you have great love and devotion to me, I have decided to give you the title "Addictananda".

Gopala simply walks past, without so much as giving Mr TV a sideways glance. He pauses at the exit.

Gopala: Wait, blockhead! I'll deal with you just now.

Exit Gopala

Mr TV: What has come over him now? He is behaving rather strangely. He seems to be possessed by some good spirit. If that is the case, I am surely doomed.

Gopala returns. With his left hand on his hip, he raises his right fist at Mr TV.

Gopala: I am not your slave anymore, Mr TV. Those days are over. I will be soon busy with my Sri Ram Mantra, and afterwards I shall be helping Daddy in the garden. (He wags his finger at Mr TV.) So Mr TV, kindly keep your eyes closed and your big mouth shut!

With that he switches off Mr TV.

Mr TV: O my Lord! What is this world coming to? If you behave like this Gopala you will surely go to the dogs.

Gopala: Nearly right, blockhead. Not dogs, but Gods. I am going to God now. I'm through with you. You are not my boss anymore. I am your boss now.

Mr TV: Oh no!

It is evening. Mr TV is sitting in the corner gloomily. Enter Mr Softiwalla, father of Gopala.

Mr TV: O Mr Softiwalla! I have been waiting all afternoon for you. You have been very good to me, Mr Softiwalla. I have been happy as long as you have been soft with Gopala. It was you who allowed him to sit in front of me for hours on end, neglecting his school lessons and deprived of exercise. It was the long hours in front of me that has given him his beautiful zombie look. This afternoon, however, he was very rude to me, Mr Softiwalla.

Mr Softiwalla: Why, what was the problem, Mr TV ?

Mr TV: He actually showed me his fist in a threatening manner, Mr Softiwalla. What a cheek! What an insult! And this, after giving him the beautiful title "Addictananda"! I am very much afraid of him now, Mr Softiwalla.

Mr Softiwalla: What makes you think in that manner, Mr TV.

Mr TV: You know what these modern children are like, Mr Softiwalla. With all the hypertension in the world today, he could smash me to pieces in no time. My life is in great danger in this house, Mr Softiwalla. Is this what I get for all the good times I gave Gopala?

Mr TV bursts out crying.

Mr Softiwalla: You have a lot of poison in your system, Mr TV. You are spilling this out and spoiling the atmosphere. You need a very strong divine drug to put you right.

Mr TV: Please, Mr Softiwalla, if you give me such a drug, make sure it does not have any side effects! Oh! I feel so insulted, humiliated and disgusted. I just can't take it any more. I feel so depressed that I have a good mind to jump into the Ganga with a concrete slab tied to my neck.

MR TV bursts out sobbing again.

Mr Softiwalla: Yes, that might do you some good. It is said that anyone taking a dip in the Ganga is destined to have a better birth. Maybe you will be reborn as a more evolved TV, who knows?

Mr TV: What does that mean, Mr Softiwalla?

Mr Softiwalla: It means that you may then devote more of your time to showing God's wondrous creation through His beautiful landscapes and waterfalls, sweet-smelling flowers and colourful birds. His majestic animals, like the sinewy tiger and the fleet-footed cheetah, also proclaim His glory and majesty. You may even give up your bad habit of playing out disco music and violent scenes, which attract evil forces. You can then give more attention to singing the praises and glories of the Lord.

With that Mr Softiwalla picks up another box labelled, FRAGILE, DELIVER DIRECT TO THE GANGA, and walks towards Mr TV.

Mr TV: Oh! You, too, Mr Softiwalla. How can you let me down like this? Henceforth you should be called "Hardywalla", not "Softiwalla".

Terrified, Mr TV flees. He is last seen with his suitcases packed, heading in the direction of the North Pole-who knows, perhaps to drown himself in the North Sea instead of the Ganga, to avoid disgracing the TV world!

Spiritual Darlings attending the Yoga Camp have to give up television completely or view the same for not more than one and half hours every week. They are advised not to view undesirable scenes, like violence, love scenes, sex, etc. Many Spiritual Darlings and adults have completely given up television.

In July 1997, when the Guru Purnima Celebration took place, more than 300 children and adults took a pledge not to indulge in viewing television. To date, 951 children and adults have pledged not to watch television. Certificates were presented to them. Everyone is aware of the havoc television is causing although it has some benefits. Parents of children who have given up television have reported of the positive results that have been noticed at home and also with regard to the performance of the children in their studies. 


1. Keep the picture of Gurudev Swami Sivananda, your Guru if you are following a particular Master, or any Deity, like Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Siva, etc. at the front door of your home. Before you leave home for school, bow to the Lord and ask for protection. When you return from school, bow again and offer thanks to the Guru or to God for protecting you.

2. Spiritual Darlings of the Divine Life Society from Standard 4 upwards take the vow of Brahmacharya at the monthly Yoga Camp.

3. All other boys and girls can also take the vow. Take a bath, wear clean clothes and take the vow before the picture of your Guru or any Deity. Renew the vow daily. Promise the Guru or your Deity that you will not break the vow before marriage.

4. Any boy or girl who wishes to take the vow may complete the Brahmacharya Form at the bottom of this page and send it to Divine Life Society, addressed to Swami Sahajananda. This will be the most beautiful gift that one can offer to God.

5. Lord Rama, who was God Himself taking birth on earth, set the best example for us. When He left on exile, His father, King Dasaratha, mourned bitterly, saying, "Worn out with His study of the Vedas, His observance of the Brahmacharya vow, His service of His Gurus, my son, at the moment when enjoyment should be his, is to suffer further privations." What a glorious example the Lord set for us, even though He was married to Sita. Sita herself was peerless in her purity and chastity.

6. The Bhagavata predicted many thousands of years ago the conditions that will prevail in this present age-Kali Yuga. These predictions are now being published in Western journals. The present conduct of husbands and wives, of parents and children, of employers and employees, was predicted in this scripture. The holy Bhagavata specifically mentioned that addiction to carnal pleasures-and not water and other accidents-will be the main cause of pain and suffering in this age.

When we see the behaviour of males and females, of young boys and girls, and witness all that appears on TV and in the media, we cannot but fully agree with the prediction. To help us in our present state of acute suffering, the all-merciful Lord has provided us with numerous spiritual institutions, temples, Ashrams and other facilities. He has provided us with any amount of inspiring spiritual literature. Many Mahatmas have come out of seclusion and are taking the message of hope to the very homes of the people. We no longer have to seek them out for Darshan and solace; they are coming to us themselves.

7. After Dhanwantari had taught all the details about Ayurveda, his disciples enquired the key-note of this science. The Master replied: "I tell you that Brahmacharya is truly a precious jewel; it is the one most effective medicine to destroy diseases, decay and death. For attaining brightness, peace, memory, knowledge, health and vision of God, one should observe Brahmacharya. It is the highest Dharma. It is the greatest strength. Saluting Brahmacharya first, the cases beyond cure, I cure. Aye, Brahmacharya can undo all inauspicious signs."

If at any time you find yourself being overcome by the lower impulses for some reason, or are tempted by others, follow these instructions:

1. Do not remain alone. Be in the company of a trusted friend, your parent or your teacher.

2. Practise a few rounds of breath control.

3. Chant some sacred syllable or the Divine Name loudly several times. Spiritual Darlings of the Divine Life Society repeat the all-powerful Sri Ram Mantra or call for Gurudev Sivananda by using the formula: Gurudev, please protect me, Gurudev. Choose any Mantra or sacred syllable and repeat it during times of temptation or danger.

4. Run fast for some distance. Play some vigorous games. Practise the Yoga postures. A refreshing cold bath or shower will invigorate you at once.

5. Ask: "To whom does this desire belong?" Feel that you are not the body and mind but the Soul.

6. Pray to God or to your Guru for strength and protection. Sing some elevating Kirtans or Bhajans.

7. Feel the Presence of God within you.

8. Engage yourself in the study of some elevating religious literature.

9. Pray to God with feeling: "O Sweet Lord, I am your child. At this moment of temptation, kindly protect me. Save me. Give me strength to overcome this difficulty. I surrender myself entirely to you." If you pray thus, then God or your Guru will at once come to your aid and you will come out of the temptation with flying colours. As Spiritual Darlings are pure and innocent, God will readily listen to their prayer.

10. Open your heart to your teacher or parents. Your teacher and your parents are your immediate guides and well-wishers. You will get instant relief if you do so. You will feel light at heart. Do not feel shy. Do not feel nervous. Pray to God for courage.

11. All girls should get into the habit of repeating the Sri Ram Mantra or any other Mantra or formula given by their Guru as many times as possible during the day. If they do this practice regularly and with faith and concentration, in time to come a powerful aura will develop around them. Saints can see this aura. If an intruder confronts them, the powerful aura will act as a protection and will immediately throw the assailant back. In times of danger girls should at once repeat the Mantra and call for God's protection. If they develop this power, they will know that they are not as weak as others think they are. Remember that God's unfailing divine power is the only power in the whole world that never fails. You cannot have the physical presence of your parents, guardians and friends at all times, but you can have the glorious divine protection of God at every moment of your life, even when physically alone. Always make use of it for your safety and strength.


The Sex Urge 

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, India, was one of the greatest occultists of recent times. Here is what she says about the sex urge:

There are also lots of little entities, quite repugnant, in very large numbers, which originate from that wretched sexual desire. If this desire-with its corresponding entities-is not dissolved at the time of death, these entities continue to exist and they come and settle in the atmosphere of sensitive persons to goad them, to egg them on. These entities feed upon the vital force emanated at the time of the act and naturally, their only desire is to get as much nourishment as they can. I have seen people enringed by dozens of these beings. It is a concrete thing.

I don't know if you have heard of Maurice Magre, the writer who had come here (Sri Aurobindo Ashram). He says in one of his books that people who have a strong sexual instinct are surrounded by a swarm of these small beings, who plague them to satisfy themselves, to feed upon the vital force. He knew the thing quite well; he had observed it. Even those who are tormented very often feel that the impulse comes from outside-it arouses something in them, but they feel that the excitation actually comes from outside, and there are hundreds of thousands of them, for unfortunately it is one of the greatest difficulties of mankind, it is a terrible slavery.

* The above article entitled: The Sex Urge has been reproduced with the permission of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. 

What are the benefits derived by taking the vow of Brahmacharya and preserving the most precious semen in the body?

1. You will have a wonderful memory, like that of some great saints. You will perform well in your school lessons as you will be able to remember facts well.

2. You will have strong will-power. You will walk like a king or queen. You will find it easy to turn a deaf ear to the taunts of others and will not succumb to peer pressure. You will have the strength to say "no" when friends tempt you to do wrong things.

3. You will have a strong, healthy body which will not fall a prey to diseases easily. It will be able to ward off diseases.

4. Your nervous system will be strong. You will not be afraid of anything. Even if an intruder appears before you, you will not fear. There will be no fear of darkness, thieves or thugs.

5. You will have a charming personality. Brahma Tejas will shine in your face due to practice of Brahmacharya. You will attract people. Physical beauty is nothing compared to the beauty in one who practises Brahmacharya. We see this in the case of saints, how like a magnet they attract people.

6. You will always progress on the path of virtue and towards God. More love for God will develop in your heart, as also more love for all those around you. You will enjoy peace of mind and bliss. Your habits will be pure and noble. You will lead a rich and fruitful life. You will love all, and all will love you in return. All those who come in contact with you will be influenced by your radiant personality.

7. When you take up any kind of work in later life your earning capacity will be high as you will have good concentration and application to your work due to practice of Brahmacharya. You will be able to achieve more in much less time than others.

8. Once the semen or vital force is lost, it will not be easy to recoup the same. Saints say that the semen that is preserved is taken up to the brain where it is stored. Great personalities utilise this stored up power, called Ojas Shakti, for high and noble purposes, like seeking God, for art and music, for serving the poor and needy, etc. Saints accomplish great things mainly through the power of the Ojas Shakti. The Ojas Shakti is indeed a marvellous power.

Gurudev Swami Sivananda had a wonderful memory. During the first year of his medical career he could answer the fifth year papers. Many years later, when he became a well-known saint and lived in his Ashram in Rishikesh, he exercised his great memory power to the astonishment of visitors and inmates of the Ashram. Hundreds of names and addresses of his disciples and devotees living all over the world were lodged in his memory. All this was due to the power of his Brahmacharya. 

Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Gurudev Centenary 2025

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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