Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Divine Life Society of South Africa observed the auspicious Varalakshmi Vratam on Friday, 16 August 2024 at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills. Ganga Arati commenced at 5.30pm, followed by Satsang. The programme comprised Kirtans and Bhajans, an audio recording of the Lakshmi Arati and a reading from Hindu Fasts and Festivals by Sri Swami Sivananda.

The Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda says that the Vedas describe Mother Lakshmi as the Goddess of riches, and that God now manifests in the form of wealth. Mother Lakshmi provides us with both material and spiritual wealth. On the spiritual path, we pray to Mother Lakshmi for the divine spiritual wealth of God. The Master adds that Mother Lakshmi also gives joy, makes life on earth bearable, and that without Her, life on earth would be a journey of pain and suffering. This is evident in the reading from Hindu Fasts and Festivals, when the Master says, “Mother Lakshmi not only bestows wealth and all sorts of material prosperity, but also imparts divine wisdom to all Her devotees. She is Vidya Shakti. She introduces Her devotees to Her Lord. She recommends them to Her Lord for their salvation.

“She is the power of Lord Narayana, who is also known as Lord Vishnu or Lord Hari. Narayana is the Lord’s aspect of preservation. He is the embodiment of Shuddha Sattwa. Lakshmi is His causal body. She is Maya, the illusory power of Nature. She protects the whole world with Her protecting power, and deludes everyone with Her veiling power. She Herself as Vidya Lakshmi enlightens the spiritual aspirant. Beauty, Grace, a picturesque scenery or a charming landscape, modesty, love, prosperity, music, the five elements and their combinations, the internal organs, mind, Prana, intellect – all these are Her manifestations.

“Without the Grace and blessings of Lakshmi even Sannyasins cannot engage in the work of propaganda or preaching or run their institutions. They are in fact more in need of Her Grace than the householders, because they have to do intense, dynamic work for the humanweal. Sri Shankara worshipped Devi, Lakshmi and Saraswati for the attainment of success in his work. All the great prophets and divine messengers who have done great spiritual work in the past, were devotees of Mother Lakshmi, Devi and Saraswati”.

Both our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda impressed upon devotees to aspire for higher qualities, beyond material pursuits. The Master has given us relevant instructions through his cardinal teachings of “Serve, love, give, purify, meditate and realise”. Sri Swami Sivananda explains that the higher nature of the Mother is really spiritual wealth – a pure heart, sweetness of manners, behaviour, speech and service to the Guru. We should therefore pray to Mother Lakshmi to grant us all divine spiritual wealth instead of material gifts and wealth. 

In the article, “Worship of the Divine Mother”, Sri Swami Sivananda says, “Lakshmi does not mean more material wealth like gold, cattle, etc. All kinds of prosperity, glory, magnificence, joy, exaltation, greatness, come under the Grace of Goddess Lakshmi. Sri Appayya Dikshitar calls even final liberation as ‘Moksha-Samrajya Lakshmi’. Hence worship of Lakshmi means the worship of Divinity, the power that dissolves multiplicity in unity. The worship of Devi is therefore the explanation of the entire process of spiritual Sadhana in all its aspects”.

May Mother Lakshmii bless us all with spiritual illumination, material and spiritual wealth.

Divine Life Society of South Africa celebrated Sri Swami Sivananda’s 137th Birth Anniversary, together with the culmination of the 41-Day recital of the Sri Hanuman Chalisa, at Sivananda International Cultural Centre (SICC), La Mercy, on Sunday, 8 September 2024. 

The Society launched the 41-Day recital of the Sri Hanuman Chalisa, 11 times daily, on Tuesday, 30 July 2024. The final recital was at 6am on 8 September 2024, followed by a Havan. Approximately 750 devotees, well-wishers, donors and members of the public attended the final recital. 3 Busloads of devotees and visitors from Stanger and Pietermaritzburg also attended this session. The soulful recital was followed by Havan. The reverberant, vibrant chanting of Mantras, filled the prayer hall and the entire SICC precincts with peace, calmness and divinity, setting the scene for a spiritual day ahead.

Ganga Arati commenced at 8am in Bhagirathi. The cascading water feature, with the mellifluous sound of Mother Ganga gurgling happily down Bhagirathi, was indeed a unique sight, as hundreds took Darshan of Mother Ganga. Notably, this was the first exposure to Ganga Arati for many who visited the Ashram for the first time.

By 9am, further busloads of devotees and visitors arrived from Howick and Tongaat. There were scores of mini-buses, more than 1 200 cars, and over 2 000 persons in attendance on this day. The ambience and scene on the stadium were glorious sights to experience and behold. The march-past, a lap-of-honour for Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda, for their bountiful spiritual, ethical, moral and material gifts to us all, was resplendent with joy, beauty and spiritual splendour. Leading the march, in a beautiful float, were about 40 Spiritual Darlings (children) dressed as Deities. The march of the faithful is a testament to spiritual renewal, and to the power of Guru Bhakti, faith and devotion. When the crowd, comprising branches and sister organisations marched onto the stadium in the name of Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda, to the singing of our Marching Kirtans, the divine ambience was literally electrifying.  It was evident that the devotees’ footsteps were the heart beats of the faithful, marching together in common purpose, finding strength in numbers and solace in the embrace of our Divine Master and Pujya Swamiji. The march of children, elderly, mothers with babies, senior citizens, religious and faithful, was a journey of each soul. When faithful and pious devotees march with devotion, the heavens and the Gods rejoice. Indeed, Gurudev, Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda rejoiced!

Satsang commenced at 9.45am. The programme comprised Kirtans and Bhajans, Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s audio message, a message from the Society, a reading of Sri Swami Sivananda’s reminisces, the release of our Service Activities’ Brochure and a Yoga Asanas’ DVD, the launch of the 2025 calendar, an address by the guest- speaker and our unique Sivananda Gymnastic Drill Displays. 

Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s audio message focused on Gurudev’s all-encompassing, compassionate and benevolent nature. He said, “Gurudev was none other than God himself, because God Himself comes down to the level of man and serves man, and Gurudev was like that”. In his assurance to Pujya Swamiji, Gurudev said, “I am ever at thy back. I am ever ready to serve thee”.  This is the assurance from God Himself. All that we have to do is to surrender unconditionally and turn to Gurudev.  We have to offer our problems to the Guru and have faith in order to progress spiritually. A potent statement by Pujya Swamiji is, “Before we ask, we must deserve”. He further indicated that we will also be severely tested on the spiritual path.  “If you have difficulty in your spiritual life, it’s an indication that God feels that you have possibilities for a higher life”. We should therefore welcome difficulties and transcend them. Indeed, very profound advice from Pujya Swamiji to ardent seekers and us all.

The message from the Society paid tribute to Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda, and exhorted us to re-dedicate ourselves to the Divine Mission and the high ideals that Sri Gurudev and Pujya Swamiji set, so as to grow spiritually. The following quote captures the essence of the message, “We are proud of the high standards set by the devotees in attendance at Satsangs and Yoga Camps, in their personal Sadhana and Karma Yoga, etc, and in upholding the values and ethos of harmony, loyalty, dedication and Guru Bhakti as laid down by Pujya Swamiji. We are reminded of what Sri Gurudev expected of us, when he said, ‘Avataras will come at special times of stress and strife. Perhaps the birth of an Avatara is imminent. But now we should take on the duties of an Avatara. In fact, all the saints of today are Amsa-Avatars, and we are all their helpers. We should ourselves feel that the divine spark is in us and work hard. Each of you should do what an Avatara would do. Then the divine spark in you will burst forth into a conflagration’”.

The guest speaker, Smt Tashmica Sharma, an academic at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, delivered her keynote address in her capacity as Vice-president of the Shree Sanathan Dharma Sabha of South Africa. (She is also an executive member of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha). She paid high tribute to the teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda, and the life and legacy of Pujya Swami Sahajananda. This is evident in, “The Society’s dedicated approach to both spiritual and secular education has ignited a sacred pathway out of darkness, towards the Light (Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya) through the four Ashramas of our life-times: Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (hermit), and Sannyasa (renunciation) – where we are guided from darkness to light by the spiritual knowledge of Swamiji’s teachings disseminated by the Divine Life Society of South Africa”.

She continued, “In Kaliyuga, the decline of morality and righteousness is the darkness. This darkness in post-pandemic South Africa is associated with corruption, violence, inequality, and poverty, which threaten to envelop our nation and overwhelm the struggle for justice and righteousness, eroding the democratic freedoms for which many made the ultimate sacrifice. Giving and voluntarism (Dana) are an essential component of Hindu society, dating back to 1 500BC, cited in the Rigveda (Rigveda, X.117). The Society has continued to demonstrate the principles of generosity, hospitality, philanthropy, and charity, which are major hallmarks of Hinduism as enshrined in the Vedas”.  

The Society also released its Service Activities’ Brochure as part of the Centenary Celebrations, commemorating the 50th Anniversary since Pujya Swami Sahajananda launched our poverty alleviation programme, by building classrooms, schools, creches, a hospital, early childhood learning centres, hydroponic gardens, housing and other programmes. To date, the Society has completed 684 such projects. A special Yoga Asana DVD was also released. Senior devotees, who are instrumental in our projects, Yoga Asana practices, and who worked closely with Pujya Swami Sahajananda, were given the honour of doing these releases. 

The timeless beauty of our Sivananda Gymnastic Drill Displays enthralled the congregation. Conceptualised and introduced by Pujya Swami Sahajananda in 1997, the drill has become popular, and instils great Bhakti in the participants and the viewers alike. The drill is performed to the melodious and soothing Ram Bhajans, Ram Siyapati Ram and Bhajale Ram, which were selected by Pujya Swamiji.  The movements were also choreographed and directed by our beloved Pujya Swamiji. The participants derive multiple benefits, namely, improved focus and concentration, discipline, physical fitness, team spirit, ability to follow a single command, ability to work harmoniously in a group, and the wonderful opportunity to make a beautiful offering of love to our Divine Master on his Birth Anniversary during our Centenary Celebrations.

Dignitaries on the day included representatives of various sister-organisations and NGOs.

The Birth Anniversary Celebrations’ programme, interspersed with the recital of the Sri Hanuman Chalisa, Havan, Ganga Arati, marching, Deity parade, melodious Kirtans and Bhajans, drill displays, talks and messages, appealed to all tastes and inclinations. All benefited and felt enriched. Indeed, as explained by Sri Swami Sivananda, the collective spiritual energy of Satsang has tremendous power, and can bring about profound healing, peace, individual and collective transformation. No doubt, this day quenched our thirsts to a great extent. The Master’s words on the Power of Prayer, found practical implementation on this day when so many attended. We are confident that all left the celebrations feeling elevated, and enriched in body, mind and spirit, for as Sri Gurudev said, “Prayer elevates the mind. It fills the mind with purity. It is associated with the praise of God. It keeps the mind in tune with God. Prayer can reach a realm where reason dares not enter. It can take you to the Spiritual Realm or Kingdom of God”. 

Is there any better way to celebrate Sri Swami Sivananda’s 137th Birth Anniversary?


The Society celebrated the most auspicious Sri Krishna Janmashtami at Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills, as well as at all Sivanandashrams on Monday, 26 August 2024. At Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills, Ganga Arati commenced at 5.30pm followed by Satsang which concluded at midnight. The programme included Kirtans, Bhajans, readings, an audio message by Pujya Swami Sahajananda, a DVD entitled, Wisdom of Sivananda, guest artistes, readings on the significance of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s Bhajans on Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita recitals and the cradle Bhajan, Jaya Nandalala. The evening’s Satsang was indeed spiritually elevating and a veritable spiritual feast.

Sri Krishna Janmashtami, one of the greatest of Hindu festivals, is the birthday of Lord Krishna, the eighth Divine Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.  Sri Swami Sivananda in the book, Hindu Fasts and Festivals states, “Lord Krishna appeared when the moon entered the house of Vrishabha at the constellation of the star Rohini, on Wednesday, the 8th day of the second fortnight of the month of Sravana. According to the Barshaspatyamana, this corresponds to the month of Bhadrapada Krishnapaksha, in the year of Visvavasu, 5172 years ago (from 1945) which means 3227 B.C”. Calculations in 1945 indicated that the year of Lord Krishna’s birth was 3227 B.C. As at 2024, Sri Krishna’s appearance calculates to 5251 years ago.

Describing Lord Krishna’s appearance, Sri Swami Sivananda, in the book, Hindu Fasts and Festivals, says, “Though Lord Krishna appeared in a human body, He had a divine body, which was not composed of the five elements. He did not take birth in the usual sense of the term. He did not die. He merely appeared and disappeared through His Yoga Maya, as He has said in the Gita. This is a secret known only to His devotees and to Yogis and sages”.

Explaining the nature of the Lord and the reasons for His appearance, Sri Swami Sivananda continues, “Sri Krishna played various roles during His stay in the world. He was the charioteer of Arjuna. He was an excellent statesman. He was a master musician; He gave lessons even to Narada in the art of playing the veenaThe music of His flute thrilled the hearts of His devotees and the Gopis. He was a cowherd in Gokul and Brindavan. He exhibited miraculous powers even as a child. He killed many demons. He revealed His Cosmic Form to His mother, Yashoda. He performed the Rasa Lila, the secret of which can only be understood by devotees like Narada, Gauranga, Radha and the Gopis. He taught the supreme truths of Yoga, Bhakti and Vedanta to Arjuna and Uddhava. He mastered the sixty-four fine arts in sixty-four days. For all these reasons, He is regarded as a full and complete manifes­tation of God.

“Incarnations of God appear for special reasons and under special circumstances. Whenever there is the prevalence of much unrighteousness, and confusion and disorder set in on account of unrighteousness and hamper the well-ordered progress of mankind, whenever the balance of human society is upset by ruthless and cruel beings, whenever irreligion is prevalent on a large scale, whenever the foundations of social organisations are undermined, then the Lord Himself incarnates in order to re-establish righteous­ness and restore peace”.

In the reading, “Uddhava’s Departure”, in response to Uddhava’s question about devotional methods, Lord Krishna gave him an elaborate account of those practices which are open to all. The Lord said, “There are many ways in which I may be worshipped, O Uddhava, but the safe rule is to offer everything to Me as I have already told you. But if you still wish to offer something particular, remember that whatever is offered with love I will gladly accept. Be it a leaf, a flower, some fruit or even water, if offered with love I will be immensely pleased. The best Puja is that which is done without any desires, for then I Myself will decide what is best for the devotee. At the end of the Puja, if you renounce the sense of doer-ship and offer your very soul to Me then the Puja will purify you”.

When Uddhava, who shared a close bond with the Lord, had to depart for Badrinath, expressed immense sadness as he had to be separated from the Lord. The Lord, understanding his predicament, said, “Dearer to Me than My sons, dearer to Me than My consorts are you, O Uddhava, for you are the shining example of the Jnana-Bhakta. You have fettered Me to yourself with the bonds of your intense love, yet the time has now come for our bodies to part for they are made of the five elements and must return to them. So go, my faithful friend, and do as I have instructed you”. Such indeed is the love of an ardent devotee for the Lord. 

This theme is again exemplified in the play reading, “Krishna’s Jewels” written by Sri Swami Sivananda. Kala the robber obtained the Lord’s Darshan and vision because of his intense desire to see the Lord, although his intention was to rob the Lord and Balarama of their jewels. 

Pujya Swami Sahajananda in his audio message on Mantra chanting, explained its potency and the value of the repetition of the Divine Name. Regularity and consistency are essential. Pujya Swamiji said that all saints are unanimous in one thing, that is to take the Divine Name, to chant one’s Mantra, and that the Divine Name is the easiest, quickest and surest way to approach God in this Kali Yuga. He explained further that as the aspirant progresses in Sadhana, one may see images and hear sounds. However, one should be steadfast in Sadhana and repeat the Divine Name continuously. He quoted Lord Krishna, saying, “He attains Me easily who remembers Me constantly”.  Pujya Swamiji said that there is no difference between God and His Name, and that “the moment you repeat His Name you are in contact with God”.  Explaining the power of the Mantra, Pujya Swamiji said that every word and every Mantra has vibrations, just as each has a form. We cannot see the vibration of the Mantra with our physical eyes, but we can do so with our inner eyes. He continued to explain, “People have got Siddhis in these Mantras. And this power that is in the Mantra is locked up in it, like the tree is locked in the seed”. Pujya Swamiji gives clear guidelines on the practice of Sadhana and meditation, and how to surmount difficulties in Sadhana. He advises that one should not give up on Sadhana nor change one’s Mantra irrespective of the physical conditions and challenges, for Mantra chanting “forms deep Samskaras in the mind”. Pujya Swamiji himself experienced challenges in his early spiritual practices, when he sat on the floor between beds and shoes and practised his Sadhana. 

The DVD “Wisdom of Sivananda” focused on the divinity of the soul, immortality of the Atman and the need for a life of divinity. One should surrender and offer everything to God, unconditionally. We should take refuge in the Lord alone and He will liberate us. The message was followed by the melodious “Song of Bliss” by Sri Gurudev. 

Guest artiste, Rory Booth, a senior student of the Kala Darshan Institute of Indian Classical Music and Dance under the tutelage of Guru Shri Manesh Maharaj, presented two dance items dedicated to Lord Krishna. His excellent performances, dexterity of movements, grace and elegance, enthralled all. Sri Shenese Naicker, an accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer, made her offering to the Lord with beauty, grace, dexterity and Bhav. The offering by Raegan Nagan, a young Carnatic singer, brought to the fore the intricacies of the beautiful and melodic art form of Carnatic singing and music. The inspiring and soul-stirring recitation of Bhagavad Gita Slokas with meanings by our Rishikumaris, Kirtans and Bhajans, a video on Lord Krishna, Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s beautifully recorded songs on Lord Krishna, and the cradle Bhajan, Jaya Nandala, complemented the evening’s celebration, and satiated the spiritual appetite of devotees on this auspicious occasion. 

May the Grace and blessings of Lord Krishna and our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, be upon us always.

Divine Life Society of South Africa had its 10th Centenary Celebrations’ programme on Saturday, 10 August 2024. Our Shallcross Branch hosted the Celebrations at the Everest Primary School in Shallcross. Hundreds of devotees, donors, well-wishers and members of the public attended the spiritually elevating Havan and Satsang. 

The day’s programme comprised a Havan at 8am, Ganga Arati at 9.30am and Satsang at 10am. 

The soulful chants of sacred Mantras during the Havan by the Ashram’s priests reverberated and created a beautiful ambience befitting the occasion. Ganga Arati, conducted possibly for the first time in Shallcross, was a unique and novel experience for many. Indeed, Pujya Swami Sahajananda has brought the sacred Mother Ganga to South Africa, into our cities and towns, into our homes, and now even into one of our schools. A marvel of a concept indeed!

The Satsang Programme comprised Kirtans, Bhajans, a message from the Society, a children’s item, entitled, “Sri Gurudev Says”, a conversation on Sri Swami Sivananda’s cardinal teachings, an address by the principal of the school and a dance. The Song of Salutations, a tribute to Sri Swami Sivananda, was done with decorum and sincerity by the Spiritual Darlings, whose innocence, eloquence and Bhav were overwhelming.

The message from the Society focused on the glory of Hinduism, Sri Swami Sivananda’s life of ascetism and renunciation, his contributions to the world, and Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s enormous contributions to South Africa in the fields of religion, poverty alleviation, nation-building and education. The message also stressed the importance of Satsang, Mantra chanting and moral and spiritual values. The principal of Everest Primary School, Mr Anash Singh, expressed profound appreciation and gratitude to the Society for its contributions to the school, through renovations and infrastructure upgrades. He emphasised the need for a spiritual lifestyle, and expressed the hope that his school will benefit from the strong spiritual vibrations of the Satsang and the weekly Satsangs held by the Shallcross Branch at his school. Meena Mothilall, a Radio Hindvani personality, recited Slokas of the Ramayana. The beautiful chants and the English translations, were done with dignity and decorum. Evident also, was participation in the chants by the congregation. Tuhina Asharam, a Bharathanatyam dancer, gave a beautiful dance offering (Jathiswaram) on this auspicious occasion.

The Shallcross Branch mothers brought forth some of the teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda, in the item, “Take a Packet of Grace Home Today”. Some of the topics covered were Sadhana, meditation, prayer and Satsang. The Master explained that Sadhana is any spiritual practice, and advised that we be serious about our Sadhana for maximum benefit. Let us choose our own methods, be it chanting of the Divine Name, attending Satsangs, meditation, Japa or Karma Yoga. He says, “Stern self-discipline is absolutely essential…. The spiritual path is rugged, thorny, and precipitous. The thorns must be weeded out with patience and perseverance. Some of the thorns are internal; some are external. Lust, greed, wrath, delusion and vanity are internal thorns”.

In respect of meditation, Sri Swami Sivananda says that through meditation, the mind is focused, purified and strengthened. “All worldly thoughts are shut out from the mind. It is filled or saturated with divine thoughts, divine glory and the Divine Presence….It makes the approach to God easier”. Some of the benefits of meditation are: it takes us to God, enhances focus and concentration, increases feelings of compassion, empathy and kindness, supports personal and spiritual growth and reduces stress. The Master says that meditation is an absolute necessity in spiritual practices. On prayer, Sri Swami Sivananda says, “Prayer can reach a realm where reason dares not enter. It can take you to the spiritual realm or kingdom of God. It frees the devotee from the fear of death. It brings him nearer to God and makes him feel his essential, immortal and blissful nature”. He explained further that the power of Prayer is indescribable. “Sincere devotees only realise its usefulness and splendour….. Do not argue about the efficacy of Prayer. You will be deluded.” He says that we should pray and wait, and the rewards are sure to come. The Master explained that Satsang is the association with holy company seeking spiritual growth. Satsang is about being in the company of those who support and inspire one’s spiritual journey, helping one to connect with one’s inner Self. The following is a summary of the benefits of Satsang, according to Sri Swami Sivananda:

•    It is the easiest and quickest means to take us towards God.

•    Satsang elevates the mind and fills it with Sattva or purity.

•    It forces one to lead a divine life. 

•    The company of a saint or holy people helps eradicate undesirable negative qualities and defects. 

•    Satsang is the greatest of all purifiers of man. We should all regularly engage in Satsang for spiritual sustenance, protection, peace and prosperity.

An array of stalls graced the fore-court of the school. Book stalls, stalls displaying Centenary Celebrations’ memorabilia, souvenirs and gifts, and a Sunlit Path Schools’ stall, with free literature providing coping strategies for social ills such as drug addiction, alcoholism, suicidal tendencies and related ills, were also available. The beautifully decorated gardens of the school with Sri Swami Sivananda’s quotations and pictures, were informative, educational, and an impressive sight to behold.

Many stalwarts of the Society hail from the Shallcross Branch. We are confident that its members, through their dedication and Guru Bhakti, will be a beacon of hope for many seeking solace, peace and contentment through prayer, through their weekly Satsang and the Society’s programmes.  

We thank all officials and devotees, donors, well-wishers and devotees of our Shallcross Branch, and wish them every success in bringing the message of Divine Life to the people of Shallcross, and pray that Sri Gurudev’s and Pujya Swami Sahajananda’s Grace and blessings be upon them. May the Shallcross Branch continue to propagate the life, teachings and legacies of Sri Gurudev and Pujya Swamiji for years to come.

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