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Report on Sunlit Path Programme in Pietermaritzburg

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The Sunlit Path Programme in Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg on 17 April 2015, was a great success.  Two hundred and fifty six learners (256) from the following ten schools attended: Arthur Blaxall, Carter High, Raisethorpe Secondary, Woodlands Secondary, EPS Secondary, Northbury Park Secondary, Kharina Secondary, Eastwood Secondary, Haythorne Secondary and Silver Heights Secondary. We are indeed extremely pleased to report that 215 learners (83.98%) heeded our call to fill in the pledge to try to stay away from drugs and other social ills.

The feedback from the learners was so professional. They were generally well disciplined and were ready to participate when called upon to do so.

During the breakaway session, one of our learners confessed that he was doing drugs.  He admitted that he needs help badly and is willing to receive it. He also said that he appreciates that we are trying to help. He was even nearly arrested, but he has deep faith and wants to change. He signed the pledge form showing intent to 'kick the habit'.

The aim of the Sunlit Path Programme is to encourage learners to tread a spiritual path, to turn to God for assistance at all times and to enjoy peace and bliss. This will enable them to meet all the challenges of life.  Sri Swami Sahajananda, Spiritual Head of Divine Life Society and founder of the Sunlit Club in his inaugural message in 2006 wrote, "Due to my Master's Grace, after many years, I now experience a kind of unbroken peace, a peace that one can enjoy amidst all kinds of problems, tribulations, turmoils, etc. Sometimes this peace is broken but it does not happen very often. It will take a long time for this peace to get established." This is our aspiration to enjoy peace amidst all kinds of problems and we want to pass this onto the learners.

The theme of the Sunlit Club, "God is my Guide" was reinforced throughout the workshop. During the two sessions on silent sitting we called upon learners to bring the peace of God into their entire body. It is this peace that will help them in times of danger. It was gratifying to observe that learners were receptive to this powerful thought and in our report back sessions, they gave thanks to God and said, "In God all things are possible".

We express our deep gratitude to devotees of the Pietermaritzburg Branch of Divine Life Society for their sterling efforts to ensure that everything went off smoothly. We thank the Management of Raisethorpe Arya Samaj for their generosity in allowing us the free use of the hall and its facilities. Sincere thanks to all principals and parents for allowing learners to attend this workshop. And, once again, we are grateful to the Department of Education for granting permission to organize this workshop.

It is our fervent hope that schools will use the material provided to organize similar workshops in their respective schools so that these virtues are inculcated on an ongoing basis in an effort to rid schools of the scourge of drug addiction and other social ills.

If evil thoughts harass the mind, one of the best methods of overcoming them is to ignore them. How can we ignore evil thoughts? This can be done by thinking about something else, something pure, sublime and inspiring. This method is very effective in getting mastery of our mind.

- Sri Swami Sivananda

Last modified on Tuesday, 23 June 2015 07:37
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