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Letter to Donors

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Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Revered Donors,

Om Sri Ram. Salutations and loving adorations.

It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge your loyal support of the service activities of the Society that were initiated by our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda. By the Grace of the Master, the Society has completed 574 projects comprising schools, crèches, Peace and Skills' Training Centres, housing, a Frail Care Centre, clinics, a mini-hospital, and other self-help projects. The Sivananda Press has released numerous publications, DVDs and CDs since the launch of the Centenary Publications in June 2016. Our much-needed daily school feeding and grocery hamper distribution programmes continue unabated. The Sivananda Sewing School project, which was initiated by Pujya Swami Sahajananda in August 2004, as part of the Society's poverty alleviation project, reached a milestone in September 2018, when its 10 000th graduate qualified. This year, more than 500 learners have been exposed to the Sivananda Sunlit Path Programmes where they resolved to try to stay away from drug addiction and other social ills. This programme was also successfully presented at the 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions, in Toronto, Canada in November 2018. All these programmes and service activities' projects are possible through your kind support.

We are pleased to report that we are launching a subscription service for our Divine Life magazine. This service will ensure that, at a cost of R100, we will post the four editions of Divine Life that we print on a yearly basis. This subscription will require annual renewal. Please contact the Ashram (Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills on (031) 262-2314; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), for a copy of the subscription form Please scan and email your completed form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fax to (031) 262-3248. The form is also available online, please click HERE to access the form. For any queries, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Kindly note, that donors who receive this magazine twice a year, need not subscribe, as they will continue to receive the magazines.

The Centenary publication, Yoga for Health, which was released on 10 July 2018, focuses on Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and the Yoga of Meditation. As you may know, Yoga is a practical system of self-culture. It is an exact science based on ancient Yogic principles. Research by eminent scientists have confirmed that these practices contribute to the mental and physical well-being of practitioners. The versatile genius that Swami Sivananda is, he took pains to provide detailed notes for the serious seeker on these three important aspects of Yoga. Worthy of mention, is the fact that this publication was popular at the Parliament of the World's Religions, especially amongst Americans.

Another much-awaited centenary publication, taken from our Yoga Lessons for Children, Ramayana For Children, will be released shortly. This publication, which was edited by Sri Swami Sahajananda, is written in captivating and simple conversational style and contains sketches of some of the important events in the Ramayana.

As the year draws to a close, we pray for those who were confronted by serious challenges and send prayerful thoughts of comfort for their strength and courage. We conclude by sharing two profound thoughts based on the teachings of our Divine Master, to carry you into the New Year: If you give happiness, cheer and joy to others, you yourself will receive in return, happiness, cheer and joy. For your own peace of mind, try first to understand, then to be understood. May the festive season bring in its trail, peace, joy and happiness to all. May 2019 usher in moments of joy that will be treasured by you.

With regards, Prem and Om,

Divine Life Society of S. A.

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