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COVID-19 Humanitarian Relief Initiatives

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As the world and South Africa try to contain and eradicate the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, Divine Life Society of South Africa undertook the following humanitarian initiatives and made contributions to selected institutions doing sterling work during the pandemic:

1. KING DINUZULU HOSPITAL which erected the Sivananda King Dinuzulu Screening Centre for patients attending the hospital. Divine Life Society of South Africa partnered with Divine Health Forum on this initiative.

2. DISTRIBUTION OF 2500 GROCERY HAMPERS, each valued at approximately R300 to deserving families, temples, civic and Hindu organisations.

3. DOLPHIN COAST HOSPICE ASSOCIATION that provides free palliative and home- based care to terminally ill patients in the Illembe District. Food hampers were distributed by the Hospice to families.

4. ARYAN BENEVOLENT HOME (ABH) that takes care of approximately 700 indigent persons, the aged and destitute.

5. GIFT OF THE GIVERS which set up Covid - 19 testing stations across South Africa

6. UNICEF SOUTH AFRICA which promotes the rights and well-being of children. Unicef SA built hand-washing stations in informal settlements.

7. SPCA AND PUG RESCUE which looks after the welfare of animals. It reportedthat the worst case scenario for the SPCA if the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, will be the association closing its doors to new intake and euthanizing animals.

8. THE DENNIS HURLEY FOUNDATION which coordinated multi religious relief efforts for the homeless in Durban.

9. FACE MASK DISTRIBUTION: More than 2000 cloth face masks were distributed via our grocery hamper distribution and to members of the public using the Sivananda Ghat during the pandemic.

We are grateful to all devotees and well-wishers who are contributing towards the above mentioned initiatives.

"Serve the sick and needy through a service-oriented institution. If you take up some useful activity for the good of others, you will have no time to think about yourself. Losing oneself in selfless service is one of the most dynamic methods of overcoming depression. If you give cheer, joy and happiness to others, you yourself will receive cheer,joy and happiness in return." – Solving the problems of Kali Yuga.

Last modified on Wednesday, 06 May 2020 13:22
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