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Report: Parliament of the World's Religions

Published in News & Reports
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The Parliament of the World's Religions which took place in Toronto, Canada, from 1-7 November, was represented by 220 faiths and about 8 000 delegates. The delegation from Divine Life Society of S.A. presented a successful workshop entitled, "Eradicating the Universal Scourge of Drug Addiction and other Social Ills: A Spiritual Solution". The workshop was well attended with one attendee making detailed notes while the workshop was in progress. Another individual, who also attended our practice session, said that the workshop had its desired impact on him. He asked for a copy of the pledge form and the checklist, used in our Sunlit Path Programme.

Parl 18 2The main thrust of our mission is the dissemination of our Master's spiritual literature, which was taken by delegates who came from many parts of the world. Our book exhibition booth attracted attention for its visual appeal. The display of our Master's shrine, the Society's service activities relayed on the television screen, as well as Bhajans and Kirtans (which were made available on USB), together with the effective lighting effects on our book display stands, drew many people to our booth. Several donors and purchasers of books made use of our PayPal payment system. As the conference progressed, interest in our latest publication Yoga for Health grew day by day with delegates from the U.S.A. purchasing the most number of copies.

The team was fortunate to attend many Satsangs at various Hindu institutions and homes where our bookswere readily accepted. One such institution evinced a keen interest in the Society's service activities and offered to assist in this regard.

We express our profound gratitude to our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda and Pujya Swami Sahajananda for the opportunity to take the Master's teachings to all parts of the globe. There is no doubt that the Master's writings and teachings have had a profound impact on all who visited the Society's bookstall, bought books and also on those who appreciated the teachings of the Master and the magnanimous work of Divine Life Society of South Africa.

Parl 18


Last modified on Sunday, 23 December 2018 10:07
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