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Report: Sunlit Path Programme - Greytown

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One hundred and twenty two learners from a total of 152 attendees (80.26%) signed the pledge form to try keep away from drugs and other social ills at a workshop held at the Greytown Community Hall on Friday, 22 April 2016. The four participating secondary schools were Buhlebuyeza, Cool air, Greytown High and Greytown Secondary.

After the opening prayer by learner Kaira Moodley of Greytown Secondary, Principal of Greytown High, Mr J.P. Scholtz delivered the welcome address: "Today may be a turning point in your life or the lives of others around you. I was told that this programme is not only for those who have problems with drugs, alcohol and other related problems, but it is also designed to prevent such problems occurring in your life.
"I myself can relate to these topics. I lost my best friend due to alcohol abuse. He started to drink at the end of his school career—at first only at parties. Then it became every weekend, and not long after that, he could not enjoy life without having a few beers.

"When he started to work, he would drink before he went on his night shifts. Later, he would drink on the job. He met the most fantastic girl and his drinking calmed down a bit. However, they had many arguments and she broke the relationship several times. He kept promising her that he would stop, but he was already a slave of alcohol. She fell pregnant and they had to get married. When his daughter was born, she was a Down's syndrome baby—ascribed to his alcohol abuse. He had to suffer seeing her grow up with so many difficulties and he blamed himself for her disability. He again began drinking and the latest I heard was that his wife left him. Everybody left him except his problem —ALCOHOL. My advice is —DON'T START.

"We who are present here today have a role to play—not only in our own lives but in the lives of our friends and family. We welcome the Divine Life Society team to Greytown and we look forward to their life-changing advice."

After the presentation on the overview of the programme, and readings on self-control, TV, drugs and alcohol, there was a lively group discussion based on these talks. Here is one response from Lynn Grant of Greytown High, encapsulating the essence of the discussion at her table, "We are happy to know that there is a natural law, God's Law. The Law of Cause and Effect teaches us not to sow carrots and expect radishes. We learned to plant good actions so that we will become children of God. We must stay close to God. But how? By calling unto Him and reading His word! As far as TV is concerned, let us be careful how we choose our programmes. We know also that we are affected by the company we keep. Bad company influences us badly. When we behave promiscuously there is something missing—Love! Instead of love there is lust. I think we've learnt a lot today. Thank you to Divine Life Society."

The silent sitting after the break, helped learners to re-focus and to be energised!

In the talk on Depression and suicide, our presenters gave details of the causes of depression and provided practical suggestions to overcome them. They took pains to mention that suicide is the second leading cause of death, after accidents among teenagers today. In their presentation, one of the Divine Life Society youth said, "I have heard that one who commits suicide undergoes great misery after death also. Furthermore, it is said that the soul of such a person has to roam about as a ghost for a long time. Hence, under no circumstance should one resort of his most thoughtless and rash action of suicide."

Our Programme Director invited learners to share their experiences and the house was moved by the experiences of learners who spoke from heart. One learner said that he used to smoke and take drugs and the situation was so serious that he had to go for treatment. He is sober now for the last 3 to 4 weeks. He urged learners who are in a similar plight to go for such treatment. Another learner said that she would like to share her sad story with us. She lost her father who did everything for her before he died. He also introduced her to her mother. The loss of her father made her very depressed and she started drinking and smoking. She even stole her mother's money and also withdrew money from her mother's bank account to buy drugs and alcohol. "This programme impressed me a lot and I am going to change my life", she said. A third learner said eloquently at the outset that he does not drink or smoke but he would like to advise learners not to spend their time smoking in the toilets. "You should concentrate on your studies and be someone good in life. If you have depression there should be no reason to take drugs or try to commit suicide. You should go to your priest for help, otherwise you soul will not be a peace." Inspiring words indeed!

An important part of the workshop was to fill in the Sunlit Path Pledge Form. Our presenter gave a detailed explanation of the Check List and the pledge form. It is a personal pact with God, he said. Each pledge is a step towards God. If you take one step towards God, He will take one hundred steps towards you. It is better to try and fail than fail to try (to fill the pledge form). To try requires courage, to fail to try is an act of cowardice. He said, "Using the Check List, work on that part of you that people don't like. Be regular! Do not give way to laziness! There is a lifetime guarantee that you will become a better person!"

80.26% of the learners took his advice and signed the pledge form. They will become members of the Sunlit Club and receive a certificate and a free supply of our quarterly magazine, "Sunlit Club" which provides valuable advice and guidelines.

The Sunlit Path song, "No Harm will come to you" was once again very popular. In times of danger, your friends may not be there to help you, your parents may not be there to help you, your teachers may not be there to help you but God is always there, watching and will come to your assistance if your call on Him sincerely.

In the summation many questions were taken from the floor and answered by facilitators. Our presenter concluded with the following story. "A man was once lost in a forest. He struggled through the thick undergrowth as the sun was setting and it was getting dark. The he heard a booming voice: Bend down and pick up the stones you find and tomorrow you will be both happy and sad. He did as the voice commanded. He then made his way to a huge tree, rested his head against the trunk of the tree and was soon fast asleep. The next morning, as the first rays of the sun filtered through the canopy of leaves, he reached into his pocket. He was filled with joy when he saw that they were diamonds but was sad that he hadn't picked up more."

Safe to say that the learners from Greytown picked up a mountain of stones which they will turn into diamonds. They will be rich and happy at heart if they heed all the advice given to them.

For the success of this workshop we express our heartfelt gratitude to the following:

• The management of Greytown Community Centre for the free use of the hall and its facilities.
• Divine Life Society of South Africa (Northdale Branch) for providing meals and refreshments, for the sound system, for setting up the hall and the stage decor! Their spirit of hospitality, initiative and "finishiative" is deeply appreciated. "Finishiative" is a word coined by Sri Swami Sahajananda.
• Mr J.P. Scholtz, principal of Greytown High School for his welcome address, his encouragement and for sacrificing a busy schedule at school to be with us for the entire duration of the programme.
• Principals of schools for allowing learners to be exposed to the Sunlit Path Programme.
• The Department of Education for granting permission to conduct this workshop during school hours.

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 08:59
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