Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya
Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda
Productions of Divine Life Society of South Africa
All prices excludes postage costs, which will be available upon enquiry.
Those wishing to learn the Bhajans and Kirtans were encouged by Swami Sahajananda to purchase the Audio CD's, and to listen to them while following the words from the Prayer Book. In this way, one is able to learn the Bhajans and Kirtans quickly and easily.
Volumes: 4
Donation (SA): R20
Foreign: $8
Short one page inspirational sayings of wisdom with colourful pictures of birds, animals, scenic wonders,etc.
Size: 15cmx20cm
Hard Cover: Pages: 405
Donation (SA): R500 per set
Foreign Price: $225 per set
1,400 Colour Pictures
Kindly Note: The above volumes are sold as a set and single volumes are not available.
A veritable encyclopaedia of 9 volumes, exhaustively covering the spectrum of Hinduism with 53 different topics on Yoga, etc. With over 1400 stunning multi-colour pictures of exotic birds, flowers, animals, scenic wonders, etc. these volumes are beautifully printed and bound. Here is a storehouse of ageless Hindu wisdom, an adventure in Yoga, made understandable for children from the age of 10 to 90! These volumes are also highly suitable for adults. Some foreigners have reported that they have understood Yoga and Hinduism more clearly by reading these volumes.
The most inspiring writings come directly from the lucid pen of the great Master of the 20th century, Sri Swami Sivananda, who was one of the most prolific contributors to world spiritual literature. The spectrum of subjects covered is amazing-a perfect answer to your search for a comprehensive, unbiased presentation of Hinduism.
Volume 1: Introduction to Hinduism, Hindu Scriptures, The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, Hindu Deities, Hindu Symbols
Volume 2: Hindu Fasts & Festivals, Religious History of India, Avataras, Gita: Discourses 1-6, Gita: Discourses 7-12, Gita: Discourses 13-18
Volume 3: Introduction to Yoga, Guru & Disciple, Ethical Teachings, Health, Diet & Fasting, Hatha Yoga, Karma & Reincarnation
Volume 4: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Japa Yoga, Raja Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga
Volume 5: Jnana Yoga or Vedanta, Conversations on Yoga, Satsang & Prayer, Pranayama, Concentration
Volume 6: How to Develop Memory, Developing Will-Power, Thought Power, Mind & Its Mysteries, Brahmacharya, God-Vision
Volume 7: Faith & Self-Surrender, Ancient Rishis, Saints & Sages: Ancient, Saints & Sages: Modern, The Bhagavata, The Tirukkural
Volume 8: The Guru-Gita, Saivism, Siva & Shakti, Music & Dance, Siddhis & Miracles, Spiritual Diary, Indian Science
Volume 9: Pathway to Light (conversations between students and teachers), Sivananda's Integral Yoga, Swami Sivananda, Sivananda's Divine Life, Reverence for Life (Animal Stories)
Size: 17cm x12.5cm
Hard Cover: 240 pages
Donation (SA): R25 per volume
Foreign: $8 per volume
The above 4 volumes are beautifully illustrated with magnificent multi-colour pictures of birds and flowers. Each spread carries the colour picture on the left hand page and a short inspiring saying on the right. Each volume is preceded by a short biography of Sri Swami Sivananda. The instructions are extremely inspiring, simple to understand, practical in application and universal in outlook.
Size: 21cmx15cm
Hard Cover: 525 pages
Donation (SA): R60
Foreign: $20
A comprehensive biography of the Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, one of the foremost sages of modern India. The unique multi-faceted personality of the Master, his supernatural powers, his boundless love and compassion, his unparalleled charity, his enlightening spiritual literature, all these are beautifully portrayed in this large volume of 525 pages. The book is enhanced with many beautiful multi-colour pictures of exotic birds, flowers, animals, scenic wonders, etc. This most precious volume is sure to inspire and transform the hearts of all those who read it.